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Kim Taehyung was in the US for some certain businesses he had to take care of. He was in his high tech and secured house in the middle of nowhere when he received a call from his right hand man in South Korea.

Caller ID : Han Seojun
"What report do you have?" Taehyung asked.
"Boss Mrs Kang Soojin hasn't paid up for the last 2 years of her debt and she owes you a sum of  350,000,000,000 Won. You have been so kind and kept warning her but she hasn't paid up sir" Seojun said.
"No one takes Kim Taehyung for granted and gets away with it. Listen this is what I want you to do. Threaten her and tell her if she doesn't pay up in 3 days She will suffer grave consequences" Taehyung said in a dark tone.
"Yes sir" Seojun answered and Taehyung hung up.
Call ended

Taehyung tossed the phone on his bed and sat in the sofa in his room. He grabbed his computer and looked up all the information he could find about Kang Soojin.

Background Check
Name: Kang Soojin
Age: 42 years old
Occupation: Unemployed
Address: small apartment in Ilsan
Family: Unknown
Past: From a very young age of 15 Kang Soojin has been quite the rebellious teen. Right from the age of 16 she started smoking, drinking and taking drugs. She went as far as even getting pregnant at the age of 17 out of wedlock. News about the father of the child is unknown and the child itself is unknown whether it was even born or aborted. She is most likely to be living alone but always is well known for gambling and some different and not too serious illegal activities. Owing loan sharks is her hobby. She has thousands of unpaid loans everywhere she roams.
Present: Right now every loan shark is in search of her even Mafia bosses at some point. She is always seen wasted or heavily intoxicated by drugs. Most of the time she's not in her right mind. Many say she lives alone and others say she lives with someone but the rumors are still unconfirmed. Drugs have become her daily addiction she can do without Alcohol and Cigarettes but not drugs.

Taehyung closed his laptop and stopped reading. *What a woman.... Disgusting...* He thought to himself. He re-opened his computer and continued his daily Mafia businesses.

Han Seojun along with some men tracked Kang Soojin down and found her address. Luckily she was home but her daughter was at work.

Seojun barged in with a gun in his hand. Soojin stood up in fear looking as white as a ghost. "Kang Soojin You owe our Boss a lot of money which he has been kind enough not to kill you for the past 2 years so better pay up or there will be grave consequences." Seojun said with all the darkness and anger in his voice.

"I don't have the money now but~ if you and Boss can just give me a few more months I can get you the money." Soojin tried to negotiate.

"You won't be able to even see the next day if you don't pay up NOW!!!" Seojun said. "Ok! I think I might have some sort of payment" She said.

Seojun pointed the gun at her forehead. "What kind of payment?" He asked. "I can pay your Boss with something better than money, gold or even diamond." Soojin said. "And that would be?" Seojun said while not averting his gun from her head.

"I can pay your Boss with my daughter~" She said so boldly. "What kind of sick psychopath are you? How can you sell your own daughter like that? Don't you have any shame?" Seojun said.

"Oh please, I have never loved that thing in my life as long as it works and brings me money for drugs I keep her so I am willing to give it to you in exchange for your Boss clearing the money I owe him. So what do you say?" She said so boldly and calmly.

Seojun clenched his gun while looking at her intently with rage. "I want some basic information about your daughter to give to my Boss maybe he might accept" Seojun said.

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