46 | C R A Z Y

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They had arrived at the front desk seeing blonde-haired older women sitting down and looking at the computer in front of her

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They had arrived at the front desk seeing blonde-haired older women sitting down and looking at the computer in front of her.

Aaron clears his throat "Excuse me. My daughter had gotten a call from the receptionist she explained that a boy named Chris was here and had asked for Bailee."

The older woman looks up at him "Oh yes. Poor boy he's been asking for her since he arrived."

"Am I allowed to see him?" Bailee whispers still curled into Aaron's side.

"Of course. Go along the corridor turn left he's in room B32" The women points in the direction for them to follow.

"Thank you" Bailee gives her a small smile. The two follow the instructions the women had given them looking at the name on each hospital rooms door.





"This one" Aaron whispers.

"You ready?"


Bailee opens the door seeing the same boy she had met not that long ago in the hospital bed asleep. The only difference was the black left eye and the stitches on his forehead. Walking closer toward him she sees his right hand in a black cast assuming he must have broken his arm too.

Aaron saw the emotion flickering in his daughter's eyes. "Don't feel guilty."

Bailee shakes her head "The missed calls dad it makes sense."

"We don't know anything yet don't stress until we know what actually happened," Aaron says making her sit down on the chair next to the sleeping boy.

"And if he was the one calling me?"

"You couldn't have known, either way, we will take this one step at a time all right Sweetheart" Aaron kisses her forehead.

A groan made them both snap their heads towards the sleeping boy, as his eyes open slightly widen in disbelief.


"I'm here" Bailee grabs his uninjured hand in hers.

"you're really here?" Chris couldn't believe that she was real right in front of him.

"I did say I would always be here for you." Bailee chuckles.

"I'm sorry I tried to call you, but it went straight to your voice mail," Chris says softly trying wake himself up from his sleep.

"The missed calls, were you?" Bailee blinks back her tears as Aaron places his hand on her shoulder reminding him that he was still there with her.

"Yeah" Chris sighs "It's not your fault don't worry"


"No but's Bailee it's fine"

"I'm fine"

"No, you're not" Bailee states.

"What happened?"

Chris dryly laughs "Foster care sucks."

"They did this?" Aaron speaks up.

"Yeah...they aren't the nicest" Chris looks down at his lap.

Bailee presses her lips together knowing that saying sorry it the worst they for her to do. She had been in his place before and pity is the last thing someone wants.

Aaron scratches the back of his neck "Chris?"


"When are you eighteen?"

Chris furrows his eyebrows "Next month why?"

"This is up to you, but I can make a call and get you out of that house. Into a programme, everything will be paid until you are able to get a job and get you're life back on track" Aaron states. 

Chris shakes his head "I didn't want to cause any bother. I just...Bailee said I could call her when I was struggling and it's been pretty tough"

"Don't worry about it. You are still a kid, shouldn't have to be going through this alone" Aaron says to the boy.

Chris looks at Bailee who nods her head in reassurance before looking back at Aaron "Thank you"

"It's fine. I'll be back in a second" Aaron looks at Bailee making sure she would be okay before leaving the room.

"Isn't he you're boss?" Chris questions curiously.

"Yup and my dad" Bailee explains.

"Really?" Chris asks shocked.

Bailee laughs "I know it's crazy, sometimes I think I'm in a dream."

"Or a nightmare?" Chris says gently.

Bailee nods her head "A dream because, at the end of the day, I finally have a family that I never thought I would have, but at the same time a nightmare because I'm scared I'm going to wake up back in the cold basement"

"Makes sense," Chris says "When my dad my arrested I was so happy, the weight had lifted off my shoulders, and finally being able to grieve the loss of my mom without having his words drilled into my head. The happiness of having a nice healthy loving family vanished the first night I was there."

"Basement?" Bailee says questionably.

"Punishments too" Chris adds.

"Debating which death would be better, staying with my dad and letting him struggle me to death or slowly die by the punishments."

"Either way the outcome still ends up in death" Bailee mumbles.

"The accident with my foster mother almost killed me but the punishments were like a warning that it wouldn't be long before one more hit, one more cut, one more broken bone, that would cause the end of my life" Bailee looks at their conjoined hands as she spoke.

"Hacking the pentagon will be the best thing I ever did. At the time I didn't think so knowing that I would never survive prison but now forgetting about the problems that have happened since I joined the FBI, I wouldn't change it for the world."

"You see different" Chris comments with a small smile.

"You have this glow about you now, like you can finally breathe" he adds.

Bailee softly laughs "I never knew how much I wanted a family until I had one."

Chris gives her a genuine smile "I'm happy for you"

Bailee squeezes his hand "You will get there too. You've gotten so far and now I'm here for anything you need."

The conversation had came to a paused when the hospital room door was opened assuming it was her dad coming back after his phone call Bailee didn't think much of it until she heard their voice.

"Dude this hospital is going to turn into your second home soon." Bailee snaps her head towards the door at the familiar voice she has grown to love.




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