The Plan

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Jennie POV
I woke up early in the morning hoping Taehyung wouldn't be awake yet and rushed to the kitchen to prepare a special soup I learned to make online, when I wasn't feeling very well. I literally had to beg the kitchen staff to let me cook but they strictly and politely refused. I had to beg for a long time but when I told them it was for Taehyung they immediately without hesitation let me make the soup. When I was done I served it beautifully on a tray with the help of some maids and I was ready to take it up to Taehyung. I arrived his room door and knocked but there was no response. I knocked again but still no response. I decided to give it a third try and just waited there. Seconds later, Taehyung opened the door and he looked like he just woke up now "Good Morn---" I said when he rudely closed the door in my face. *That was rude. No don't think like that Jennie, maybe he was tired and still partially drunk, at least he didn't give me a black eye like Mom used to do* I thought to myself and left. At 9:30am, I made the soup again this time with Chaeyoung's help and I took it up to Taehyung's room. I knocked for the first time and he opened. "Good Morning Mas---" I said but he cut me short and walked off completely ignoring me. I wasn't going to give up that easily so I followed him with that heavy tray in my hand. "M-m-master Taehyung I- I made thi---" I said while following him but he entered his home office and closed the door in my face again. *Hmph And he told me not to misunderstand him. Well he's making that very difficult I was just trying to help Ugh* I thought to myself standing in front of the door then I left. I kept everything in the kitchen and went back to my room. I really didn't feel like doing anything today. Taehyung just completely ruined my day. While I was in my room sulking on the bed Chaeyoung just entered the room without knocking. "Jennie Unnie So how did it --------- Not very well I see" Chaeyoung noticed. "Ok what happened?" She asked sitting on my bed and I explained everything that happened in a millisecond. "Woah woah woah Chill Unnie. That's how he is one day he's treating you nicely then the next day it's a cold shoulder so if I were you I would get used to it." Chaeyoung explained. "But why is he this way in the first place? All the other Mafias seem different" I said. "Nobody really knows why Master Taehyung is like this but rumor has it that Master Taehyung has an anti social personality disorder and that kinda partially explains why he acts like that" Chaeyoung said and I wondered. "Wait. Why are they so many rumors around Taehyung?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe cuz that's just how it is" Chaeyoung said and we shrugged it off. "Anything special you wanna do today Unnie?" Chaeyoung asked. "Nah Taehyung ruined my day. I don't feel like doing anything today." I answered. Chaeyoung observed my outfit from head to toe then said "While you're here lazy bones I'll go find something I can do to wear out this hyper energy of mine. Maybe annoying the other maids would do". "Ok have fun" I told her and she left.

Taehyung POV
I was in my home office reading more files on the Scarlett Rays but this hangover is killing me and giving me such a headache. *Why did I have to chug a whole bottle of soju now my head is spinning* I thought to myself. *I wonder what Jennie wanted to give me. I just found myself ignoring her. Whatever*. Soon my phone started ringing.
Caller ID : Pabo
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Not even a "hello" or "hey Jimin" first".
"Not the time" I said rubbing my forehead.
"Ahh the hangover got the best of you" Jimin said while laughing.
"I will send a sniper after you" I said in my deep voice.
"You wouldn't and You couldn't. You know why, because you love me" Jimin said.
"Was  that the a specific reason you called or did you just do so to annoy me?" I asked coldly
"I don't know why you hate showing your love for me anyways the real reason I called was to inform you that the Scarlett Rays just broke down three of our vans carrying our new weapons" Jimin said as he shouted the last part.
"WHAT?!?!?!. How did they even manage to do that?" I said panicked.
"I don't know" Jimin answered.
"Did they take the high tech geared new ones?" I asked.
"No 2 were actually attacked and the weapons were stolen but the new high tech geared ones managed to escape and were saved" Jimin said
"We have to put an end to this. I think I have been a little too nice to the Scarlett Rays Don't you think?" I said in my dark voice and Jimin just stayed silent. "Anyway call all the members, we have a plan to work out immediately" I said in my dark voice.
"On it" Jimin said in his dark voice.
Call ended
I sighed a long and dark one. Soon I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said and Chaeyoung came in looking sad. She bowed and hesitated before speaking. "What do you want? is Jennie ok?" I asked darkly and emotionlessly. "Greetings Master. Miss Kang is fine but I have a little request to ask of you" Chaeyoung said and I looked at her with my emotionless piercing eyes. It looked like I was literally looking into her soul. "Proceed" I said coldly. "Master Taehyung, I just recently noticed Miss Ka--- Jennie Unnie doesn't have any decent clothes. So with all due respects Master I would like to ask for permission to take her to a Mall in Seoul" Chaeyoung said with confidence. *They have grown a bond so quickly. Impressive. I have never heard Chaeyoung's voice so boldly.* Taehyung thought. "But I was told she came with a bag" I said coldly. "On the second day she was here. She took a shower and borrowed some clothes from me. I gave her my clothes but I also checked her bag without her permission which I know is wrong but all that was in there was just some toys and men's shirts. And maybe some really old clothes that can't even be worn anymore" Chaeyoung explained and my facial expressions turned angry. *I am angry for 2 reasons. 1. She interacted with Jennie when I strictly order no one to even look or talk to her and 2. Because I kinda feel sorry for Jennie and I am so DAMN mad at that slut Kang Soojin and I will end her.* I thought. Chaeyoung bows "I know I interacted with Jennie Unnie when you specifically told us not to say a word to her if we are not ordered to but She looked so nice and soft I just wanted a friend. I completely accept any punished you have for me for disobeying direct orders from you" She said. I somehow calmed down and took a deep breathe. *If She and Jennie go out now, I can plan to destroy those idiots who call themselves Scarlett Rays and Most of all Jennie must not know. This is my chance I guess* I thought to myself. "Ok You both can go to Seoul but with driver Gook Doo and Bodyguard Min hyuk do I make myself clear?" I said while turning  back to look at the window. "Thank you Master" Chaeyoung said and bowed. As she was about leaving, "Wait! Take my Credit Card with you and get anything she sees and likes. Catch!" I said as I threw my credit card at her and she caught it. "Thank you once again Taehyung" Chaeyoung said. "What did you call me?" I yelled a little. "Nothing Master Taehyung" She said super fast and left. I just smiled to myself then it later broke when I started thinking about how to end those Scarlett Rays or whatever they call themselves.

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