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Jennie POV
After dinner last night, I chatted a little with Chaeyoung before going straight to bed and the pyjamas were so soft and comfortable. I never thought in a million years I would get to enjoy life so well like this and I owe it all to Taehyung and Chaeyoung. I guess he's not so bad after all. I woke up to the glorious sun in my small but comfortable black bedroom. I did a small morning routine I had come up with and changed to normal casual house clothes. Chaeyoung came into my room few minutes later. "Good morning Unnie. How was your night?" She told me. "Good and yours?" I asked. "Splendid except because of that darn Taehyung who couldn't let me talk freely with Jimin ugh" Chaeyoung whined as she sulked on my bed. "Aww come on Chae, Taehyung isn't that bad. We will always have many more opportunities to talk to Jimin" I tried to cheer her up. "I guess so" She said still pouting. After sitting in silence for a while, Chaeyoung just shot up from my bed. "Oh Unnie, Have you heard?" Chaeyoung asked me. "Heard what?" I said confused. "Seriously, Don't you know anything that goes on in this mansion?" She said a little pissed and disappointed then I just shook my head indicating "No"
"You really need to follow upon the latest news. Anyway, Master Taehyung is going on a mission tonight actually the whole Bulletproof Mafias are" Chaeyoung informed me. "Really?!?!?!" I asked surprised. "Yeah. Plus Master Taehyung doesn't just go on any missions. He only goes on really tough and dangerous missions especially if the person messed with him or the Bulletproof Mafias." Rosie explained. "Wow! Why tho?" I asked. "That's unknown. Obviously Master Taehyung would keep that confidential but a lot of preparations are being made downstairs come see" Rosie said as she pulled me outside the room. We stood at the top of the staircase and saw everything below. There were guards everywhere literally transporting all kinds of things and even boxes. "So this what it looks like when a Mafia boss goes on a mission." I said. "Yep and this isn't even half of it" Rosie said as she pulled me downstairs but I got a glimpse of Taehyung's office, Many guards were entering and exiting his office. When we arrived downstairs, everyone was so busy they didn't even notice we were there. "Have you had breakfast?" Rosie asked. "Not yet" I replied. "And you stayed quiet about it. Master Taehyung is going to kill us." Rosie said as she dragged me to the dinning table. Some maids that were there served me breakfast so quickly I didn't even realize when it was all ready. "Rosie, Sit and eat with me" I said then she sat next to me and we had breakfast together. While we were having breakfast, Taehyung appeared out of nowhere with his all black suit. We stood up and bowed to him then he told us to sit and continued eating. There was a lot of tension in the air since Taehyung entered then his phone rang.
Caller ID : Jin hyung
"Taehyung Hey Look I need a really important favour ok?" Jin pleaded
"Depends" Taehyung answered
"Can I borrow your helicopter pad?" Jin asked.
"Seriously" Taehyung said coldly.
"Please. You understand right TaeTae" Jin hyung said tried to persuade him.
"First, Eww Never call me that again and Second, Whatever" Taehyung answered.
"Thanks Tae You are my favorite dongsaeng in the entire world." Jin said as he hung up.
Call ended
After breakfast, Chaeyoung and I felt the dinning room and just wandered around the Mansion. "This Mansion is freaking huge" I said. "What do you expect from Master Taehyung. He has the biggest mansion out of all the Bulletproof Mafias" Rosie informed me. "Shouldn't we be tailed by a lot of security?" I asked and Rosie just cleared her throat. I looked around and found multiple guards watching us from different hiding areas. "Oh. Well, You guys should do a better job at hiding because I can spot all of you~" I said to make them aware.

Hosoek POV
I was with Jin hyung in the car on our way to Taehyung's mansion when he made the phone call to Taehyung. Jin hyung is so nervous "Hyung, Relax she was checking everything in your territory for you. She would be so happy to see you again" I said. "It's not that Hoba it's just she was just an innocent girl who had to fall for a Mafia boss and now she has to live up to that title and the responsibilities *sigh* I didn't want that for her." Jin said sincerely. "Wow hyung" I said moved by his words. "But how can I blame her I'm beautiful. After all I am the Worldwide Handsome Mafia" Jin said exaggeratedly. "Yep there it is" I said and Jin hyung burst out laughing easing is nerves a bit. "Anyway, hyung she loved you just the same even when she found out you were a Mafia a simple farm girl like her went against everyone and married a Mafia boss out of love. A very ill-fated love that she knew could never happen but she till fought for it. Now look at where she is, She is happily married to the love of her life. Calm down hyung She loves you, you love her and you can't wait to see her" I explained to him with a wise old man voice. "Thanks Hoba you sound like someone with a lot of dating experience." Jin said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Have an older sister and her friends come over almost every weekend and talk all night then you'll understand where I get that from" I explained and we laughed. "She's your wife. Relax and welcome her" I finally said to him before we got out of the car.  All the other members were standing outside Taehyung's mansion in front of the helicopter pad. "Well, well, well, I hope you didn't have to drag a cranky Yoongi here this time" I said. "They're lucky they told me yesterday so I knew about it early enough" Yoongi replied coldly. "Anyway, Noona should be arriving anytime soon." Jungkook informed us. In a distance, I saw Jennie and the other girl umm what was her name Chaeyoung yeah They were heading this way when the helicopter was in sight. "There it is. Noona is finally back" Jimin shouted like kid earning a solid slap on the back of his head from Taehyung. "What was that for?" Jimin shouted at Taehyung. "You're too loud shut up" Taehyung simply emotionlessly said. The helicopter finally landed on the helicopter pad while Jennie and Chaeyoung watched from a far. "Why are they bringing in a helicopter?" Jennie asked Chaeyoung. "I don't know. I don't have information on that put maybe It's for the Bulletproof Mafias to go on their mission" Chaeyoung suggested. Jin hyung stepped forward as a black luxurious high high heel steeped out of the helicopter soon followed by an elegantly dressed lady.
The lady and her outfit

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