XV - the chessboard | part two

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"let the games begin" she says she is excited but she says it with a certain calmness. She wants to see our white clothes fill with red blood.

"white pawn in the E2 square, move to E4" she says and the man obeys.

then, after 4 moves of 4 pawns, a man in our team shoots another pawn in the opposing team. I was scared to death, the man didn't hesitate for a second.

then she tells the other team's bishop to kill our pawn. the bishop is Hotch. He takes two steps diagonally, then looks down, he doesn't move. He raises his arm and draws his gun. Only now I notice that he is crying. He shoots him in the leg, the man is alive but wounded, the guards take him away from the chessboard leaving a trail of blood.

Elle approaches Hotch and whispers something in his ear.

I'm afraid she might call me to shoot someone or someone shoot me.

she calls Garcia and tells her to move to C3.

then she tells me to go to C6, in front of me I have an enemy pawn, he can't shoot me because checkers can move forward and can kill diagonally.

move by move calls other team members like rooks, knights and bishops, in the end there are only a few pawns left for each team, I didn't have to shoot anyone, but Prentiss and Morgan had to shoot a pawn and Morgan to an our knight.

"y/n, kill that pawn in D4" this is torture, I notice that our clothes are stained with blood, except mine, those of Reid, Garcia and JJ. But sooner or later everyone has to shoot someone.
I step forward, and I wait for almost 10 seconds, then I shoot the pawn in the chest.
I can't look at my friends, I feel guilty. now my dress is also full of blood just like Emily's.
the game goes on, after about 6 moves we all have shot at least once.

"bishop, kill rook on F5" for a moment I thought he wanted us to kill each other, like a massacre, then I see that the bishop of the other team is missing, it's not Hotch. The man approaches Rossi and shoots him in the leg.
Rossi falls right next to me wounded in the leg, I try to help him by plugging the wound with my long skirt, but Elle fires a bullet close to me meaning get away from him he'll be next to die.
the men carry him away still conscious, put him in one side of the room with the dead and wounded.

the others are shocked, Emily covers her mouth and Garcia starts crying.

"you're doing it to destroy us, to turn us against each other and to extinguish the BAU forever, isn't it?" I yell at Elle.

"I've always thought you were smart and I know that others intuited it earlier than you, only that they keep things like these to themselves and don't say them in front of the enemy." she says with her usual sadistic smile.
I ignore her knowing I'm right.

she orders Reid to kill our queen.
he hesitates for a second, because he's in a bit of a bad position. then he walks up and shoots him.

"y/n move to D3 and kill the rook." the rook is Reid.
I see the others shocked, scared, others don't know how to react, but I see Elle outside the chessboard having fun and giving another of her sadistic smiles.

"you can't do this to me" I say.

"are you refusing to shoot him? look, I can very well do it with both of you"

"you wouldn't do it, you would only do it with me because Reid has always been a very good friend to you, maybe you didn't see him just as a simple friend, but to kidnap him and photograph him several times you must have been really obsessed with him." I profile her, what I thought up to now I said out loud. Reid looks at me in surprise with tears in his eyes. Elle glares at me with one of her scariest looks.

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