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The team except Garcia and Bailee walked into the briefing room, they were about to sit down when Hotch showed them a video on the screen

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The team except Garcia and Bailee walked into the briefing room, they were about to sit down when Hotch showed them a video on the screen. "Don't get comfortable there'll be time to debrief on the plane"

"Where are we headed?" Spencer asks.

"New York"

"Five shootings in two weeks, it's about time we got the call" Rossi says.

"I want to take Garcia and Bailee with us, hopefully they'll give us access to their surveillance systems." Aaron tells his teams.

"What do we know". Prentiss turns to Hotch.

"All the killings are midday. Single gunshot to the head with a 22."

"Any witnesses?"

"No. Surveillance cameras have captured videos of three of the murders. He wears a hood and keeps his head down. Wheel up in 30, I've got to talk to Strauss, we still need permission from Bailee's parents to let her come along, she's still a minor" Aaron sees Prentiss and Spencer glance at each other like they knew something.

"What is it?"

"Um it's about Bailee" Spencer looks at hotch.

Aaron furrows his eyebrows "What about her?"

"She's...an orphan, she lives...on her own" Prentiss confesses.

"Eh? She's 17 isn't she supposed to be in foster care" Derek asks.

Emily shakes her head "It was part of the deal working here she didn't have to go back into the system" The team were now realising how much of a mystery Bailee really was.

"I'll go speak to Strauss. You guys go get ready for the plane" Aaron walks out of the briefing room and walks to Erin Strauss office.

"Hello, Aaron what can I help you with?" Strauss tone is professional.

"We need Garcia and Bailee to come with us on this case, Is Bailee allowed with her deal?" Hotch wasn't sure how the deal worked if he was honest.

Erin sighed "Yes she is allowed to go with you but Aaron she is still a child and your responsibility, you keep her safe" Hotch was surprised as Strauss's vulnerability in her voice when she spoke of Bailee.

"You really care about her?" Aaron knew he had to be careful with what he said she was still his boss.

"If you knew her past, you'd be surprised how she's still so shy and friendly, most people with a past like hers go down a dark path. Just keep her safe Aaron" Strauss firmly says.

"Of course, ma'am" Aaron nods his head before going to the plane.

When Hotch arrived at the Jet he saw how Bailee clinging to Garcia's side, He sat down next to Emily who asked him "I'm guessing she said yes"

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