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A serial of murders had occurred that led to the BAU to be called in for help

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A serial of murders had occurred that led to the BAU to be called in for help. The team were waiting for Hotch to finish his call with the local Detective so they could get on the jet. Derek however noticed that Bailee hadn't came and greeted them like she did every morning. While they drank their coffee, she would open a Red Bull Can. Derek gave Bailee his coffee one morning to try so she wouldn't drink as many energy drinks. She had taken a sip before spitting it back out, Bailee didn't realise that Hotch was right in front of her causing the coffee she had spit out to end up all over his face.

Spinning in his chair he leaned over his desk looking at the others. "Has anyone seen Bailee?"

JJ raised an eyebrow "Actually she said she was bringing her present in for the baby today but haven't seen her"

"That's strange" Spencer says.

"Maybe she's with Garcia?" Prentiss suggests.

"Hold on" Derek says as the elevator door opens revelling Bailee who was limping with tear marks down her face. She stops when she sees the team looking at her. Before any of the team could question her, she runs to the lair still limping.

"What they hell was the that" Derek's says.

"Should we go see her?" JJ asks.

"Maybe wait, Garcia will tell us if it's serious" Prentiss says.

"Emily she was limping that is serious" Derek shouts not seeing hotch walking down the stairs with Rossi.

"Who's limping" Hotch asks his team.

"Bailee" Spencer explains.

"Well, is she alright" Rossi was concerned at the information.

"We don't know. She saw us and ran to her and Garcia's office" Derek explains.

Hotch sighs "I'll go find out what's going on. Get your go bags, wheels up in 15" Hotch says.

"Wait Hotch look" JJ says and points toward their two hackers.

Bailee was being held by Garcia and Anderson on each side of her. The team could see that Bailee didn't put her left foot down at all and tried to hop with her right foot. Garcia let go of Bailee when they reached the elevator and Anderson made her lean her full bodyweight on his side. When the Elevators door shut Garcia walked towards the team.

"What's happened?"

"Is she okay?"

"Where is she going?"

"Why was she limping?"

"GUYS!" Hotch shouts. "Let her speak. Garcia. Do you know what's happened?"

"Um Sir can I talk to you in private" Garcia tries to act confident.

"Of course," Hotch turns to his team "Go. Wheels up in 10. Let's go to my office" The last part directed to Garcia. They both walked up to his office.

"Now. Can you explain to me what has happened?" Hotch was concerned that Bailee was hurt but he had to know what happened to know how to help her.

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