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After Bailee's breakdown, her defensive wall started to crumble

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After Bailee's breakdown, her defensive wall started to crumble. Her expressions weren't fake anymore. She would show how she was really feeling instead of pretending like everything was okay. Bailee must of had too much going on to notice Hotch's behaviour towards her had changed. He was way more overprotective of her and yet he couldn't look her in the eye like he had done something. Something that would break their closeness. If those two had a fallen out the team wouldn't be the same. Hotch would go back to being stern and cold and Bailee would go back to being shy and reserved. Rossi who had been curious about Hotch's attitude decided to go talk to him.

"Dave. We have a case. Boston." Hotch acknowledges.

"I wanted to have a chat if that's alright" Rossi says sitting in front of Hotch's desk.

"What is it?" Hotch sits down as well.

"What changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Aaron, we've all seen you act differently with Bailee, is this because of the twin's case?" Rossi asks.

Shakes his head "No"

"Talk to me Aaron, Bailee hasn't noticed the change but once she does, she may think she's done something wrong"

Hotch sighed "She hasn't done anything. When she talked about what her parents did. I knew her past wasn't going to be the best, but I wasn't prepared for that"

Rossi nods. "I could tell by how you froze; I think the whole team did. Poor girl hadn't had a good life from the start. If Derek ever saw her parents, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up arrested." Rossi sees a different emotion is Hotch's eyes. "What? What's that look?"



Hotch's shoulders slump in defeat and whispers "I did that"

Rossi's eyebrows furrow "Did what? get arrested?"

"No. I did what Bailee's parents did." Hotch expands.

"Aaron I'm lost. You'll have to explain clearer, the like time I checked jack is your only child and Hailey and you are divorced" Rossi says

Hotch explains whilst zoning out . "When me and Hailey were eighteen, she was pregnant, at first we said we could handle having a baby, we'll make it work, but when Hailey went to college and I was at law school it became too much. We thought it was the best decision"

Rossi closes his eyes "Please tell me you didn't leave her like Bailee's" At Hotch's silence Rossi knew the answer.


"She would cry constantly I know it's not an excuse, we couldn't study, we both had our career paths planned out. A baby wasn't meant to happen for years onwards." Hotch tries to defend himself.

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