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Groaning. Hearing her phone ring. Turning on her side in her bed answering the phone not seeing the name. "Derek, I love you but if those four words come out of your mouth, I will hack your phone, remove and ban you from every dating app there is!" the voice on the other end clears their throat "Bailee," The voice says causing her to sit up and look back at her phone screen 'Boss Man' pops up not Derek.


"I do hope you're not using your clearance for off-the-book hacking?" Bailee's voice rises "Of course not! How dare you think such a thing" Hotch sighs "We have a case Derek asked me to pick you up since he couldn't this morning"

"Lucky me" Bailee mumbles wishing she could go back to sleep. "Come in then I guess, the door is probably open" Bailee yawns.

"Why would the door be unlocked?"

"The number of times I've had to rush out of my apartment at stupid times made me realize leaving the door unlocked was easier" Bailee walks out of her bedroom still struggling with the moon-boot on her injured foot, seeing Hotch at her front door.

"You haven't decorated?" Hotch questions stepping into the living room. Bailee shakes her head opening a Redbull "Nope. Decorating means Money which I do not have. I'm either at the office working a case or here sleeping so" Hotch slowly nods his head remembering that Bailee lived on her own.

"How long do I have?" Hotch looks at his watch "10 minutes"

Bailee bangs her head off the kitchen counter "Great. I'll be 5 minutes. There might be food in the fridge not that sure have a look" Bailee goes and gets ready in her bedroom as Hotch looks around. He was very surprised at the plain apartment, no picture, no extra furniture, there was a grey blanket on the couch with two blue cushions. Hotch felt sad for Bailee she's still a child having to grow up fast, she couldn't do what most of the things children her age would be doing, instead, she's involved with some of the most difficult and emotional cases.

"Hotchypoo I'm ready" Bailee calls out rolling his eyes at the nickname he quickly grabs something from her kitchen without her knowing, before walking out of her apartment to his car.

When Bailee walked into her and Penelope's office, she was pouting, Garcia turned around in her chair and saw the look "What's with the look B?"

She sighed crossing her arms in her char "Stupid boss man being irrelevant"

"Care to explain?" Bailee looks are Garcia "You know how Derek's been picking me up because of my ankle"


"Well, my phone rang, and I thought it was him and threatened that I would ban him for life on all the dating apps if there was a case"


"It was actually Hotch, and he thinks my cursing and threats are becoming a habit, so now when I threaten or curse anyone, he's taken away a lollipop" Garcia starts laughing "Just don't give them to him"

Criminal Minds: Hotchner's Secret DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now