The Diamond

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Author POV
Soon, the helicopter landed on the launch pad, the car arrived the mansion with 3J and Seojun which was closely followed by Jin's car. Guards rushed to the helicopter to carry their things. "Welcome back Master" A guard said as he bowed.
"Hurry and take out the diamond. Keep in the one of the hidden underground rooms far away from Jennie" Taehyung commanded. "Yes Master but Master where's the diamond?" The other guard asked.
"Are you blind? There it is, Carry it quickly" Taehyung ordered and they just did as they were told, carrying the diamond carefully to the basements passing through the garden and going through the backdoor. "Great Job Team. That's what I call a mission swiftly executed" Jin said cheerfully. "I have never felt so alive in my life" Hoseok exclaimed. "Did you see us hyung??? We were like *starts imitating the noises their weapons made while they were distracting the guys*" Jungkook said. "You had to see it guys it was so cool" Jimin added. "We all had our fair share of fun tonight but who would have thought it would be fun to hack into cameras just like in the old days" Yoongi said. "Hey! Where's the diamond we didn't even get to see it" Jin asked and The other Kims just looked at each other. "Let's discuss that later, Right now I'm too tired from everything that just went down tonight" Namjoon said. "I actually feel sorry for Min Eun hawk's daughters, while I was still in the living room thinking Namjoon and Taehyung might need to pass back down here, I eavesdropped on Eun hawk and his daughters having dinner thinking maybe they could reveal some top secret information but it was just a quiet dinner even though the guards informed him there might be an intruder in the mansion. His daughters didn't look happy at all" Hoseok explained. "That's none of our concern" Yoongi said harshly. "Wait, did you happen to see the 5th daughter hyung?" Taehyung asked. "Nope, there were only 4 ladies at the table and they were the known 4 daughters" Hoseok told Taehyung which made him look at Namjoon shocked. "Anyway, we should get some rest hyungs then we see how finally crush Eun hawk for good" Jungkook said as they started walking towards the mansion. "By the way, how did that name even come about?" Seokjin asked. "I actually like it" Yoongi, Namjoon and the Maknae line answered. "He's just like a hawk swooping down and taking what isn't his and retreating like a coward" Jimin said. "I don't think that's what hawk's do Jimin" Hoseok said. "It makes sense for him" Jimin said as they entered the mansion to just be bewildered by the sight in the living room.

Jisoo POV
Jennie, Chaeyoung and I were laughing and chatting when suddenly without any warning, the boys came out of nowhere looking at us with shocked faces. We quickly stood up and bowed to them but seemed like they were frozen in place. "What is this sight I have before me??!?!?!!" Jimin asked shocked. "JAGIYA!" Seokjin shouted a little. "Yeobo--" I said but was cut off by Jin. "Do you have any idea what the time is??" Jin questioned me. I tried to reply but he cut me off again "It's 00:39 am in the morning" He replied to his own question meaning he's mad. "What did I say when I left?" He asked again, the air was becoming stuffy with tension. I sighed loudly "You told me not to stay here waiting for you and that I should go home because I had a long journey that you might back late" I said totally surrendering. We held eye contact for some time when I decided to break it "Yeobo, Mianhae" I said making a puppy face. "It's ok. I forgive you" He said as I ran to hug him. "Thank you Naekkeo" I said hugging him super tight but my hug was nothing compared to his tall frame and muscular physique when he started hugging me back. "I wish I could have a love as sweet as yours hyung. Jennie sorry for terrorizing you with their excess PDA" Jimin said plopping on the chair next to Chaeyoung. "No, it's ok Jimin, I actually think it's sweet" Jennie answered and I beamed her a smile. "Now can we go back to sight we walked into 10 minutes ago?" Yoongi asked. "Oh! I was just trying to get to know Jennie and Chaeyoung. They're both such sweet girls. Yeobo can you believe Taehyung, Jennie, You and I all love strawberries, Isn't that crazy??" I said excitedly jumping up and down. Jennie was shocked to know Taehyung liked strawberries. They looked at each other holding eye contact until Jennie turned away. "So how was the mission?" I asked them. "It was a success Noona" Taehyung answered coldly as usual. "That's great let's celebrate" I said but Jin held my wrist. "Ah-ah-ah not for you young lady. You need to take rest" Jin said. "Why??" I whined cutely. "Yeah hyung why!! Let Noona stay" My whining buddy Jungkook said. "No, she needs rest seriously come on Gongjunim" Jin said he grabbed my bag in his hand and my hand in the other. "Good night guys, we'll see about the rest of the plans tomorrow" Jin said. "Bye everyone. Good night See you tomorrow maybe. Also bye Jen and Chae" I said while bowing and waving to them as my over caring husband dragged me out of the mansion. "BYE UNNIE!!!" Jennie and Chaeyoung shouted as I soon disappeared.
Jennie POV
Everyone sat on the chairs in the living room resting. *It seems their mission was a hard one. All of the look exhausted and drained but lively and happy too* I thought. "How was bonding with Jisoo Noona? She even called you by pet names and you called her UNNIE means she likes you girls" Jimin asked. "You know just talking and chatting. She's so sweet and kind and quite funny" I said. "Nice to hear" Hoseok answered. "Jennie, it's very late. Go to your room" Taehyung ordered me. "Com'on Tae, if she goes who am I going to talk with" Jimin whined. "Exactly the reason why I'm kicking you out too" Taehyung said emotionlessly as calmly as possible. "WHAT?!?!?! HYUNGS!!!!!" Jimin shouted. "Shut up you're too loud, if you don't like it go argue with a tree" Taehyung said emotionlessly. "Why do you always treat me this way?? We're soulmates" Jimin said walking up to Taehyung and trying to touch his face but Taehyung slapped his hands away. "Don't touch me with those freaking tiny baby hands" Taehyung said looking at Jimin with fury. "Ok, now that's crossing the line but I don't care. You're always like that. Jungkook let's go" Jimin said as he and Jungkook left. "I believe I told you to go to your room Ms. Kang. Ms. Park escort her to her room" Taehyung said looking at me with anger. I quietly stood up and bowed to the other members except Taehyung before going upstairs. When we arrived my room, I started throwing a tantrum "How can he command me like that. I know he's a whole Mafia leader and everything but come on I'm a human too" As I said that last part, I don't know how but all my memories before coming to this mansion suddenly rushed back and turned the anger into sadness. "Com'on Unnie You know Taehyung is always like that. Don't take it too personally, I mean his cold demeanor has been the same for the past as long as I've been here" Chaeyoung tried to cheer me up. "No it's ok Chae, I'm in his Mansion so I have to follow his rules. I'm not taking it personally if you're worried. Thanks for being there for me Chae" I said as I held her hand then curled up into a ball on the bed inside the blanket. She sat on my bed for sometime looking at me sadly as if she had something to ask me but wasn't sure if she should ask then she got up to leave. "Hey Chae, Please when you're coming tomorrow could you bring a balance up?" I asked her. "Ok Unnie" she said as she left sadly. When Chaeyoung left, I started crying myself to sleep *Why did this happen only to me?* I thought to myself all night till I fell asleep.
The next morning
I woke up to the sounds of a dog barking?? I checked my window to see a small black-and-tan Pomeranian dog in a maids arms. No jokes but it's barks were really loud for such a small dog. The dog was cute tho but I didn't really care about anything. I silently stared at the ceiling waiting for Chaeyoung. Not long after, Chaeyoung came into the room with her cheerful and sweet vibe, and closely following was a guard carrying the balance. "Rise and shine Unnie it's a beautiful morning" Chaeyoung said with a big smile and I just looked at her expressionless. "Don't tell me you're turning into Mrs. Kim Taehyung are you?" She joked but I just managed to crack a smirk scoffing. "Hey Unnie Have you been crying?? Your eyes are all puffy and red" Chaeyoung noticed and wanted to touch my face but I turned away. She retreated trying not to show she was hurt. "There's the balance you asked for" She said sadly. I simply walked off the bed and stood on it. When I saw the result, I almost died. "53.5 KGS?!?!?????" I shouted that even Chaeyoung jumped backwards then I started to cry. Chaeyoung grabbed me in a bear hug as I cried into her shoulder. "What is it Unnie?" She asked. "That's the highest I have ever weighed in my life" I said between sobs and she hugged me tighter. "Please don't cry Unnie. You were a kid you couldn't have weighed even up to 42 kg, so it's normal" she tried to comfort me I calmed down before telling her "As a 12 year old kid, I weighed 8 kg" I told her with cold eyes, she looked at me shocked and covered her mouth to stop her from shouting. "Chae, I think it's time I told you how I got here" I told her sitting her on my bed.
Taehyung POV
I woke up today at 9:00am, I really didn't want to rush anything today. I wanted to take it easy and figure out the deal with that diamond. I took a shower and dressed in casual clothes which still made me look like I had just walked out a Gucci and a Celine shop at the same time. I called the maids to bring my breakfast up to my room, I didn't feel like looking at Jennie the whole time while eating. I ate silently in my room then went out for a stroll. After such a successful mission, don't I deserve to a day to enjoy and pet myself. I walked to the garden enjoying the pollen and the sweet smell of flowers in the air. *Argh Ugh Disgusting* I thought to myself as a breeze of pollen hit me violently. Suddenly, I heard really loud barking way too familiar to me and I knew exactly why the dog was barking. As I walked closer to the sound of the barking, I could see my dog's nanny trying to restrain him from the carnation flowers. "Yeontan!" I called out and Yeontan immediately stopped barking when he turned around and saw me he started barking fondly trying to escape from his nanny into my arms. I walked forward and took Yeontan from the nanny as she bowed to me. "I'm so sorry for Tannie's behavior. I'm sure he's giving you such a hard time" I sincerely apologized. "It's ok Master, Yeontan is sometimes a handful but he's a great dog nevertheless so even though he throws tantrums once in a while, I don't mind as long as he makes you happy Master" The nanny said. "Thank you Sungmo for taking great care of Yeontan so much" I thanked while bowing to her with just my head. Even though I said it with my normal face, she kept smiling at me warmly like she can feel the hidden emotions inside me. "I'll taking my leave now. I'll leave Yeontan in his room right now. So you don't have to worry about him" I said emotionlessly and left her there walking away with Yeontan. "Tannie, do really hate those flowers?? Why?? You really don't like them that much?? Ok I'll get rid of them and plant other ones ok??" I said nuzzling my face with Yeontan's. He continuesly licked my face with his tiny tongue which made me to giggle but I quickly checked if there were any guards or maids around and when I saw there were none, I smiled, laughed and nuzzled with Yeontan before going back into the mansion. I went up to my house office first and put Yeontan on the couch to move freely. I called all the other members to meet up urgently for that diamond. After the call ended, I watched Yeontan walked up and down the chair trying to get down but it was too high. I smiled slightly and admired his cuteness. After looking at Yeontan try for a long time, I realized I was seeing myself in Yeontan, how I couldn't come out of a past trauma afraid of forgetting the painful memories, he was looking at me like he was looking at his reflection in the mirror thinking I would help him get down, hiding behind being been cold and emotionless when a small boy is trapped within me waiting for his time to discover the world. Finally after pacing up and down, Yeontan finally got the courage and jumped down to the carpet. He looked so happy as he ran towards my table and put his tiny paws on my leg waiting for me to pick him up and give him all the love, kisses and hugs just like I want. I snapped out of my thoughts taking a deep breath when Tan just barked so loudly out of nowhere. I carried him and just cuddled him, occasionally giving him kisses while leaving my office for the basement. The mansion is a huge 4 story house, 2 storeys above and 2 storeys below just in case. I went to Yeontan's room and spent time playing with him there where no one could disturb or see us. After sometime of playing with Yeontan, he soon got tired and fell asleep. I put him comfortably in his black, white and grey Herbarium Gucci Bed with his chew toys then left for the room where he assigned the guards to keep the diamond. I had already informed all the members to come early but when I arrived the door to the room where the diamond is being kept, I saw everyone there except Jimin. "That Pabo Jimined didn't he?" I asked harshly and calmy. "Yup!" Yoongi hyung replied. We waited another good 20 MINUTES in front of that door before Jimin came. "Sorry, I'm late I just had some stuff to take care of" Jimin said. "It's ok Ji--" Jungkook said but was cut off by me. "YOU'RE LATE!!! YOU'RE ALWAYS LATE. LOOK SEOKJIN HYUNG IS A MARRIED MAN BUT HE STILL MANAGED TO GET HERE ON TIME UnLIKE A SINGLE BROKE JOBLESS MAN LIKE---" I shouted at Jimin but as cut off short by Jin when he suddenly yelled my name. "KIM TAEHYUNG! Cut it out, you seriously need to calm down" Yoongi hyung scolded me. "*Tsk* I wasn't even ready to listen his rambling and insults or take his bullshit today anyway" Jimin said for only Jungkook and Hoseok to hear. "So where's the diamond" Hoseok asked. "Well, before you see the diamond, I think we should go to the control room first don't you agree Taehyung?" Namjoon asked me "Exactly Hyung. We have to show you something first so brace yourselves" I said in my deep voice as Namjoon hyung and I led them to the control room. The guards in the control room immediately stood up and bowed to us as we entered. "We are going to need this room" Jungkook said and all the guards inside the control room quietly left. "What did you want to show us Tae" Jin hyung asked. "Just watch" I said as I searched for the camera in the room where the diamond is kept. "Found it" I said. "Guys, this is the Eun hyuk's most precious diamond" Namjoon said as I made all the screen on the wall show the footage from that room. "Taehyung, I think you're blind that's not a diamond" Jimin said. "We just had a fight in the corridor, I don't want to have a fight with you again now so don't provoke me" I said sincerely and calmy to Jimin. "But seriously guys, that is Eun hyuk's most precious diamond" Namjoon told them again. The members faces looked dead shocked like when Namjoon and I first saw it. "WHAT?!?!?!?" Jin hyung suddenly yelled "THE HELL!?!?!??!" Yoongi hyung completely Jin hyung's sentence. "No. Freaking. Way." 3J said one after another according to their age in ascending order. "When you're all done drinking it in like really well made fermented fine wine, we can finally go in there. Live." I said adjusting myself to sit comfortably on the chair. After so many minutes of taking everything in the members wanted to start asking Namjoon and I questions, "We're gonna stop you right there" I said. "The amount of information we have is equivalent to the amount of information you have" Namjoon continued "Therefore meaning we don't know who she is and we don't know why she is the so called diamond" I ended. "So you if you have any further questions, let's proceedto her room and ask all the questions to her like the Mafia leaders we are" Namjoon added flashing his dimple smile with his mouth and eyes closed. "I hate that Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung always complete each other's sentences even 3J" Jin hyung whined. "But don't You, Namjoon and Hobi finish each other's sentences too mostly you and Hobi " Yoongi said. "Oh! True! How did I not notice that?" Jin said as they left the control room going to the other room. "And we're supposed to be the most feared and powerful Mafias in the world" I said sarcastically."Ready, In 3, 2, 1" Namjoon counted down as we entered the room. The girl didn't even move at all, she just sat looking at the wall giving us her back. "Diamond" Namjoon said and the girl turned. She was covered from head to toe in the most expensive jewelry and clothing. She quickly stood up seeing us. "Wh-who are you people?" The girl asked. "Well, Since you're in our territory, it's only fair you know. We are" I said then "THE BULLETPROOF MAFIAS" we said all together. "Now, you will answer our questions calmly and quietly without putting up a fight and we will see how long you survive" Yoongi hyung said shooting the girl a smirk. The girl looked shocked but not intimidated. "What were you doing in the room the diamond is supposed to be held?" Namjoon asked. "That's because I am the Diamond" She said and we all looked at each other. "So you are the most precious thing to Min Eun hyuk?" Jimin asked. "Yes" she answered super calmly. "If you are the most precious thing to Min Eun hyuk, could that mean you're the 5th daughter?" Jin hyung asked and we turned to look at her eagerly waiting for her response. She was a bit hesitant but she gave us an answer that crashed our minds "Yes" she replied sadly and we couldn't stop exchanging looks. "You're the youngest daughter born 4 years after your closest older sister, Do you share the same aim as your sisters or are you on Daddy's side?" Yoongi asked. "I'm.....also rebellious against our father like my sister's but he has never been bad to me my whole life. I don't know why but still feel vengeful towards him. Maybe Hwasa Unnie's rebelliousness has rubbed off on me" She answered without fear. "We've been asking so many questions we already have the answer to but no one has asked the real question at hand, What's your name?" Jungkook asked. "My name? My Lalisa Manoban" She told us."Have you ever heard your father mentioning something about V?" I asked her. "No, but I once heard a guard refer to V as a very powerful Mafia but no one has ever seen his face. Dad never talks about anything concerning his Mafia organization with me. He forced my sisters to train day and night but I was never even allowed to fetch my own water" Lalisa said. "You must be very precious to him since he practically treated you like a Queen compared to your sisters" Hoseok commented and the girl just looked down. "Aren't you scared?" Jimin asked. "I'm not" She answered boldly leaving all of us in shock. "I'm thankful instead. I've been waiting centuries to get out of that place. I want to live freely like Wheein Unnie, she gets to live a life where she doesn't have to think about Dad or anything concerning him. Even though he never speaks about his Mafia thinks in front of me, I still know what he does. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not but I sincerely thank you all" She said as she bowed to us. We all exchange dumbfounded looks and just looked back at her intimidatingly. "Those are all the questions we have for you. A maid will come down with clothes and other necessities for you. In the mean time, you are not allowed to step a toe out of this door or it shall immediately be cut off. Am I clear?" I said and she nodded in fear. As we stepped out of the room, I appointed some guards to guard that door with their lives. We were climbing the stairs to go to the 2 floor from up and the 3 floor from bottom, "Tae, why isn't that Lalisa allowed to go out of her room? Won't she feel stuffy? You let Jennie move around" Jimin said. "Exactly. Jennie. I am keeping her away from Jennie" I said. "Why? What would happen if she meets Jennie?" Jungkook asked. "Chaos. What else" I replied. "She'll feel really suffocated down there plus she's in a basement for crying out loud" Jimin added. "If you're so worried about her, why don't you go stay with her since flirting has become your #1 job" I said harshly to him. "I was NOT flirting. Just because we're Mafia doesn't mean we're cruel and ruthless" Jimin said. "That's what the name stands for Jimin, you can't change it" Yoongi told Jimin. "But I agree with Jimin, Tae, You should let her roam freely like Jennie. She could seriously feel stuffy and suffocated down there" Hoseok said. "That's the main reason there are oxygen tanks down there" I concurred. "Do you have an answer for everything?" Jimin yelled out of frustration. "Yes I do" I said proudly making Jimin glare at me. "Com'on Taehyung hyung, please" Jungkook pleaded. "What if she could be threat? She could use a vase, hit a guard and make a run for it" I suggested. "Why are you such a pessimist?" Jimin said rapidly. "And why are you such an optimist?" I replied. "I swear this dude has an answer for everything" Jimin whispered to Jungkook. "I heard that" I made sure they knew I heard them. "I mean what damage could she do, Tae, she's been an overly pampered Princess all her life, do you really think she could do that" Jin hyung said. "Yoongi hyung?" I asked Yoongi. "Just listen to them. It'll end the pain faster" Yoongi said as we climbed the stairs to my home office. "Ugh fine" I said finally giving in. I ordered a maid to take some clothes and other necessities down to the basement for Lalisa and I also told the maid to inform the girl she can roam the mansion's ground floor and outside but not the floor above the ground floor, too much into her own floor and the floor before her floor before we entered my office. "Tae where's Jennie?" Jimin asked me. "Do I look like her bodyguard. I haven't seen her all morning" I said. "Ok, I'll go find her myself" Jimin said leaving my office. I looked up to see Jungkook smiling like an idiot looking at the floor. "Jungkook, what's so funny about the floor?" I asked drawing everyone's attention to him. "Uhhh- ummm - the thing is hyung.....I saw this really funny meme this morning" Jungkook started to explain but I completely blocked him off my mind and I only heard the members laughing. *Phew that was a close call* Jungkook thought to himself.
Chaeyoung POV
Jennie explained the story of her whole life and how she got here and I couldn't stop crying. I had to put my hands over my mouth to keep the sobs from escaping this room. As she told me everything, we both broke into tears and couldn't stop hugging each other. "I'm so sorry Unnie, I never knew what you had done through. I can't believe you went through all that alone Unnie" I cried. "It's ok. I'm also sorry for suddenly becoming cold with you today and yesterday, it was because the memories came flooding back but I'm ok don't worry. I have an amazing person like you in my life" She whispered as she wiped my tears. "I promise Unnie you won't have to suffer like that anymore here. You have me with you" I said and we hugged. "Thank you Chae, what would I do without you" She told me. Soon we heard a knock on the door and tried to look like we hadn't just cried a river of tears "Come in" Jennie replied. "Hey gir-- what's wrong? What's happening?? why are your eyes red and puffy?? Have you girls been crying??" Jimin asked as he entered Jennie Unnie's room. "Uhh-- Ji-- Jimin" Jennie Unnie stammered. "Yes, we've been crying" I said boldly and Jennie Unnie looked at me with a stern look but with fear in eyes. "Why?? What happened??" Jimin asked coming closer to us. Jennie Unnie was looking into my eyes to tell me not to tell Jimin but I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed it trying to tell her "I don't worry girl I got this". "Jimin, have you ever watched a movie where the main leads fight for their love but end up dying at the end, after defeating all their trials and tribulations?" I asked Jimin thinking about what Jennie Unnie told me to trigger tears to roll down my cheeks. "Were you girls talking about Romeo and Juliet?" Jimin asked looking at Jennie Unnie. "I had never watched the movie but Rosie had and she was explaining it to me. The movie was so emotional, it made both of us cry" Jennie Unnie followed my lead. "Yes, it really happened but that's just the movie. A very sad tragedy indeed but don't cry Rosie" Jimin said calling me by the pet name Jennie Unnie had given me and he knelt in front of me while he wiped the tears off my cheeks. I stopped functioning for a while just admiring him as he wiped my tears. I looked at Jennie Unnie and she was giving me a teasing smile while raising her eyebrows up and down. Jimin turned to look at her but she immediately put on a sad face and I started blushing. "You too Jennie, Cheer up, It's just a movie. I know exactly what would make you girls happy. You girls like being in the garden watching the flowers while drinking some tea. I would have taken you out but we all know Taehyung the grouch" Jimin said trying to lighten up the mood. "Thanks Jimin, we would love that" Jennie and I answered. We were already arriving the garden to sit at our usual spot when we saw a girl sitting there. "Uhh Unnie, Jimin do you see what I'm seeing?" I asked. "Who is she?" Jennie Unnie and I both asked at the same time.

Thank you everyone so much for reading my story and for 600 VIEWS, it means so much to me and I really appreciate the live you're giving this book. Your reads and votes are what are keeping this book going. Comment what you think about your favorite character or any character and I will always reply. Thank you a 1000 folds and I will see you in the next chapter. Borahae 💜❤️💜❤️💜♥️💜❤️

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