XXVII - the hallucinations

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"we should probably go back, Spencer"
I tell to Reid, he's motionless he can't believe what's happening, I turn my head to the right to look at him: his mouth is open with tears in his eyes, the light is very strong and illuminates his face with various shades of orange. A big fire breaks out, there's a strong smell of burning and someone is screaming.

Suddenly Reid shakes his head and runs away, running like I've never seen him do.

"Reid wait, it's too risky!" I yell at him, but he's already very far away and he's getting further and further away. so I decide to chase after him and stop him before he thinks something stupid.
the light guides me, the closer I get the more I feel the heat coming from there.

I stop in the woods, because I'm out of breath and I've also lost Reid, I feel lost when I feel a hand behind me touching my shoulder: it's Hotch.

"where's Reid?" I ask

"Emily and Morgan are already looking for him, you come with me" he puts a hand to help me get off the ground, even if I don't need it, I accept.

"follow me" he continues. he seems very calm, or rather, he looks like Hotch in every way. If a stranger meets Hotch for the first time, they surely think he has only one emotion: seriousness. he's always been a serious man, but never hard on his team, but Gideon's house is on fire right now it doesn't seem like the right way to approach the situation.

"I don't understand, which way are you going?"
I ask to him.

"just shut up and follow me" he continues.

"Hotch? are you ok?" I'm sure of this, a man like Aaron is very kind to people and especially to his team, which is like a second family. In all these years he has never answered me like that, maybe something strange is going on.

"the real question is: are YOU ok?" Hotch turns creepily, I stay still. Suddenly I feel a severe headache and my vision is blurry, I feel dizzy and I lean against a tree to keep myself upright.

it seems to be in dreams, indeed in nightmares, not the strange ones that make you jump up, but deja vu: immediately after you get a headache and you ask yourself "where have I already experienced this?" that's where. Morgan once told me they happen to him too, but they don't give him severe headaches. At first I think I passed out, I think about a dream I already had but I can't find anything that fits it.

my legs give out and I find myself on my knees on the ground, my left hand resting on a tree trunk. It seems like Hotch knew I wasn't well, but why? He's not a doctor, and if I was in trouble he would help me. Why is he standing there staring at me creepily?

suddenly my vision returns to normal, and I don't see the silhouette of Hotch, but that of a man, but I've already seen him, not in dreams, but in real life. He's the Sniper who burned Gideon's house and now I find out that when Reid was gone, the sniper was watching me and took the opportunity to drug me.

"Either the things you gave me are taking effect or I hear the voices of my team in the distance" while I'm talking I almost can't breathe and my vision gets blurred, he tells me that he hears the voices too, but no one will be able to find me since I'm in the middle of a huge wood in nowhere.

"I can hear footsteps from my right side, don't you hear them too?" I ask.
suddenly I see his look alarmed, he looks around, then picks up the phone and dials a number.
But I can all hear what he says.

"Cat, I did what you ask me to do, now I want what you promised."

i can't hear the answer, his phone is too far away

"yes, she's with me, I'll do what I can"
he hangs. I hear footsteps approaching and I also hear Prentiss's voice from a distance.

the sniper is disorganized: since my team is arriving here, he tries in every way to sow his tracks. He doesn't kill me, he doesn't give me anything else, he runs away.

I think I passed out in the meantime, I only hear the voices of Morgan and Prentiss calling for help. When I open my eyes I'm in the ambulance, with Morgan to my left and Prentiss to my right.

"Welcome back among us, star girl" Sometimes Morgan calls me with this nickname, by now I was getting used to "pretty girl".
I smile as soon as I see their faces, but it disappears after a while as a lot of questions start coming to my mind.

"What happened? Where are the others? And what about Gideon?" I ask to Morgan.

"Well, sit back and let us tell you everything that happened after you and Reid went into the woods..."

I've been busy this whole month, and now that I have a moment I was able to update this story that hasn't been going on since January. I'm not sure if I can go on this week but I think I can next week.
just let me know if you're enjoying it, if I should continue it or update more often.
Ik this chapter isn't that long but I need to divide this story into several chapters that make sense even with the title, so I try to break them in half (sorry for this).
Plus lately I've been watching criminal minds evolution 💃🏼 so I think i've been busy also for that (and I need to finish it lol)
see ya the next chapter


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