Chapter 5: The Idea

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It was now nighttime, and everyone was completing their last minute preparing before the review.

The minister in charge of spring was wandering around, checking on everyone's progress.

"Splendid, splendid. Stack those neatly, plenty of time before the Queen arrives." He said.

"Ah! The Queen!" A fairy squealed.

The minister became panicked. "What? She's here? Now? Play, music fairies."

A band of fairies began to play a tune, and all the fairies got in line, as Queen Clarion and the other season ministers arrived.

"Queen Clarion! Your Illustriousness! As minister of Spring, I welcome you to Springtime Square." He announced.

"What? No fireworks minister?" Clarion asked.

The minister began to panic. "Oh, well, that could be arranged. Light fairies, light fairies!"

The Queen chuckled. "I'm teasing. You always make such a fuss, and everything always turns out wonderfully.

The two flew towards to a rock that had a singular flower on it, that was closed.

"Well, I think you'll find that we have things we'll in hand. When the Everblossom blooms, we'll be ready to bring Spring to the mainland!"

"Music to my ears." The Queen flew over to the fairies that were standing in a line. "I know you've all put in months of practice and preparation, but keep up the good work these last few days, because just as fairies—!"

"Queen Clarion!" A voice called. Everything went quiet and everyone turned to see Tink walking over to the Queen with Cheese pulling a wagon behind him.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock, when she saw him, and she got a nervous feeling in her stomach.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked.

"No, no, no." The minister said, about to try and shoo him away.

"Phew, good!"

Queen Clarion put a hand up, and assured the minister that it was alright.

"I came up with some fantastic things for tinkers to use when we go to the mainland."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and shock, and there were also a few pitying looks in there.

"Let me show you." Tink pulled out a device, that had two rocks pulled apart, and an empty space for nuts. "First, baby chipmunks can't eat the whole nut, right? Their little teeth can't chew big bites. So, you just crank this lever..."

Tink put an acorn in the contraption, and pushed one rock on top of the acorn, to try and break it. Instead, the acorn flew out of the device and hit a squirrel in the head, causing it to cry.

"Whoops...It's still a work in progress." Tink explained.

"Yes, yes, yes. Very clever." The minister waved him off, then gestured for the band to start playing again.

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