Or Not

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Jennie looked at her savior with complete shock and a slight frown *Upon all the people he could trust, WHY HIM?!???* Jennie kept thinking over and over. "Is her highness done admiring my handsome face and is ready to get out of my arms. Damn! You're heavy" The person said. "Am not!!" Jennie shouted as she jumped out of his arms with lightening speed. "Finally!! Geez, What are you, a baby elephant" The person said. "Are you a baby bunny" Jennie backlashed and he looked at her seriously. "Look as much as I didn't want to be here. I was forced so don't make me murder you here and make it look like it was a wild bear" The guy said threateningly. "More like a wild sugar-rushed bunny.  Besides, Upon all his servants even Seojun!!! But why did he have to send you?!!" Jennie scolded. "It's not like I volunteered willing to be here. I wanted something from him and there was also something I needed very badly so don't think I'm enjoying this. I'm directly disobeying Taehyung and if he found out; I would be dead" The guy said. "Also, Jimin told me to hand you this farewell gift" The guy said as she looked at the tiny box with curiosity. The man offering it to her now was no other than Jeon Jungkook
She slowly took the box from him and opened it to see a beautiful necklace.
The necklace

"He said you should remember him by it or whatever" Jungkook said as he looked into the forest ahead of them

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"He said you should remember him by it or whatever" Jungkook said as he looked into the forest ahead of them. Jennie quickly slid it on her neck and admired it's beauty what she didn't notice was Jungkook was secretly looking at her with an unknown emotion and dark voids in his eyes. "We should get moving. I don't think Taehyung can sleep very long. Anything can wake him up so let's move" Jungkook ordered but Jennie held his arm to stop him from moving. "What about my clothes?" She asked.
Flashback in Jungkook's mind
Early in the morning after making a deal with Jimin while Jennie was deep asleep, Jungkook broke into her room like a thief in the night. He stealthily took half of her belongings and put in a sack. *I don't even know why I agreed to this* Jungkook thought as he closed the bag. He looked over at sleeping Jennie with a lot of curiosity and questions swimming in his brown orbs but he shook everything put of his head and left quiet as though he was never there
End of Flashback
"That's already taken care of. Now let's go!" Jungkook said with a cold tone but Jennie couldn't care less she was busy missing her friends while just mindlessly following Jungkook. The whole way Jungkook kept wondering why being around her made him feel so soft and free, so alive, so.......... familiar but they didn't know each other so why then? He's never felt so safe with someone he barely knew and why her who he doesn't even care about. *Whatever* Jungkook thought as he shook all other thoughts from his head. They walked through a dense and thick forest while descending a very high hill. When they finally got down, There were introduced to a desert where a black car was waiting for them. "Get in! If I get caught because of you, I'll kill you before I can suffer Taehyung and the hyungs punishment" Jungkook said dryly but in a threatening tone as he got into the black car's driver's seat and Jennie got into the passenger's seat next to him. To be honest, she didn't trust Jungkook 1 bit but he was her only and last hope to freedom; If he actually does of what Jimin asked him. While they were driving, many questions ran through Jennie's head and she decided to express herself. "Jungkook--- Hmm I mean Master Jungkook, may I ask a question?" Jennie said softly. "I don't know if that was a pawn but just cuz you added 'Master' I'll be merciful and let you ask" Jungkook said dryly not once taking his eyes off the road ahead of him. "Actually....There are more than 1, Master" Jennie said nervously. "I'll allow 3 and that's final!" Jungkook said sternly as his gazed hardened over the road. *Why am I answering her this easily?!??? Me?!?? Jeon Jungkook?!? Letting a captive do whatever she wants?!?? Is she a siren?!?? Why does her voice feel so warms and safe?!?? JUST WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!!!* Jungkook thought as his grip on the steering tighten with every thought. "Thank you, Master. Why aren't you blindfolding me?" Jennie asked which left Jungkook dumbfounded. "What?" Jungkook asked out of confusion. "Master Taehyung always orders for me to have a blindfold over my eyes when I'm going out because he doesn't want me to know where his Mansion is located" Jennie said and Jungkook burst out laughing. "Taehyung hyung just likes to makes the dumbest decisions sometimes. Even chaining you in the garden was extremely dumb. What did he think? You would run into the garden and jump over that wall???!!!" Jungkook said as he continued laughing. "I guess" Jennie said in slight confusion herself. "All that wasn't even necessary. He just did it cuz he thought it was cool and he would look dominant. Even if you tried to escape on your own you would never succeed. It's a dead road" Jungkook explained then soundly went dark. "Ah. My second question is why do you never add Hyung to Jimin's name? You always just call him by his name directly. He and Taehyung-- I mean Master Taehyung are the same age and you refer to Master Taehyung as hyung then why not him?" Jennie asked. That question came as a shock to Jungkook he didn't expect it in the least. "Why should I tell you?" Jungkook said dryly and coldly to Jennie. "If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. I was just wondering" Jennie said as she began to think of her last question while Jungkook was having an inner battle with himself. *Don't! Don't you dare!! Jungkook, NO! YOU'VE NEVER EXPLAINED YOURSELF TO ANYBODY THEN, WHY IN THE WHOLE WORLD HER!!! OF ALL PEOPLE. YOU HAVE YOUR PARENTS, THE GUYS BUT WHY HER!!! DON'T YOU DARE OPEN YOUR MOUTH. IF YOU--* Jungkook thought but silenced his thoughts with a long and heavy sigh. "I don't call Jimin 'hyung' because I feel the most familiar with him. He's the one who got me where I am today. He's like......I don't know like....... the older sibling I never had. We're from the same place so........I really don't know I guess I love him to much to the extent I want him to know he can count on me even tho I like Taehyung hyung too. I want Jimin to feel like I'm there for him just like he was and is for me" Jungkook said as his grip on the steering and gaze on the road softened while Jennie looked at him with soft eyes. "Wait! Wait! Wait!! Why the hell am I explaining myself to you!!! And all of this for you. I could just take you back to Taehyung or worst just kill you here and now" Jungkook tried to threaten. "You wouldn't" Jennie said calmly and softly. "What? I'm a Mafia and what makes you think I wouldn't. I can if I want to" Jungkook said in a threatening tone again. "You won't do it" Jennie said calmly with no fear which annoyed and made Jungkook angry. "I can!!! STOP TEMPTING ME!" Jungkook shouted. "You can't" Jennie said calmly. "Oh yeah? And Why is that, Miss Fearless" Jungkook said very pissed. "Because of Jimin" Jennie said and Jungkook's eyes went wide, his heart stopped, he slammed his foot on the breaks then looked at Jennie with wide eyes but no emotions of his face. "You wouldn't because Jimin asked you to protect me, make sure I escape safely and you wouldn't want him get angry with you especially because of me. So you'd better leave and get this over with, Am I wrong?" Jennie said calmly which made Jungkook freeze in shock. "Thanks for everything, Jungkook. I hope you tell Jimin how much you appreciate him than make him angry all the time and make him misunderstand you. Goodbye, Master Jungkook" She completed as she gave him a final bow and was about opening the door when Jungkook said "The back seat, your luggage is in the back seat" He reached over behind, got the bag and handed it to Jennie without looking at her. "Goodbye Jennie" He said in a monotone still not looking at her. She smiled and got out of the car. "Also this handbag, Protect it with your life and use it wisely. Be careful out here and stay safe" Jungkook said but before Jennie could ask anything or reply he had already drove off. She just stood there with a smile on her face watching his car disappear as he drove further. Meanwhile, Jungkook was watching her from his rear view mirror with a small smile, suddenly the smile fell and he pressed a button in his car which showed a red blinking dot on his car's tracking device dashboard. Jennie on the other hand was holding her bag in one hand, her handbag was over her shoulder and was trying to figure out how to get a place to stay. *He just left me with a hangbag full of cash and booted. How does he expect me to find a way AROUND A PLACE I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!* Jennie thought getting a little mad but was over all happy to be free at last. "Maybe I should have asked Chae if we could buy a phone. Maybe Master Taehyung would have broken it [shrugs] I don't care. All I know is I'M FREE!!" She shouted a little too loud and made people stare at her. "Sorry, I'm Sorry" She said softly while being embarrassed then left. She wandered for a long time till she came to a dead end alley upon turning back she came face to face with 5 men dressed in all black. She took a step backwards. "What's a pretty little thing like you, doing in a dirty dinghy place like this" The Man in the middle said and Jennie's heart started beating extremely fast with fear as she started trembling. "And she brought gifts" The second man to the right said. Jennie tried to get a word out but couldn't and backed up away from the thugs as they approached her slowly. "Don't worry Doll, we won't hurt if you be a good girl" The one in the middle said. Jennie's back finally hit the wall and she scanned the whole place for a way out but could find none. "L- l- leave me alone. You can have the bag and everything else.....just leave me alone" Jennie said with fear lacing her voice. "Uh oh, she's shaking" The man at the right at the end said. "I said you could take the bag!!" Jennie shouted as she shot the bag at the middle man. "That's not a very nice thing to do, doll
Let me teach you a lesson--" The man said as they approached her with increased speed, Jennie ducked and covered her ears with her hands and closed her eyes shut when a gunshot was heard right behind them. The bullet was in the middle man's back but he didn't die because he was physically well built and was very bulky. Everyone turned to look at the holder of the gun to see........Taehyung. Jennie felt the cold atmosphere and opened her eyes to be shocked to see Taehyung standing in front of her with an emotion on his face. It was the first emotion she sees on his face; Fury. He was so damn furious and hella angry. She could practically see heat and thermal energy emitting out of him. "Who do you think you are!!Who are you!!!" The man to the left shouted. "Ohhohoh someone you should never have messed with!!" Taehyung said as he put his gun back in his waistband. "Get him" The middle man said as the other 3 guys ran at Taehyung and one stayed by his side. The 3 guys ran with full speed at Taehyung as Taehyung turned his head to the side and clicked his tongue in annoyance before looking back at them and in one swift move he dodged the first man's attack then gave him a power kick in the back. He slid under and used his leg to clear the second man approaching him to the ground then he stopped the third man's punch with ease in his left hand then gave him a power punch in the gut. He then twisted the third man's hand in his left hand then gave him a jam from the knee in his stomach which sent him flying to the wall. The first man came flying back at Taehyung from back but Taehyung swagly punched him in the face with the back of his hand. The second man which Taehyung cleared was still pretty down because he fell and hit his head but Taehyung just walked past him while stepping hard on the guy's hand all in front of Jennie. She just watched with amazement, fear,  and shock. "Was that it? Anyone still wanna go?" Taehyung asked as he slowly approached the last 2 remaining men. The 4th man supporting their boss was weak looking but he put his Boss's head on Jennie's bag she had thrown at them earlier as a pillow then stood up to fight. "Oh come, REALLY?!?!?. Look! I'm sleep deprived, Furious, Tired and I can barely see right now!! If you don't wanna die, you'll hand over the girl and leave quietly and act as if you never saw or did nothin." Taehyung threatened but the guy didn't back down. "Ok, this is boring" He said as he removed the gun from his waistband and pointed it at the guy's head but then last minute turned it away and shot all the others whom he had already taken down and they immediately died in front of the Guy, his boss and Jennie. But the guy still decided to fight and run towards Taehyung in attacking stance. Taehyung felt sorry for him and only grabbed him by the hair wile he tried throwing punches to the air then Taehyung gave him a light pinch in the eyes then let him go as he regained his vision from see double after Taehyung's punch then launched at Taehyung again but this time he just ended the game smoothly as he hit the guy in the head with his gun and the guy immediately fell half unconscious. Taehyung looked to the side as he put his gun back in his waistband. He looked at the guy who was still struggling to stay conscious. "You're a brave soldier, mate. I'm really proud that you stayed for you team till the very end. You fought a great war" Taehyung said to the guy as he walked passed him and towards Jennie. She sat in the middle of the wall with a horrified face at the blood and dead bodies in front of her when she was suddenly pulled up to her feet with great force. She looked up to meet Taehyung's bloodshot eyes with a dangerous stare in them. It felt like time had stopped around them then he roughly pulled her away from the alley by her wrist. She didn't even resist because of what happened to the men around her then Taehyung abruptly stopped. "Oh right! I can't leave you alive" Taehyung said as he removed his gun from his waistband and shot the boss in the heart and head before he realized the boss was holding Jennie's ankle as they were walking past him. "The exact main reason; I shouldn't have let you live" Taehyung said as he walked away while pulling Jennie behind him and with her holding her bag. He dragged her to his car, told her to get in and she quietly obliged. Taehyung just got in and drove off with super speed back to his Mansion. "Why did you go out?" Taehyung asked calmly and darkly but Jennie just hugged her bag silently. "I asked you a question" He insisted. "I- I- I-" Jennie started stammering. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF HOW WORRIED I WAS!!! WHAT IF I NEVER CAME, HUH? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOUR FATE WOULD HAVE BEEN. WHY DID YOU LEAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! YOU HAVE TO GET ONE THING STRAIGHT IN YOUR HEAD THAT YOU, ARE MINE AND YOU CAN'T GO ANYWHERE ELSE" Taehyung shouted while speeding like crazy. Still Jennie found the strength to talk "M- M- master Taehyung, how did you know where to find me?" Jennie asked and Taehyung had a flashback.
Taehyung shook to go to the bathroom but decided to walk around the Mansion and clear his head before going back to sleep. Yeontan was out with his nanny again and Taehyung realized how calm Yeontan was. "Are these the new flowers?" Taehyung asked in a sleepy voice. "Yes they are, Master Taehyung" Yeontan's nanny answered. "Hm, Glad to see Tan isn't irritated by them"Taehyung said as he patted Yeontan's head and turned away back into the Mansion. He was ascending the stairs when guard caught his attention. "Master, The captive in the 3rd floor room requests to see you." The guard said. "No" Taehyung answered as continued to mount the stairs. "I beg you, Master. She has been begging endlessly since last night. She says it's an urgent matter" The guard said. Part of Taehyung didn't want to go but the other part urged him to go. Before he knew it he found himself in front of her cell door where he pressed a button and circular window in the door went down. "Miss Manoban, what is so urgent you had to keep my guards up all night for?" Taehyung asked from outside and on hearing Taehyung's voice, Lisa immediately ran to the door and for the first time since she arrived, she bowed. "Master Taehyung, I wish to plead with you if you could teach me some combat" Lisa asked as boldly as ever. "Wait! So you could use it against us. Why do you think I would ever do something as stupid as that?" Taehyung asked. "Because I'm willing to form a rebellion with you against my Father."  Lisa said and Taehyung scoffed. "What am I? A low level bandit to start a rebellion" Taehyung said. "I'm weak and I'm defenseless, Taehyung. If I learned combat or even got half the training all my sisters got growing up, I could be of use to you. I will pledge my loyalty to you" Lisa said confidently. "Look, I don't give a damn about what you say or do in this particular matter. I don't want to come between family here. Your Father is my fight; my rival. I wouldn't want a 2 headed snake on my playground and I will take no risks of having a traitor or a double agent on my team. End of Discussion" Taehyung said. "But---" Lisa wanted to add but was cut short by Taehyung and that button that takes up the circular glass in the door and even pressed the metallic shutter that blocks anyone from viewing in or out and simply walked away. He stopped to tell the guards "Move everything that belongs to Yeontan into the 4th floor. I don't want him being on the same floor as the captive and make it snappy" Taehyung commanded. "Yes, Master" The guards said as they carried out Taehyung's orders. Taehyung climbed to the ground floor where he saw Jimin coming from the garden with glistening eyes and a red nose. They shared a second of eye contact then Jimin walked past him without saying a word. Taehyung ignored him and went back to his room then suddenly he thought about Jennie. *I should apologize to her for last night or just at least check on her. I shouldn't have objectified her like that* Taehyung thought as he walked to Jennie's room. Taehyung arrived Jennie's room with heavy feet and then he knocked but no response. He knocked again and still no response. "Miss Kang, are you in there?" Taehyung asked but no answer still so he opened the door with force to see it empty, untidy and abandoned. He calmly walked back out and asked "Why is this room so untidy?"
A maid answered "Master Taehyung, The room was supposed to be dusted today and cleaned up" Taehyung scoffed "I mean why does it look abandoned?" He asked in an intimidating tone. "W.....well No one has inhabitated the room for a long time, Master" The maid answered which made Taehyung snap and power walk to the staircase balcony. "DID OR DID I NOT ORDER FOR MISS KANG JENNIE TO BE PUT IN THE ROOM NEXT TO MY OFFICE!!!?!!!" Taehyung shouted which got all the servants attention. Everyone how'd their heads in agony. "I DON'T CARE. MOVE EVERYTHING OF HERS INTO THAT ROOM IMMEDIATELY!!!" Taehyung ordered and everyone scattered like rats in the light. Taehyung opened his phone to check the exterior cameras for anything but he couldn't find Jennie anywhere. The only person he was.......Jimin. Before Jimin could walk to his car, Jungkook was just arriving the scene with panic all over his face. "Hyung, this is bad. This is very bad" Jungkook said panicked. "What is it? What happened?" Jimin asked in concern. "It's Jennie. She's in very big trouble" Jungkook spat out. "What's wrong? TELL ME!!!" Jimin shouted with panic as he grabbed Jungkook's collar but suddenly Taehyung came from behind and pushed Jungkook with great force (not enough to hurt him) out of Jimin's grip then held Jimin by the collar and pulled his close to his face. "WHERE. IS. JENNIE?" Taehyung growled in a low voice. "I have no idea what you're talking about" Jimin answered calmly with a straight face. "Don't play--" Taehyung said but was cut off by Jungkook. "Hyungs, This is no time to be fooling around. Jimin-ssi  Swallow up that pride you have because she's in danger" Jungkook said taking Taehyung's side. "Bastard" Jimin whispered under his breath as he scoffed and Jungkook heard it but pretended not to. "Who's in danger? 'She' who?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Jungkook. "Jennie. She's in danger right now at Sangnam Back alley" Jungkook said. "How do YOU know that?" Jimin asked. "Is that really the point here!!!! She's actually in danger!!" Jungkook shouted. "I know you had something to do with this and I'll come back for you later" Taehyung growled as he let go of Jimin's collar, ran past Jungkook and with the speedy of light, he had already pickpocketed Jungkook's car keys out of his pants and got into the car. He drove off with devil speed before anyone could even blink. "Thanks a lot, 'Jungkook' " Jimin said as he stormed back inside. Jungkook was left there sad but he killed his emotions like always and walked away.
End of Flashback
"That's none of your concern." Taehyung said sternly. Jennie simply turned her whole body to face the window as she gazed at the clear sky. "Give me ALL jewelry on you" Taehyung said coldly and harshly. "W- w- what? W- why?" Jennie asked in a low soft voice as she tilted her head towards him. "D- d- did I stutter hand them over to me!!" Taehyung shouted in an intimidating voice and Jennie quietly removed all the jewelry on her but hid the necklace Jimin had given to her through Jungkook . "Is that Al of it?" Taehyung asked coldly and Jennie nodded sad with her head getting heavy with every nod. "Attempt hiding any jewelry from me and you'll suffer the consequences" Taehyung said coldly as he stopped the car, threw the jewelry in front of it then ran over the jewelry totally crushing them with Jungkook's car. Jennie watched in shock as she turned away from him, shutting her eyes closed very tightly and pretended to clutch her heart but was actually clutching Jimin's necklace in her shirt.  As Taehyung drove on, Lisa's words to him came back to his mind. "From next week, you shall start combat and weaponry training, understood?" Taehyung said while looking straight ahead with a deadly glare in his bloodshot eyes. Jennie was about to open her mouth when Taehyung cut her off "You have absolutely no say in this. You WILL do it and I shall give you a monthly evaluation on everything you will learn so far. So get ready" Jennie simply looked out the window and hugged herself wishing she could just disappear already. It was a tense drive till the arrived Taehyung's mansion. Taehyung got out of the car leaving a mind clouded, dead looking Jennie in the car. When she finally got out of her trance, she went into the Mansion. As she walked in to the house, Jimin came running to her. "I'm so sorry" He whispered. "It's ok. You tried your best and that means everything to me" Jennie said with a sad smile as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I'll keep trying. I won't leave you here. You must and I'll make sure of it." Jimin said but the memories of what Taehyung did today flashed before Jennie and how he was covered in blood. "No, no no no no. Please no no no. It's ok. I'm fine d- don't do anything" Jennie said with terror, fear and panic written all over her face as she held Jimin's shoulders. "Why?Did he threaten you?" Jimin asked. "N- no he didn't but I just don't want to leave anymore. It's safer here. The outside world isn't a place for me. So I'll stay right here with you and Chae, huh? I'm fine. I just need some rest, ok? See you later, Jim" Jennie said barely audibly as she was forcing her voice out. She stopped Jimin from helping her to her room and hobbled her way up. She couldn't lift her head after that. When she arrived just a few more steps to her room door, she saw Chaeyoung standing next to her door with a very sad face. There was no way to even call out to Chaeyoung. No voice was coming out even though Jennie was struggling to talk. Only tears were rolling down her eyes. Chaeyoung calmly and quietly walked towards Jennie and when she was close enough she......grabbed her in a tender tight hug. Jennie lazily wrapped her hands around Chaeyoung's waist and cried more. "I totally understand why you would want to leave but you could have told me" Chaeyoung said. "I swear I did but Jimin said it's better you didn't know. He said it'd hurt you" Jennie said. "Yeah...he was right" Chaeyoung said as she patted Jennie's head. "I'm so sorry, Rosie" Jennie said as continued crying. "It's fine. I'm just glad we're together now. I know it's still here and I'm not enough but I hope it comforts you" Chaeyoung said. "No, you're more than enough" Jennie said as she hugged Chaeyoung very tightly. "Come on. Let's get you to your room" Rosè said. "Wait! My room is that way" Jennie said and Chaeyoung took a long sigh. "Master Taehyung moved your room from here to next to his office" Chaeyoung said and Jennie's eyes widened in suprise. It took her a few seconds to drink it in but what other choice did she have than to follow Chaeyoung to her new room. Her head was still hanging low as she leaned against Rosie and held her hand for support as Rosè guided her to her new room. "Talk to you tomorrow. Get some rest, ok?" Rosie said and Jennie just nodded. They wished each other goodnight then Rosè closed the door as Jennie walked to her bed then blacked out.
Somewhere in an abandoned warehouse
"Boss! Boss! Boss!!!" A man with with a bug purple bruised eye came running in. "What? Where are the others? Ouwww what happened to you" Min Eun hyuk said as he stared with disgust at the frail guy before him. "That doesn't matter right now. I have very valuable information for you" The guy said. "And what is that?" Eun hyuk asked. "I think I saw Viper and know his weakness" The guy said with a creepy enthusiastic smile. "Go on" Min Enu hyuk said as he grinned evilly

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