XXV - jason

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We go back to our respective cars, I'm still with Hotch and JJ and we're heading back to Garcia. Morgan was calling to her as she sat behind the wheel, I heard a distant "hey baby girl" and I was sure Garcia was warned in time. as for my colleagues, besides Strauss, they all seemed a little shaken to me, certainly no one expected that the Elle affair was in any way connected to Gideon, but we have the feeling that it's a sort of list. Of all those names that have been mentioned, only Gideon and I are still alive, but why kill us? why me and Gideon and not someone else? There can always be a good chance that Jason, Hayley Hotchner, Roslyn Jareau, Ian Doyle and I have something in common, but what exactly?

I am immersed in my thoughts, while Hotch tries to talk to me, drives sitting next to me and calls me by name respectively.

"hey, y/n are you ok?" he says to me snapping his fingers in front of my eyes. I take my eyes off the landscape and look around me.

"what?" I wasn't listening, I was thinking about a connection between those victims and me, but my head isn't working hard enough.

"doesn't matter, what were you thinking about?" he continues.

"I was thinking about those people, me and Gideon. What if he's in danger? What if thanks to me I put you all in danger?" I explain to Hotch as JJ's listening to the conversation behind me.

"You don't have to worry about the last thing, about Gideon's, we're working on it." JJ reassures me.

"We'll talk to Garcia about it" concludes Hotch we nod and we continue the short journey in silence.

When we arrive we go up in the elevator, Hotch makes a very funny little run to keep the elevator open which is about to close. when the doors open we find Strauss pacing back and forth. I hate it when she does that, it even makes Hotch anxious.

"you're late, Garcia is waiting for you in the conference room with the agents Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi and Reid." she says.

"yeah, sorry ma'am there was some traffic" Hotch explains to Strauss.

"Don't tell lies Aaron, we took the same road and there was no traffic, now I don't want to fight but I want to save an old friend, hurry up!" it was clear since she almost yelled at the bank man that she was nervous but now she's very nervous and also angry. After all Gideon's life depends on us, so we run to the conference room where the others are discussing and Garcia is working on her computer.

"Garcia, try looking in the countryside, he liked the woods, nature, animals, especially birds, maybe he took refuge there to be closer to the things he loves the most, after the last one was taken away from him." Reid is talking to Garcia and she types something on the keyboard and then appears on the big screen behind her and in front of me, Hotch and JJ.

Morgan motions me to sit next to him, rolling the chair around, as the others take their places across the table, next to Garcia and Emily.
he hands me a sheet with all the memories the BAU has of Gideon, photos, letters, journals, whatever, contained in a box with "JASON GIDEON" written on it in black marker.
it was in Rossi's office, maybe it would have brought us to him somehow, I hope. I find a very nice photo that was taken about when Rossi and Jason were young and almost at my age. Rossi, on my left, explains that it all began in that room: the room where the Behavior Analysis Unit was founded.
the photo was also damaged at the edges, yellowed by time.
I find others, then I find his diaries, he also wrote about the cases we solved together. In those pages he wrote a lot about Reid, but also about me. I'm reading the last page of his version of an old case when Garcia exclaims something.

"I found him, but he's so far away from here, you should go now that's the address" Garcia says pointing to the map at the big screen.

"Penelope, you will come with us. You'd be useless at Quantico you come with us." Strauss establishes as she leaves the room.

"yes ma'am, thanks ma'am." she says in a low voice, nodding. Then she takes her laptop and heads for the door, then they all get up and go out. Only Reid and I remain in the room rearranging Gideon's photos and journals in the box.

"you know it would be safer for you to stay at home" he whispers in my ear.

"I know but I can't, we can't know when they will act" I answer whispering in his ear.

He nods and then he looks at me
"not here Spencer" I hear my voice in my head, it simply says to look on the table, where his fingers intertwine with mine. Then he snaps them off, looks out the window overlooking the desks of the office and sees the others gathering up their things and running towards the elevator.

"it's time to go" I whisper to him.

"I know" he looks a little sad, like he knows we're probably walking into a trap and this isn't going to end anytime soon.

"If it cheers you up, you can come to my house when it's all over" I ask him.

"I'd like to" he answers smiling at me, then he opens the door and we leave the room as if nothing had happened and we reach out to others.

We enter the elevator with the others. We are all 9 very attached, given the size of the lift it's already so much that I can breathe.

"ok, that's the plan: Me, Emily, Rossi and JJ will go in one SUV, Reid, Erin, Morgan, y/n and Garcia will go in the second, the sooner we leave the sooner he will be safe, let's talk on the phone, if it's necessary to divide us, do it but always go in two, we cannot know who or what we can find in the woods. good luck." Hotch explains the plan to us and then we split into our respective cars.

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Gideon in years, but something tells me it won't be easy to find him at all.

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