Chapter 4: Lost Things

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"Right, here we are." Bobble announced as they rode down the path. "A pretty large order of pollen pots for the..."

Before Bobble could finish, something fast flew in front of them. A fairy spun around very fast, creating a small tornado. Tink watched as she lifted the tornado inside a flower to collect the pollen from it.

Bobble took out a list of their deliveries and started reading it. "Last thing is berry bushels to deliver to the glen..."

"Is it okay, if I catch up with you guys later?" Tink asked.

"Oh, I suppose." Bobble shrugged. He looked over and saw that Tink was already gone.

"Can you find your way back?" Clank shouted up at him.

Tink waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. Sure I can."

He flew off, and (Y/n) hopped off the wagon. "I'm gonna keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get lost."

"Alright then."

"Just be careful."

(Y/n) flew after Tink, leaving Bobble and Clank continued with the deliveries.


The fairy Tink had seen had purple hair in a long ponytail, and a purple top and long purple pants. He watched as she lowered the pollen tornado towards a bunch of pots.

"Hi, there." He greeted.

The fairy got startled and let out a yelp, causing the tornado to disperse, blowing the pots all over the place.

"Sorry." He apologized, sheepishly. "Uh, Vidia, right?"

Vidia just gave him a violent sneeze and a glare in response before flying off and making another pollen tornado.

"We didn't officially meet. I'm Tink." He introduced, extending his hand.

Vidia rolled her eyes and turned to him. "Oh yes. The new guy."

"That's right. So, what's your talent?" He asked.

"What do you think it is?" She asked.

"'re a pollen-izer? Pollen-ater? Pollen-picker? Pollen-plucker?" He guessed.

" a fast-flying fairy, a true rare talent. And this is but a small part of what I do. I make breezes in the summer, blow down leaves in the fall. My winds even brought you here, dear. Fairies of every talent depend on me." She said smugly.

"Hey, that's just like what I do." Tink commented.

Vidia snorted and looked at him incredulously. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, tinkers help fairies of every talent too. So, we're kind of the same, you know?"

Vidia put an arm around his shoulder. "Sweetie, I make forces of nature. You make pots and kettles. I work up in the sky, and you work down in a ditch."

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