Chapter 7: Hawk!

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The next day, Tink met up with Fawn who was flying by a nest, teaching little birds to fly.

"Now, flap em, flap em!" She instructed. The little bird followed her instructions, and started flying. "That's it! Have fun!"

Tink flew up next to her and she noticed him.

"Hey, Tink! You ready?" She asked.

"A little nervous, actually." He confessed.

"Oh, don't be silly. Come on, you'll be fine." She promised. "We're teaching baby birds how to fly. First, you have to get their attention. Smile, and establish trust." She held her hand out, and the bird nuzzled into it.

"See? Okay, open your wings, honey, and flap them up and down, up and down, faster." Fawn instructed the bird. Soon enough, the bird was flying off the nest. "Okay, come out this way a little bit, you're okay, you're okay. You got it!"

The bird started flying off, and Fawn flew after it. "Keep flapping, keep flapping!" She turned back to Tink. "Hey, why don't you help that last little guy?"

Tink turned to the nest and saw one last bird that was smaller then the other two, and looked terrified.

"Okay, just smile and establish trust." He reminded himself.

He turned to the little bird. "Hi there!" He exclaimed.

The bird flinched and backed up to the back of the nest.

"Hey, little fella. You ready to do some flap-flap today?" He asked loudly.

The bird shook his head.

"Oh sure you do. All you do is uh, flap your wings, like this." He turned and made the motion with his arms.

When he looked back at the bird, he saw that it was trying to rebuild its egg around himself.

"No, no, no. None of that." Tink flew down to the bird and tried to take the egg apart. "All you gotta do is..." as soon as he touched the shell the bird bit him.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, before taking a deep breath. "Look. I'm gonna level with you okay? I kind of bombed out on the whole water and light fairy things, and I'm starting to run out of options here, and there's this really pretty girl I like, but she's kind of mad at me, and I would really like it if you could see fit to flap your little wings and take flight for a few measly seconds, I might be able to go to the mainland and bring happiness to the world! What do you say?"

The bird held up a piece of his shell in fear.

"Wrong answer." Tink tried to reach for the bird, but he kept running away from him. "If I end up making acorn kettles for the rest of my life, I am holding you personally responsible." He ranted as he tried to catch the bird.

However, it just kept squirming and fighting him, until he eventually just gave up, and let the bird hide in his egg.

"Ugh! This is not working." Tink sulked.

However, as he looked up, he noticed a bird flying high in the air. "Hey, maybe that guy can help. He's a really good flyer."

Tink flew up and called out to the bird. "Hey up there!"

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