X - to hell

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It's been over a week since Doyle died before our eyes. The team is still in shock, myself included. We've only had two cases since we got back to work: one in Richmond and one in Oakland. they were both two white men kidnapping innocent women, two different men with the same goals.
We arrested them both and managed to save both victims. none of my team has been seriously injured these days, Hotch has recovered and Emily is working the BAU with us as if nothing happened.

I have noticed the change in Reid's behavior with JJ this week. after all, I'm angry with her too, but never as angry as Reid. I know he lied to us, but I should be even angrier at Hotch making this decision. but i'm not. Maybe I was able to forgive them both. Other than Morgan, he hasn't accepted Emily's death, and as surprised as he is to have her back with us, he doesn't seem happy enough. One evening on the jet after that stressful case in Richmond, I talked to him on the way home and asked him why he was still mad at Emily, even though it wasn't her fault. He explained that he was furious at Hotch and JJ but didn't show it, meanwhile he was starting to accept that they lied to the whole team.

I understood Derek. I also understood the reasons why Spencer was particularly angry with JJ. She consoled him when he mourned the loss of a friend. But deep down, JJ knew Emily was still alive. So why not tell us? Rossi always says we're like family, but I hate it when these secrets pit us against each other.

While I think back to what happened this week, I'm in my bed and I'm still sleeping when my cell phone, placed last night on the bedside table, starts ringing. It's Hotch.

"Hello?" I pick up the phone and I answer.

"Hi, it's me, sorry to wake you up, I know it's 4am, but we have a case in Seattle. I'm notifying the rest of the team, we'll meet in the conference room in 20 minutes." Hotch doesn't even give me time to answer and hangs up.

I get out of bed and get ready in about ten minutes, then I walk into the building and head to my floor.

I meet Reid in the elevator, with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Good morning" he says to me drinking his coffee.

"if you mean good morning at 4am then i prefer good night" I am very tired, I didn't expect the next case so soon, but after all, I happened to have a case even at 2am.
At my comment he smiles then reminds me of the time we went out to dinner with the team, when Gideon was still there, many years ago, and we finished dinner at 11pm, after half an hour when we get home we get the message to meet at the jet in 30 minutes that we have a case in San Francisco. I remember that night very well, because by the time we got to the jet Elle had been drinking a lot of wine and so slept through the ride, Morgan and Hotch had headaches while JJ slept through the ride. I played cards with Gideon and Spencer, then I fell asleep listening to Taylor Swift for over two hours. It was so funny I miss Gideon so much.

We get to our floor and sit down in the conference room where Garcia starts introducing us to the case. Rossi is not here yet.
After about ten minutes he runs into the room, he's well dressed and has a stupid smile on his face.

"whoa, where are you from wife number 4's house?" jokes Morgan.

"shhh, it must be a secret" he answers according to Morgan's game.

"I'm sorry to interrupt what you were doing, but we have a case, Garcia go ahead" says Hotch to Garcia.

"2 girls have been kidnapped and killed in the last two days. The body of Elizabeth Davis, a 23-year-old Phoenix City College student, was found yesterday morning in the college cafeteria. the other girl, Charlotte Miller, attended the same college and course as Elizabeth. They were studying literature and were in the same year. It was found the day before yesterday in an isolated area of ​​the courtyard surrounding the college."
Garcia explains showing us the photos of the bodies.

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