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Jimin stormed through the corridors, rooms and halls of Kim Mansion with great anger and fury till he reached Taehyung's home office which he barged into so very aggressively and rudely then slamming the door shut harsh after him.

"Who the heck wants to break my house into crumbs of cookies?" Taehyung shouted angrily in his deep voice as he turned to look at the fuming Jimin in front of him. "Oh it's you? I thought we settled our business" Taehyung said as he turned back on his swivel chair towards the window.

"I am in no mood for your insults, arrogance nor ignorance" Jimin said calmly but angrily. "What happened to you?" Taehyung asked like Jimin didn't just try to break the door loose from it's hinges.

"I just have one question to ask you and I wish you'd answer me honestly" Jimin said sternly while Taehyung remained silent.

"How did Jennie get here?" Jimin asked coldly and calmly as Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat. *I was not expecting that. At all* Taehyung thought as he continued to remain silent.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer. How did Jennie find herself here?!! Don't make me ask this a 3rd time Taehyung" Jimin said as he leaned forward with his hands on Taehyung's desk while Taehyung faced the window looking outside at the cool night view.

Taehyung took a deep breath before answering, "She was a trinket I liked so I had to get it. You know me; I want it, I got it" Taehyung said emotionlessly.

"So it's true? What did you need from her? Stress toy? Or just generally decoration for this house?" Jimin asked with annoyance lacing his voice while Taehyung remained silent

"I only ask why you dragged her here. She told me, SHE TOLD ME, TAEHYUNG. You could have simply given her money and sent her away" Jimin reasoned sternly.

"And what was my gain in her Mother's death then? Meaning I shouldn't have taken her in the first place if I was just going lose a deal" Taehyung said emotionlessly.

"Why? Don't you have a heart? *scoff* Sorry I forgot it stopped beating years ago. What you did to Jennie is cruel and heartless" Jimin said with anger in his voice.

"That's the point of the whole Mafia title. Read into it, would you. We can't change it" Taehyung said realistically.

"Even tho!! Just because we're Mafias doesn't mean we were all round bad people" Jimin said softly. "But we ARE bad people. The past defines the present and the present makes up the future. This is it for us" Taehyung said as he finally turned around to look Jimin in the eyes with sadness swimming in his dark brown orbs.

"We aren't bad people. We just do bad things to survive. We were blinded by revenge. We were just kids---" Jimin tried to reason. "Exactly! We did bad things because of revenge. We can't wash off or change the amount of blood on our hands, Face it. We're both orphans because of things that happened in the past that has gotten us here. There's no turning back!" Taehyung said sadly but firmly which broke Jimin who let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the ground beneath him

"What do you intend to do with Jennie?" Jimin asked calmly. "Whatever I see fit" Taehyung said emotionlessly again.

"And that's making her your slave? For how long? Eternity?" Jimin asked with sarcasm lacing his voice. "Maybe but horrid things could befall her the longer she's here and only I can protect her so I'm taking that risk. She definitely hates me and I plan on keeping it that way for her safety and misery" Taehyung said as he returned his gaze back to the window behind him as Jimin looks at his back profile with disbelief and slowly walks out to the door where pauses before opening.

"Thanks for everything you've done for her but She is not your responsibility. Not now, not ever" Jimin said as he left but Taehyung didn't bat an eye to his words.

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