50 | P A R T Y

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Love and happiness seemed so far away for the eighteen year old, Bailee would always have small glimpses of what it was like to be cared for

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Love and happiness seemed so far away for the eighteen year old, Bailee would always have small glimpses of what it was like to be cared for. To feel so safe and happy, it was almost like fate knew how much Bailee was begging for some type of comfort. It only took eighteen years but her silent wishes were answered just by having a bedroom at her father's house.

A lot of people would find it strange that her happiness was all because of a room. But to her it wasn't just a room, it was proof that she was wanted, that her dad wanted her close by even though she was technically an adult. Sure, she had her room at Derek's and appreciated how much he and the rest of the team have done for her. But that feeling of being seen and heard by Aaron made Bailee burst out laughing.

She finally felt like she belonged somewhere.

With her family.

For once she felt peace and freedom, she had the choice on what she wanted, she had control of her actions. Her bedroom was black and white themed with little gold accessories. But what made a bright smile cover her face was the item that was sitting on her bed. Holding back her tears she reaching in the middle of her bed and grabs her elephant teddy and holding it close to her chest.

A knock at the door snapped Bailee from her thoughts "Yeah?" She calls out now remembering she came in here to get changed.

"Your lover is here" Derek teases from the hallway, Bailee couldn't even pretend to be annoyed at his comment she was way too happy. Grinning still holding onto her teddy "I'll be out in a minute."

Walking towards her wardrobe she was very surprised to see that it was full with her style of clothing, looking through her options she decides on a red V-neck t-shirt with some black ripped jeans. Going over to her mirror she adds a little mascara and lip-gloss.

Giving her elephant teddy a kiss before placing it back in the middle of her bed. Taking a deep breath and opening her bedroom door. Shaking her head at her own thoughts, of being able to say something was hers.

Entering the kitchen she see's the team in conversation with Donovan and also Chris. Smiling at scene in front of her she notices her dad holding a bag of frozen peas to his purple bruised eye. Frowning she scratches the back of her neck.

"I really am sorry about that." she mutters slightly ashamed of herself for hurting him.

Aaron chuckles "Don't worry about it Bailee. It looks a lot worse than it is."

Bailee nods her head "Okay" still a little unsure if he was being honest. Feeling arms around her waist she looks to her dad with wide eyes who smirks in response. "Hey butterfly"

Turning round to see Donovan looking down at her with love and adoration in his eyes "Hi" she replies. He leans down to her ear and whispers.

"Happy Birthday Darling, you look beautiful" Donovan kisses her forehead before standing back letting Chris carefully hug her as well with his cast still on his broken arm.

"Thank you." Bailee looks both guys then turns to everyone else "Seriously thank you"

Emily shakes her head "No need Bailee. I bet everyone would agree when I say this but you have come along way and we are so proud of how much you've grown."

"Not in the height department thought" Derek jokes making everyone laugh.

"I think she's getting smaller as the days go by" Rossi adds.

Bailee stick her togue out at him "Rooster! You are meant to be on my side."

Rossi grins "Ahh. I've missed that name."

JJ nods in agreement "Honestly Bailee all jokes aside, you are incredible person and have to much strength to be on this team at such a young age and still do an amazing job. You should be proud of yourself because like Emily said we are so proud of you."

Donovan smirks and puts his hand on her forehead "Are you feeling okay? you've gone a bit red there."

Chris laughs "Just a bit? she's nearly as red as a tomato."

Bailee waves Donovan's hand away and pouts towards Reid "Spence, you will always be my google so what is the easiest way to get rid of a body...I mean six bodies."

Reid smiles and shakes his head "Sorry Bailee, for once I'm not the target of their jokes"

Aaron saw Jack walking into the room and stops his movement noticing how many people were in the kitchen. Aaron walks towards him and picks him up carrying him on his hip and turning towards Bailee.

"Do you remember what I told you?" Aaron questions his youngest child. Jack nods his head and claps his hands together "It's Lee Lee's birthday."

Everyone laughs at the name Jack had given Bailee, Aaron nods at his son "That's right, it is Lee Lees birthday."

Jack narrows his eyes at his dad "No my Lee Lee."

Bailee bursts out laughing "You just got told dad. By a five-year-old"


"Anyways. Present time?" Aaron suggests walking into the living room.

Bailee's smile falters, not trying to be ungrateful but her bedroom was enough she thought. She didn't want or need anything else. The most important people in her life were here and that's all that mattered to her.

Dovovan who noticed how her smile changed, he smiled sadly at her knowing where her thoughts were taking her.

"Hey. No negative thoughts. You're the boss remember." Donovan grabs her hand and follows everyone's sitting down on the sofa and pulling Bailee onto his lap.

Derek glares at Donovan who gives him a grin in response, Derek did like the kid but still needed to do his role of being the overprotective brother. He was glad that Bailee was slowly letting people into her life with Donovan being one of them.

The conversations suddenly pause when Aaron speaks in disbelief looking at his son his shock. Turning him round on his lap "What did you say?"

"Can I give Lee Lee my gift" Jack says pointing to the card on the coffee table. Aaron slowly nods his head at his son then at Bailee "Sure bud. I didn't know he had done this"

Bailee curls into Dovovan's side and shakes her head "It's fine. Do you want to open it with me?" Bailee questions looking at Jack who nods his head.

Pulling Jack onto the arm of the sofa he pulls the white card out of the envelope and points to the drawing on the front of the card. "See. There's me, daddy and sissy."

This chapter was splotch into two parts...

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