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"Just tell me"

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"Just tell me"

Derek stresses to Bailee in the car driving to work. Bailee had gone out with Samuel and Markus with the deal she made with Derek that she wouldn't drink. She was annoyed at first but then remembered her conversation with Spencer and eventually she agreed to not drink. Things at work were still tense, Bailee did tried to make it less awkward when she saw Hotch. Her dad. But since her break down she avoided him, it's as if every time he says that he's there for her mind holds onto his words hoping they are true. However, the other part doesn't want to trust him. She has so many different emotions, mostly anger, hurt, and pain, and she would never admit it but relief too. She doesn't have to think of the what ifs anymore. She had many questions she wanted to be answered by Aaron but saying it out loud. That he was her father. It made everything real, part of her wasn't ready for that. It wasn't just Aaron it was jack too. Her brother, the child they kept. It made her feel even worse knowing they kept Jack but not her. She felt guilty after their conversation asking for space and seeing his hopefully face fall but Bailee knew she had done the right thing. That is why Derek let her go out with the two guys.

"There's nothing to tell" Bailee retorts. On the night out Samuel had told her a guy kept glancing at her from across the club. She paid no attention to the guy and danced with her friends for the night. Before they left the same guy came up to her asking for her number. At first, she was slightly confused when Samael give her a nudge, she looked to see a smirk on his face. Snapping out of her shock she gave the guy her number as they left the club.

"Bullshit," Derek says looking at her. "You hate me waking you up in the morning, but today you full of smiles and giggles".

Bailee rolls her eyes "Eyes on the road mister" trying to hide her smile. When she woke up the guy from the club had messaged her. He commented on the outfit she had worn that night and how beautiful she looked. That was when Derek caught her red-colored face smiling at her phone.

"See. You're trying not to smile. Why are you smiling at you're phone?" Derek had a feeling of what had happened. Maybe not a why she was smiling at her phone more so a who. He didn't know how to feel. Bailee was still seventeen her birthday was only a month away. But a boy. No he couldn't think of that.

"Fine. Some guy asked for my number last night" Bailee's face goes bright red for the second time today.

"No boy! "Derek states, half of him was teasing her, the other one felt as if he needed to protect her from the boy.

"Don't worry. I think I've already messed it up" Bailee mutters. She had never thought about relationships. She didn't have time to herself at the foster homes, once she got the job at the FBI her main focus was the cases then Foyet happened and now the situation with Aaron.

"How come?" Derek asks softly, he could tell she was embarrassed and upset about something. He knew if she didn't talk to someone now, she would bottle things up. He had just gotten her to a stable place at the moment. Derek didn't want her to take steps back.

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