V - the accomplice

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I fainted. I hear only a distant noise: Reid's voice.

As soon as I wake up I'm in the hospital, I see many tubes attached to my arm, and lifting my t-shirt I notice a large wound on my right side, now stitched up.
Reid enters the room and sits next to me. He tells me that Morgan and Rossi had to go back and let Doyle go. We lost him again. I also asked him to go and call the rest of the team, they must know that he has an accomplice, and that it was his partner who shot me.

"Have you saw his face?" asks Reid

"No I couldn't, the bullet came from behind, it was the last thing i would have expected from Doyle" I say.

He nodded and he tells me that I did my best to catch him. They're gonna work on this case another time, until Doyle shows up at our door, like that night at the office.

Reid tells me I need to rest and it will take me a few days to get back to normal. Also, in the room across from me there's Hotch, so we can see each other, and the team will visit every day during these days off.
Before he leaves I throw him a little plastic jar of jelly, his favorite. he grabs it and thanks me, then he leaves the room. I've been staring at the ceiling for about twenty minutes when I see Morgan enter.
We talk for a bit and then he starts asking me specific questions.

"Do you remember what we ask the surviving victims to do?" he asks.

"We help them to remember what happened" I answer.

"Ok, now close your eyes. You're in the parking. It's cold and dark, you can only see the daylight from the exit far from you. You see Doyle, do you always keep your eyes on him or do you turn around?" he says.

"I always keep my eyes on him" I say.

"Good, now someone shoots you. Where are you and what do you see?" he continues.

"I'm on the ground lying on my back, I feel pain in my right side and blood on my clothes. I see the roof of the parking lot, it's dark gray and there are LEDs that light it up, even if it's daytime. I hear the sound of a vehicle probably a truck, someone running towards me and then nothing." I open my eyes, I feel a great pain on my right side, but Morgan says that I did a great job. He told me to sleep while they're going to investigate about Doyle.

"I don't think it's a good idea" I say.

"Why not? He killed our friend" he says, then I look at him with an unsure look on what he was saying.

"Even if we're not totally sure if he killed Emily, think about it: he shot Hotch, me and tried to kill Emily. He won't stop but your life, Rossi's, Garcia's and Spencer's are in danger." I continue. He nods saying that I'm right, but he won't stop until he sees both he and his accomplice dead.

"Goodnight y/n, I'll see you tomorrow" and then he leaves.
I'm just trying helping them, so I'm going to texting Garcia about it. She will tell the others and they're going to be safe for a while.

After a couple of hours she still hasn't replied to my message. I see she hasn't read it yet. Something is wrong and I see it since the last access on her phone exactly 3 hours ago when she left the hospital to go home.
I try to call her twice but the answering machine rings. So I immediately call Reid.

he answers after two rings and asks me what was wrong. I explain my theories and that Garcia is in danger. Doyle must have tracked her down after she got out of the hospital. This way we no longer have our analyst telling us where the unsub is.
Reid calls Morgan and I call Rossi to tell him to meet us at the hospital. Hotch is sleeping, even though it's nearly 9pm.
I try to get up, I detach all the tubes attached to my arm and try to get dressed in normal clothes.

I'm dressed like a doctor, so I can blend in like one. just around the corner I see a fairly familiar man who was asking a doctor for information. I immediately run to my room and lock it. I manage to peek through the door window. The man is dressed in a sweatshirt and black gloves, just like Doyle. but it's not him. As soon as I hear his voice I can remember hearing it before this morning. He's Doyle's accomplice. The man who tried to kill me this morning and who was in front of me until a few seconds ago, was unshaven, had short black hair that was longer than Doyle's, glasses and had a shoulder strap with a laptops. Doyle's accomplice was Kevin Lynch.

I've just dropped my first bomb of this story.
And believe me, there will be so much more in the future with other cases. ;)

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