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Lalisa POV
"You're about to find out" Jimin said as they walked up behind me. "Hi?" I heard a female voice say behind me.

I turned around to see 2 girls with one of the Mafia boss' whom were interrogating me earlier. He was standing behind them and giving me an expressionless stare.

"Hi?" I replied to the brunette haired girl. "Umm who are you?" She asked me. "Same thing I should be asking you" I said and the guy started glaring at me while the girls looked taken a back

"Well, I'm Jennie and this is my best friend Chaeyoung" The girl introduced herself and the blonde haired girl. "I'm Lalisa but You can call me Lisa" I introduced myself.

"This is our usual spot so can we sit?" Jennie asked. "Of course" I replied and they sat in the other 3 empty chairs. There was an long awkward silence with the guy glaring at me.

"So....if you don't mind me asking again, Who are you and why are you here?" Jennie asked me. "Beats me. I'm--" I was about to explain but the guy cut me off.

"She's Hobi hyung's cousin and she'll be staying here for a while." The guys said glaring at me. "Really?! Why isn't she staying at Master J-hope's estate?" Chaeyoung asked as she sensed the code the guys were trying to send.

"Because hyung is almost never at home and he thought her staying here would give her some company especially since he's always here and V's house is always full of life." The guy said as he smiled at them but Chaeyoung kept staring at him and they shared a brief eye contact.

"Ok Sure. Well now that you're here, would you like to join us for tea?" Jennie invited me. "Thank you" I simply said.

When a maid brought the tea, we were all drinking it but the atmosphere was so tense between me and the Mafia. *Why did you lie about my identity to them? Who are they to you? Then why did you let me out of the room? All of these people are so strange?* I said to myself.

Author POV
While Lisa was solely concentrating on the 3 in front of her, someone had snuck out of Taehyung's home office and was watching them from a far.

"Hey, I like your bracelets. Where'd you get it?" Chaeyoung said. "Oh these, They were my Mom's and they were passed down to me" Lisa said with a small smile.

Jimin stared at the bracelets for a long time before looking back at Lisa. Soon the figure watching them from a far decided to approach them seeing Jennie and Chaeyoung socializing with Lisa. "

Am I interrupting something?" He said with a deep voice. All except Jimin turned around to see the one, the only, International Playboy........Jeon Jungkook.

He was dashingly dressed in a black turtle neck, black leather jacket, black slightly ripped skinny jeans, Black Prada monolith 55 leather and nylon Lug-sole combat boots, his long hair slightly wavy, no eyebrow piercing, no lip piercing and just his long earrings on his left ear and short earrings on the right ear.

The girls were mesmerized by Jungkook but Jennie and Chaeyoung quickly bowed as Lisa and Jungkook continued holding eye contact. "Show-off" Jimin said.

"What's that?!!" Jungkook said than asked. "Oh nothing. Pretend I never said anything" Jimin said with a mischievous smile.

"Anyway, what brings us your humble presence this fine evening, Good Sir?" Jimin asked just to annoy Jungkook. "I just came to see what you were up to, Jimin-ah" Jungkook teased Jimin back.

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