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Furious was one way to describe Bailee this morning, after her birthday gathering the team and Donovan helped move Bailee's belonging from Derek's apartment to Aaron's home

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Furious was one way to describe Bailee this morning, after her birthday gathering the team and Donovan helped move Bailee's belonging from Derek's apartment to Aaron's home. Chris tried to help as much as he could but he was on strict orders from Aaron and Bailee to rest as he was still healing from his injuries. Bailee's smile never dropped once that whole weekend and was bouncing with excitement. However, when Monday morning arrived and was getting ready for work, grabbing a few snacks just to be prepared if their case would be a long one. That's when Bailee noticed something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Her tub of lollipops were missing.

Both tubs.

"Come on. Why do you think I took them?" Derek asks biting the inside of his check to stop himself from laughing at Bailee's glare.

Bailee throws her arms in the arms as they walk out of the elevator onto the BAU floor. "Who else would have known where I hid them."

"What's going on here?" JJ questions looking between Derek and Bailee.

"Mr. Theft here took my lollipops" Bailee explains pointing her fingers toward Derek.

Prentiss furrows her eyebrows "How do you know he was the one who took them?"

Bailee sighs "Because he was the only one who knew which box I put them in when we were moving stuff into dad's house"

Reid gives Bailee a small smile "I don't think he has them Bailee."

Bailee turns to look at spencer "What makes you think that? Google." Crossing her arms over her chest.

"oh my little hacker, do you not remember who took them last time?" Garcia laughs.

Rossi chuckles at how Bailee's frustrated face "You should have seen this coming."

"He might be my dad but he's still a hootchypooh" Bailee mumbles making everyone laugh as Aaron walks up to them with a mischievous smirk plastering his face.

"Thanks for giving Bailee a ride this morning, I forgot about the meeting I had today" Aaron says towards Derek then looking at his daughter "is something wrong?"

Bailee narorws her eyes at her dad "You!"

Aaron points to himself innocently as the others snort "Me?"

Bailee puts her hands on her hips with a frown on her face looking at her dad "Me and you need a talk minster."

Aaron sighs "Bailee I love you, I really do but I can't even pretend to be scared of a 5'3 eighteen-year-old."

The team burst out laughing at Bailee's wide opened mouth she seems speechless snapping her fingers not looking away from her dad she says "Rooster pass me your gun, I'll show him how scary I can be."

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