XII - the warehouse

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Reid is in danger again, why kidnap him? why not kidnap Rossi or me or someone else? It does not make sense. The team is profiling the stranger. Emily is writing on the transparent board and tagging pictures with tags. I gave Garcia my phone so she can track messages. We also called forensics to analyze the victim's blood. Scientists took a blood sample and built a kind of laboratory in the BAU. Under this tent I see about twenty scientists who are also looking for fingerprints on the photos.

Everyone is doing something: Emily and Rossi are profiling, Hotch, JJ and Morgan are going to Morgan's house with forensics to get more blood samples, in case the one on the walls of the house is blood. Meanwhile, I'm analyzing the blood samples with forensics. The first two years I worked at the BAU, I collaborated doing this and profiler at the same time. But now I only dedicate myself to profiling.

Just finished my work after an hour I go to help Garcia who is trying to trace the messages I received but the line is blocked and whoever the unsub is, he's very good at this stuff.

"Garcia can I take my phone? I should call Hotch." I say.
She nods and she gives me my phone, and I immediately call Hotch.

"Hotch, I was thinking that if we can call the unsub when you get back, I can talk, so it'll be easier for Garcia to track him down and maybe we can tell by his voice whether it's a man or a woman." I ask. I literally have his contact in front of my eyes so why not call him?

"of course, wait for us to call, we're on the street we're returning 5 minutes and we're there." he hangs up.
Meanwhile I go to Emily and Rossi who have glued some photos and material elements onto the transparent board.

In the top left they put a picture of an anonymous person with a question mark over it, under a sign that says unsub. Then the photos of Hotch and Jack, the photos Morgan took that got printed, the photos of me that he sent me, the Emily's and the bloody rose from the vase for JJ.

that written "rules" looks familiar to me, but I can't remember where I've already seen it the first time. Probably in some random case from a lot years ago. Perhaps it could be the same unsub from that period.

Hotch, JJ and Morgan just got back with some forensics. I see some glass vials filled with blood being carried into the large tent set up at the entrance to the floor shortly after the lift.

Hotch approves of my idea and asks all team members to meet at a desk, where we will call the unsub and I will speak to him personally.

Garcia brings his laptop to my desk. I sit on my table and Hotch behind me hands me the phone. They are all around me, I feel a little watched. Garcia is very focused: she must be able to find the line from which the call is coming.

the call is activated. after exactly four rings the unsub answers.

"Help, please help me whoever you are"
this sounds just like Reid's voice.

"Spencer, it's me" I reply.

"I'm so sorry y/n I can't help you" he says

"Why Spencer? Where are you?" I ask.

"I can't see, he must have put something in my eyes during the trip i only saw in the beginning i'm in a warehouse but I'm blind i can't see anything right now" he's crying, and the conversation is on speaker phone so everyone listened to what he just said.

suddenly another person picks up the phone.

"Is Agent Aaron Hotchner here?" a strangely altered voice asks. It's neither low nor too high-pitched, it sounds like the voices of some strange creatures from Star Wars, it almost makes me laugh.

"Yeah, it's me." Hotch says behind me.

"you have made many decisions in your life, the right one you made many years ago. Keep it up Aaron, you're the ruler now" hang up on the phone. I see he wasn't interested in talking to me, but to Hotch. I don't even understand why he used the word "ruler" he's just our boss but I don't praise him as a god.

" -ruler- ? " JJ asks to us.

"he sees you as governor or as king" Morgan says.

Hotch tries to understand but doesn't understand enough to speculate who the unsub might be.

Garcia manages to draw two possible warehouses in a huge triangle drawn on the map that includes Virginia and West Virginia.
One warehouse is located upstate and the other is located in West Virginia a little further south.
Both warehouses were abandoned between the 80s and 90s.

"perfect thanks Garcia. Me, Morgan and y/n will go to the furthest while the others will go to the closest." Hotch says and we rush to the lift.

"be careful please I want my boy wonder back" Garcia exclaims from my desk.

"I want it too" I say it to myself.

during the trip I only think about how Reid could stay in that warehouse without seeing with a stranger.

almost an hour has passed and the others have already arrived at the first warehouse. They also called in SWAT to search every corner as best they could.

We wait about twenty minutes then Morgan calls Emily to get some news about Reid.

"Prentiss, is Reid with you?" asks Morgan as he drives.

"negative, we checked everywhere but it's not there, you better hurry up it could be there." she says and Hotch asks Morgan to accelerate and overtake all the queue of cars in front of us. We turn on the sirens, sometimes I feel like throwing up, Derek takes too many turns and makes U-turns too fast, I'm in the back seat and I feel all these movements more than he does.

luckily that moment didn't last long, now we find ourselves in front of the warehouse with about twenty SWAT men sent to us by Garcia. We break down the main door, it's huge and made of iron. Like the walls inside. With my flashlight I illuminate some objects such as mousetraps, boxes, straw, dirt and mud scattered all over the floor.

Me, Morgan and Hotch split up: I continue straight, Hotch goes upstairs and Morgan looks into the other rooms, smaller than the one where we are now.
in the distance I see a shape lying on the floor.

I run to him and it's Reid, I check his pulse and he still seems alive. I yell at Modgan and Hotch to call the doctors. His hands are very cold, and there is no trace of the unknown around.

as soon as I grab his hand I feel a pressure on it. He's holding it and he's still alive.

"Over here!" I yell at the medics.

they are shining a flashlight on me to see better. I cover my eyes with my right hand, the light is too bright.
They take Reid out of the warehouse in an ambulance, I let go of his hand.

Morgan and Hotch come towards me, as Morgan pats me on the shoulder, Hotch lights up the wide open secondary door, from where the unsub came out.

It's not over yet, this will all end when we will capture the unknown.

I just want to say that I really like easter eggs and in this chapter there might be some too ;)
if you've come this far I'd like to thank you dear reader, but fortunately we're not even halfway through the story. :)

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