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Bailee was speechless. She had no words every time she would open her mouth to speak nothing would actually come out. The lump in her throat was getting harder to swallow with the negative thoughts pushing to the front of her mind. She could only blame her past for why her mind worked so badly.


Donovan was also speechless. He would never have expected to see his girlfriend holding hands with Christopher. His eyes kept looking between their conjoined hands to Bailee's eyes. Donovan could read Bailee so easily and right now all he could see was confusion and sadness.

"Wait. You guys know each other?"

Christopher was highly confused. he was debating if this was just a dream or if he was hallucinating with the number of drugs he was currently on for his pain. Then it clicked in his mind and his eyes went wide.

"Holy shit. This is you're Bailee."

Donovan would talk about his girl for hours on the phone to Chris or even when they were out. The conversation would always lead to talking about Bailee and every time it would bring a smile to Donovan's face just thinking about her.

"Yeh, that's her" Donovan nods his head.

"Donny. Bailee's the one I told you about." Chris explains still slightly shocked.

Donovan's eyes went wide at his statement, freezing his movement also in shock.

"Holy Shit"

"Listen can somebody time me what the hell is going on? It's like you guys are having a conversation through your eyes. it's creepy" Bailee states crossing her arms over her chest.

Both boys look at one another again silently communicating making Bailee groan in frustration. She was tired and emotionally drained from thinking she had lost her dad to find out Chris had been trying to reach her and now her boyfriend and Chris somehow knew each other. It was too much for one day.

"Seriously guys! You are doing it again!" Bailee stresses.

Donovan snapped his head towards his girl, seeing her place-drained face he could tell it had been a terrible day whatever had happened. He slowly walks over towards her kneeling down on the floor and grabbing her free hand in his. Donovan kisses her knuckles.

"I'm a sorry butterfly. I'm just still a little shocked that you're the person Chris had always talked about." Donovan sighs.

"Yeah Bailee I honestly had no idea you were his girlfriend it didn't cross my mind" Chris speaks up giving her an apologetic look.

"So you guys know each other" Bailee concludes looking at both of the boys.

"Yup," Chris nods his head.

"Unfortunately," Donovan teases.

Chris fake gasps dramatically "Shut up. You love me really."

"Hmm whatever"

Bailee shakes her head chuckling "You guys are crazy."

Donovan smirks looking at his girlfriend and kissing her forehead "Only for you."

Chris pretends to gag "No you did not just...I just puked a little in my mouth."

Bailee clears her throat "Anyways how do you know each other?"

Donovan looks at Chris and then at Bailee a sad smile covers his face standing up he picks Bailee up and sits down in the chair she was in and places her on his lap. Chris giggles looking at the couple and how embarrassed Bailee looks.

"Awh Bailee your face is bright red."

"Shut up" Bailee mumbles leaning her head on Donovan's shoulder.

"So, when I was eighteen and left the foster system, I wanted to see if I did have any family left just someone who could tell me the truth about why I was left in the foster system. I had gotten a DNA test done; a week had passed when I got the call" Donovan gently explains to his girl.

"They had gotten a match; it was evidence in a cold murder case. A woman had been stabbed and left to die in an alleyway." Donovan whispers looking at Chris who knew the story already.

"Your mom?" Bailee guesses.

Donovan nods his head "Even though it was a cold case, They officer in charged had read her Will which stated that if she ever dies her son should read the letter she had given her lawyer."

Donovan takes a deep breath "I found the lawyer and surprisingly he still has the letter." Bailee rubs his back soothingly.

".She knew she was going to die. She had found out my father was having an affair and decided to get a divorce. She ran away and found out she was pregnant with me. She was so scared of what he would do to me apparently, he never wanted children. So she put me in foster care under a different name"

"I'm so sorry" Bailee continues to rub his back as tears stream down his face. "So do you know where your dad is?"

"Jail" Chris spits out.

Bailee furrows her eyebrows "For your mom's murder?" She questions.

"for the student suicides" Chris explains.

Bailee's eyes went wide "What?"

"My dad is Chris's father too" Dovovan says softly.

"We are half-brothers."

"I've been trying to get him out of foster care, but with my behaviour with the police in the past it's been really hard." Dovovan explains.

Bailee's heart ached for both boys, even though she would never count Hailey as anything to her at the end of the day she still died and gave birth to her. Bailee just wished that things would slow down it was always one thing after another and she had no idea how to get things to stop just for a momement for her to catch up. She was still partly in the past, still proesses everything she's learnt.

Grabbing both Donovan's and Chirs's hand she takes a deep breath "Look I'm going to be honest when I finally found out the truth about my bios I blocked everyone out and it probably was the worst thing I did, bottling everything up is not the way to go because at one point things will explode so right now both of you are going to scream or cry or we can stay in silence until all the emotions that have been hidden away are off you're shoulders"

"Move over" Bailee says to Chris on the hospital bed, once he does, the three of the are curled up together. That's all it took for both guys to start crying holding onto Bailee as a achor, that she was still there for them and that she wasn't leaving.

After ten minutes Bailee had them in a peaceful sleep with one hand in each of their hair. The hospital door opening startled her been seeing the annoyed look from her dad she sheepishly smiles at him.


Aaron had finally been finally to get through to a social worker to go get the papers done together. Going back in the hospital room seeing his daughter in the middle of the bed with both guys on either side made him clenched his jaw. But his annoyance vanished seeing the tears of the guys faces and the drained looked on his daughters.

"I'm guessing I missed a lot?" Aaron questions.

"Four words dad, Witch bitch is back"


I did have a different plot how this was going to go but I felt like Bailee had suffered enough.

Trying to update more often guys sorry for how long it's taken me. <3

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