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It's been a 2 weeks since the failed escape and 1 week since Jennie started training and let her tell you it is was TORTURE. She's used to getting up really early but The trainer makes he get up at 3am and run laps around Taehyung's gigantic mansion till the sun comes up. Since Jennie knew nothing about physical fights and combat getting used to the sudden change of schedules really took a toll on her. But luckily she had Lisa with her, not all the time but most of the time. Lisa was a fast learner, even tho she never broke a sweat in her life, she was surprisingly good at everything the trainer was teaching them. However, her weak point was using a gun. She is scared and startled by loud sounds so using a gun is quite difficult for her. Everyday after training, they always meet Chaeyoung in the maiden's quarters for a little rest and a bite to eat, even they're not supposed to because of diets or punishments like today. "Ugh~~ I hate this. I'm so tired~~😫" Jennie cried. "My whole body hurts. Today's training was intense" Lisa added. "More than the usual" Jennie added. "At least you guys have each other and ME!! To sneak you delicious treats and snacks" Rosie said as she raised the tray full of treats. "Thanks" Jennie and Lisa said in unison as they devoured the treats like starved lions. "Easy there Easy. You'll choke" Rosè said as she handed them both glasses of orange juice. After eating everything, Jennie, Rosie and Lisa laid next to each other in a triangular position. "What's the purpose for this training?" Jennie asked all of a sudden. "It's definitely for protection like what happened to you, Unnie. If Taehyung wasn't there at that moment, who knows what would have happened to you" Lisa reasoned. "Then why you?" Rosie asked kinda suspiciously. "Yeah, it beats me too. Aren't you Master J-hope's cousin, then why do you need all this?" Jennie asked. "Well,.......I'm.....uhhhh..... Y'know, just cuz I'm a Mafia's relation doesn't mean I don't have to be scared of anything else. Besides, being his sister means huge danger for me'  Lisa clarified. "Anyway, I have to get going. I have training early in the morning. Goodnight girls. Thanks for the meal, Chae" Jennie said sadly as she stood to her feet. "You're welcome Unnie" Chaeyoung answered. "Goodnight Unnie" The other two girls responded as Jennie walked out of the room into the long corridor. Many thoughts swarmed her mind as she just found herself in her room. She just plopped down on the bed and collapsed into sleep. She was tired of thinking and Like only 5 minutes had past, It was 3am. She hesitantly woke up and ran downstairs for her training. The trainer was already there in a bad mood as always. "You're finally early" The trainer said and Jennie looked dead and emotionless. "Start! Laps around the mansion till sunrise"
Jennie didn't even ask questions, she just started her routine because this is how that man works. He is cruel and evil. By sunrise, Jennie already look so pale like she hadn't eaten in years. She looked in the same shape like when she lived with her Mom, Dare I say even worst. "Stop! You've ran enough. Now, 100 pushups. Allez!" He commanded. Jennie was already used to his routines and activities so it came easily for her after much effort. "Pretty good. I see you have improved" The instructor said. "That's the first compliment I've ever received from him" Jennie thought. "Now, Onto sparring. Come at me" The instructor gestured and Jennie ran at him with top speed then attacked. They sparred for quite sometime till Jennie finally lost. "Hmm" The instructor said within his throat while nodding. "Archery practice and gun target" The instructor said as he handed her a bow and an arrow. Jennie drew her bow and launched her arrow perfectly at the bull's-eye. She launched a few at trees and dolls and got them right at the precised point. "Very good" The instructor said. Jennie wasn't very used to him giving her compliments because she knew him as a cold stone hearted guy who hated her and gave her the worst activities and punishments. Next, the instructor gave her a gun and a target 🎯. She shot perfectly with precision right that the bull's-eye. Then he took her away from the targets and towards a hidden corner of the Mansion. At the center of the place was a wooden stand which was covered from above
The instructor unveiled the clothes to reveal a cute little grey bunny tied to a shooting target which shocked Jennie
"You've been doing pretty well so I think it's time for you to..... toughen up. Shoot.... Right in the heart" The instructor ordered coldly. The look of pure horror was visible on Jennie's face as she looked into the eyes of the poor bunny. Fear totally engulfing her as she began to tremble and the gun slips through her fingers hitting the dry ground. "I see..." The instructor said "You really have improved from being a mere beginner to... an amateur. You have a lot to learn from your partner Lisa but it's still not enough. For your information, Next week you shall have an evaluation in front of The Master himself so be ready" He said as he walked off without saying anything more leaving a panting and trembling Jennie alone
After some moments of silence, Jennie quickly realized herself and freed the bunny holding it in her arms. Thoughts swarmed her mind as she looked for where to let the bunny go. Without noticing, She bumped into a really hard surface and stumbled backwards but was caught by someone's arm. Shaking out of her thoughts, she looks up to see a worried Jungkook as she stands to her feet. "What the hell happened to you...." Jungkook said looking at her covered from head to toe in dust and leaves & twigs in her hair. She bowed politely "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there" Jennie said being completely oblivious to his question. "Where did you get that" Jungkook said referring to the bunny. "He kinda looks like you, doesn't he?" Jennie said with a sad and broken as hell smile. "And you still have the nerve to say that" Jungkook said as Jennie just smiled sadly. "Master Jungkook, Please could you do me a favor?" Jennie pleaded with sad eyes. "Could you please find a safe place for this little guy?"
Jungkook stared at the ball of fluff in her arms then at her sad eyes. He so wanted to abandon it but he found the bunny in his arms already. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go refreshen up. Thank you very. Your kindness is very much appreciated" Jennie said as she bowed politely and left. "Something is seriously up with her. Now why does she always have this effect on me!!! I just can't say no to her!!! And why am I talking to you!!" Jungkook shouts in frustration while the bunny just looks at him with it's doe eyes.
Jennie was so broken and tired as she marched to her room. She was so dazed that she didn't notice how hungry she was that her eyes went dark all of a sudden and she lost balance falling on the door frame. She forced herself to the bathroom to take a shower and when she got to her room in clean comfortable clothes. She just blacked out sleeping for a very long time. By the time she was waking up, It was already so late. She didn't want to bother Chaeyoung this late so she decided to find something by herself. She wandered the mansion alone and it was surprisingly dark. No lights whatsoever. Then find herself in an unknown strange part of the Mansion where she starts following a small ray of light to a room dimly lit by a candle light. When she peeps through the hole, the silhouette of a man can be seen reflecting on the door. He is sitting in front of the candle with a glass of wine in front of him. While peeping she pushes the door a little and it creaks drawing the man's attention to her. She tries to run but stumbles in the dark and by the time she was getting up again, The man was standing at the door with the Candle Le bra at hand and she realizes it's Taehyung. They stare at each other for sometime before Taehyung finally speaks "Are you just going to enjoy your comfortable floor or would you like to join me?" And Jennie looks at him with her big doe eyes. She stands to her feet alone as Taehyung walks back into the room and she follows. She looks around at the room trying to figure out what that place is. "I'm sure you're wondering where you are. You're on the first floor underground in my Wine cellar. You didn't notice you're here because I left my secret entrance on the staircase open" Taehyung said. "Would you like a drink?" He asked and Jennie nodded. They sat there drinking in silence. "Why do you drink alone?" Jennie asked out of the blue. "I like the silence, the dimly lit candle light, the calm atmosphere and the strong taste of the liquor" Taehyung said as she swirled the golden liquid in his glass. "And about last time. How did you drink so much but you didn't black out. From my information, Most women can't even handle that amount of alcohol" Jennie froze for a minute before looking at the glass in her hands. "Growing up, My Mother would give me alcohol to shut me up from crying or whining in general. I could sleep for days under the effect and she wouldn't care just so I'm out of the way" Jennie explained sadly. "What kind of mother was she" Taehyung said darkly. "She has just never loved me. I'm her constant reminder of how her man left her so...." Jennie said sadly as she chugged down the whole glass of whiskey. "What about your parents?" Jennie asked. "I don't answer personal questions" Taehyung replied coldly as he chugged down his glass if whiskey too. "Ok.... Let's play a game!" Jennie said excitedly. "What are you? 5?" Taehyung asked sarcastically. "It's a drinking game. We get to ask each other questions and if you can't answer a question. You gotta drink, drink, drink, drink, A whole glass of whiskey" Jennie said as sge wiggled her shoulders while partially singing which made Taehyung scoff in a chuckle. "I'll go first. What do you like to do?" Jennie asked taking Taehyung a back. "Work" Taehyung answered. "That's it? Work? Don't you have something fun to do?" Jennie asked "My work IS fun" Taehyung replied in a monotone which set Jennie's imagination a blaze and drove her away from the topic. "It's your turn"
Taehyung thought fora while then asked, "Why are you always so happy and cheerful even when you're not ok?" Taehyung asked such a deep question and Jennie sighed. "If I acted all sad and gloomy, what will it change? Will it better my situation? The best way is to look at the brighter side of things and try to stay positive always because I know my sun will shine someday" Jennie explained with an innocent and sad smile. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked abruptly. "Your Mother owed me a lot and couldn't pay up so she sold you to me" Taehyung answered bluntly which was a bit of a blow to Jennie in the heart. "How's training going?" "Training? It's going...well it seems. He said I've improved" Jennie answered in a low voice and Taehyung hummed in response. "Why are you always so cold and indifferent?" Jennie asked impulsively but Taehyung just chugged a glass of whiskey. "Pass" He said. "Why do you treat me nicely once then the next you treat me coldly" Jennie asked again on impulse and yet again Taehyung chugged down another glass of wine with no response. "Let me work off I'm Mom's debt and go free" Jennie said boldly "That's not a question" Taehyung replied. "Can I work off my Mother's debt and go free" She rephrased. "No" Taehyung simply replied which annoyed Jennie. "Are you going to keep me here forever?!?" Jennie burst and Taehyung remained indefinitely silent. In rage and anger feeling helpless, Jennie chugs down a glass of wine then she pulls her hair back in frustration. "You're my property. Get that straight into your head. Whatever I do to you is my business" Taehyung said coldly ad darkly. Jennie looked at him in anger and disbelief as she wanted so desperately to leave "Don't you even think of moving from that spot" Taehyung says in a threatening tone but you can tell he is getting tipsy. Jennie stops drinking and so does Taehyung as he lays his head on the counter stares at the candle lights. Soon his face is visibly red from drinking and his eyes start dancing. He speaks out of the blue, "Don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to protect you. I might be what I seem but I'm not. You're safe as long as you're with me but how safe you are us relatively proportional to how unsafe you are with me. Don't run off again; I won't be so kind next time" He says in a drunken tone. Suddenly a loud growl comes from Jennie's stomach startling Taehyung. He sits up in a shaking manner. "Are you hungry?" He asks with the most childish smile but Jennie just stares back at him. "Let's have a midnight snack. I keep a stash in my room" Taehyung says as he wobbly gets up. He wobbles to the door and catches his balance at the door frame while a shocked Jennie still seated stares at him. "Let's go" Taehyung said with a smile "Grab the Candle Le bra thing"
Jennie blinks in disbelief as she carries the Candle Le bra and exits the wine cellar with Taehyung. *What's up with this guy? Random Personality disorder?* Jennie thought. She watches out for Taehyung everytime he wobbled too much but he didn't fall. He was just a little dazed. She suddenly found herself at the bottom of the staircase on the ground floor and Taehyung was sealing his secret passage. Together they went to Taehyung's room and by his bedside, there was a door in the wall and he unlocked it to reveal a mini fridge and over it, a small cabinet. "It's a little small but you can have it. I'll have someone replace it later" Taehyung said with a wink. "There's also this special snack made in Italy. Only I have had it. See, It's in the shape of glasses and when you dip it in guacamole, It looks like a drink. Cheers?" He says as he opens the pack of glass shaped chips and raises it. Jennie looks at the childish gaze in his eyes so endearingly as the song 'Shot Glass of Tears' plays in the background. She slowly and delicately takes the strange chip and clicks it against Taehyung's. "Cheers!" She says in a soft voice.  "It's late. You won't have training for a while" Taehyung said as he crawled into his bed. "But I look forward to seeing you in the evaluation next week. Get some rest you deserve it" He said with a tipsy innocent smile plastered on his red face as he fell asleep. Jennie covers him properly with the duvet and leaves his room with the snacks. "What a weird guy" She whispers to herself as she closes the door quietly and leaves

At an abandoned warehouse somewhere
"Boss! Boss! I have the information" A man comes running in with a file and places it on a desk. Eunhyuk turns around on his swivel chair to take the file. He opens it and finds pictures.  He carefully looks through the pictures from the nearby security cams. "These are all blur and in black and white" Eunhyuk says annoyed as he threw the file back on the desk. "Look closely, Boss. This is the only picture of what V looks like" The man said showing Eunhyuk the pictures. "Fred!" Eunhyuk called out and the frail man who survived stepped out of the shadows all bandaged up. "Is this Viper?" He asked as he showed the pictures. The frail man's eyes widened. "That's him, Boss. But it's very blur. It's his same Midnight Black curly hair and fancy suit" Fred said. "If you see any of them again, would you recall?" Eunhyuk asked sternly. "Most certainly, Boss. Even a silhouette I wouldn't miss it" Fred answered and Eunhyuk grinned evily. "This girl..... We need information on her" Eunhyuk ordered. "Yes Boss!" The men answered as he laughed maniacally. "But... I think this is a job for a special someone" Eunhyuk said with a coy smirk. "You don't mean....?"  The man who brought the file asked and Eunhyuk nodded slowly with an evil chuckle.

Somewhere at the borders of Mexico
A Lamborghini convertible with it's top down is driving into the sunset on a vast highway. [Pan to the steering], The hands of the driver lays on the steering wheel, a watch gracing his right hand. His hands beautifully covered in knife and stab scars. A fresh wave of Latino pop booming from the convertible. As the driver's phone starts ringing as the driver answers without a word, bringing the phone to his ear where we get a back view of his head which shows us he's putting on shades. He listens keenly to the person on the other line with a smug smirk. "I'm on it" He says as he hangs and drives with turbo speed into the sunset

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