The Mission

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Author POV
They went back to Taehyung's office where they met Seojun who helped them to finish finalizing the last preparations for the mission. "Masters, Your outfits for this mission are ready. Now that everything has been finalized I shall call the driver with the car so the equipments can be moved immediately." Seojun said. "Thank you Seojun" Taehyung said. "Oh Seojun what would we ever do without you! I wish you were Taehyung instead then you would be serious and you can also goof off unlike Taehyung who's 24/7 mood is always serious" Jimin said. "Exactly I would also like to exchange Seojun for you on this team. It's not like you're any help" Taehyung said coldly earning an exaggerated gasp from Jimin. "Master Jimin I would like it if you wouldn't fight with Master Taehyung because we all know it's a losing game for you but I appreciate the thought" Seojun said. "Come on Chanyeol hyung. You don't have to call us Masters when you are clearly older than us." Jimin said and the other members agreed. "You are my Masters. My job was to help you fulfill all your Mafia duties but even though I am older than you please just allow me to call you Masters" Seojun said bowing. "Fine" Taehyung said after letting out a long sigh. "Why did we give you the name Seojun? Your real name is a lot better" Jin asked. "It was obviously his code name. Maybe we thought it sounded tough" Hoseok added. "Seojun?? Sounds tough??? My muscles are tough, that name isn't. Just because I can't remember, I'll just let it go" Jungkook said. "I always thought Master gave me that name because he didn't want me to have the same sur name as Jimin" Seojun randomly said. "What?!???!? Why would we do that?!??!! Taehyung!!!" Jimin shouted. "I was just kidding Master Jimin" Seojun said which made Jimin sigh in relief. "Park Chanyeol" Yoongi said slowly. Seojun and Taehyung made eye contact at Yoongi's words. "Anyway, Are the final checks for the mission really done?" Taehyung asked. "Yes Master" Seojun replied. "Good. Let's move out" Taehyung said as they went to wear their black spy outfits. Once they were all done, they got into their black car and drove off while Jennie and Chaeyoung watched from the windows upstairs and Jisoo watched from the garden.

Author POV
It was around 19:00pm by the time they reached Eunhyuk's Mansion. They parked a little far from the mansion then walked on foot to the entrance through a small but slightly dense forest. The entrance to Eunhyuk's Mansion was well lighted because Eunhyuk's daughters were coming home. "Here's the plan Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook and I are going to climb up that wall then Namjoon and I will jump down and hide in some bushes while Jimin and Jungkook create a distraction. When the guards start running we find the West wall and underneath the fake grass is a secret door leading to the underground basement where Jin and Yoongi hyung will give us directions on how to navigate the house to finally get to the room where the diamond is held" Taehyung explained. "These radio earpieces Jungkook is about to pass to you, are connected to each other so we can communicate during the mission. We will be able to also communicate with Seojun in case we need back up or are in any kind of danger so please don't loose them." Namjoon said. "Speak for yourself Hyung" Jungkook said. "Watch it Kid" Namjoon quickly scolded him. "Enough of your bickering and get going!!!" Jin suddenly said through the earpiece. "Glad to see it's working" Hoseok added. "Hoseok hyung, Your job will be to blend in with the guards and give us keep us informed on their every move" Taehyung said. "Got it" Hoseok replied. "Seojun, your on stand by" Taehyung said. "Roger that Master Taehyung" Seojun replied through the earpiece. "Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung are you ready?" Taehyung asked. "Born Ready" They both answered through the earpiece. "Let's go" Taehyung said as they went to their various posts while Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were climbing the North wall, Hoseok was waiting for his signal to start penetrating the South area. It was quite a high wall but when they climbed up, they tied a rope on the edge of the wall and hoisted the Kims down. When the Kims were completely down, Jungkook pulled the ropes back up. Namjoon and Taehyung hid in some bushes when Taehyung checked the time on his wrist watch to see it was time for the guards shift change then he gave Jungkook and Jimin the signal to fire. Jungkook fired a gun created by Taehyung whose bullet was a net that landed on a bush and electrocuted it. When the bush got electrocuted, it caught fire which attracted the South guards attention. "Hobi hyung that's your queue" Taehyung informed Hoseok who was hidden near the entrance, through the earpiece. When Hoseok got in through the South gate, one guard was still running off to check the distraction caused by 2J so he took the chance and covered the guards mouth with a cloth sprayed with chloroform. The guard tried to fight Hoseok but soon fainted and Hoseok dragged him away into a nearby bush. Hoseok came back with a face mask taking the guards place when the second shift of guards for the South gate came, no one noticed Hoseok was an imposter because luckily for Bulletproof Mafias all the guards outside were new recruits.

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