New Friends

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Jennie POV
I woke up and just stared at the ceiling still in bed. *Why would Taehyung care if I was lonely or not? He really is confusing man. What was his purpose of even buying me?* I thought when I was interupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said and a maid walked in. "Miss, time for breakfast" The maid said. "Ok, Thank you" I said as we both went to the dining room.

Taehyung was eating breakfast already and as usual we ate in awkward silence. *I can't read him at all. He always has this dark aura around him. He's impeccably handsome but has absolutely no emotions in his eyes at all.* I thought to myself while staring at him.

I was staring at him so much I didn't realize He was also looking straight at me.

Taehyung POV
Jennie has been sitting across from me eating in silence. After some time, I glanced at her while putting food in my mouth but she was just staring at me so I put my food back down without it going into my mouth and now we are just staring at each other.

She noticed and looked at her plate flustered. *Cute* I thought as I continued eating. After a while, A maid walked into dining room. "Ah, Jennie. This is Park Roseanne Chaeyoung. I wanted to suggest her as your companion" I explained to her. She looked at the maid and smiled.

"She looks nice. Yes I would love her" Jennie replied with a smile. "Ok. For now on, Chaeyoung you will be with Jennie most of the time and your salary has also been increased." I told Chaeyoung.

"Thank you so much Master Taehyung" Chaeyoung thanked me with a bow as I left the dining room. *How can such a beautiful and sweet girl like Jennie be treated like that all her life *long sigh* What a shame.* I thought to myself.

Chaeyoung POV
Master Taehyung appointed me as Jennie's best friend kinda at least I get to talk to her whenever I want. "Jennie what do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Will I be chained again?" Jennie asked. "Well if it's outdoors, yes, but if it's indoors, no" I explained to her but she didn't look so happy.

"Come on Cheer up. It isn't that bad plus Master Taehyung just appointed me to be your best friend kinda but still" I said to cheer her up and she laughed.

"See~ you're laughing. I love your smiling face" I complimented her and she said something strange "If you lived like me, You'd know that I'm laughing genuinely and not faking it now. Come on, To the garden!" Jennie said.

"But you'll get chained up" I said as I held her hand to stop her from walking towards the garden. "I know but that's ok. The garden calms me down and gives that relieving feeling y'know so even if I have to be chained up I'll always go there" Jennie explained and it touched my heart that I just hugged her.

"You're such a sweet person, Jennie Unnie" I said as I hugged her. "Unnie?" Jennie said confused. "You're older than me, right? I'm 22" I told her.

"I'm 24" Jennie told me as we started walking to the garden. "So you're the same age as Master Taehyung" I said and she stopped. "Wait! Master Taehyung is only 24?" Jennie asked. "Yup" I responded.

"I thought he was 32" Jennie said and I burst out laughing. "Ey~ Not all Mafia Bosses are old men "

"How come he's so young but such a great and powerful Mafia leader. So many Mafias a lot older than him that don't have half the power he has" Jennie said. "No one really knows. It's a mystery, really. Only the members of Bulletproof Mafias might know but most of the things about the Bulletproof Mafias are a HUGE~ mystery." I explained.

"Ah, We're here. Let's take a seat" Jennie said. As we sat down not too long after, 2 guards came and chained Jennie to the pillar and she just bowed to them. "Does it hurt? I can call them to loosen it a bit" I worried.

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