Chapter 9: Tinkers Fix Things

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Tiny went to the empty workshop on Pixie Hollow and sat at his station and stared at his previous creations.

Cheese came up next to him and nudged his arm, making Tink smile. "Hey, Cheese." He sighed. "'Be proud of your talent.' What talent? I couldn't even get these things to work." He grumbled, gesturing to his failed inventions.

"So you're just giving up?" Someone asked.

Tink jumped and turned his head to see (Y/n) leaning against the wall.

"(Y/n)! W-What are you doing here?" He stuttered.

"I just came to get some tools." She replied, walking over to the shelves and looking around.

Tink watched her for a few moments, before slowly walking up behind her. "Uh...I'm sorry."

She paused, but didn't look at him.

"I'm sorry about what I said about tinkers. And about you. It was rude and untrue. You're not a stupid tinker. I'm the stupid tinker. I wanted to go to the mainland so badly, I forgot about how much you mean to me. You were the first one to show me kindness and friendship when I first got here, and I've done very little for you in return. But I promise I'll try really hard to repay you for everything you've ever done for me. You don't even have to forgive me if you don't want to."

(Y/n) finally turned to face him. "I do forgive you Tink."

Tink's eyes widened. "Really? After everything I've done? Even the thistle incident?"

(Y/n) giggled a little. "Yes, even the thistle incident. I still have no idea what you were thinking though. Those things are literal pains in the butt."

Tink laughed nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...I was kinda thinking, that maybe I would...impress you."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want to impress me?"

"Because...I kinda like you...a lot actually...more than anyone else...and I thought if I did something'd like me back." He confessed.

(Y/n) smiled and shook her head. "I already liked you Tink."

Tink's face flushed red. "Y-You did?"

(Y/n) smiled coyly, and hovered off the ground, and flew closer to Tink's face, making him blush even more. "Mm-Hmm. From the moment you arrived I thought you were a little cutie." She teased, poking his nose.

Tink gulped heavily. "O-Oh."

"What's the matter Tink? Caterpillar got your tongue?" She joked. She was having fun teasing him.

Tink was not having as much fun, and decided to stop it, by impulsively pressing his lips to hers.

(Y/n)'a eyes widened and her face became as red as Tink's as he pulled away.

He smirked at her. "What's the matter? Caterpillar got your tongue?" He mocked.

They both chuckled at that, and pressed their foreheads together. Tink sighed contently. "I love you..."

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