Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




Tegan Massey.

Tegan fucking Massey!

The NCAA Women's Basketball league scoring champ, who should be heading into the NCAA tournament right now, was instead lying in a hotel bed next to me, panting for breath as I watched her with a self-satisfied smirk. Yeah, I had a good tongue game. Of course, less than an hour ago I was the one panting thanks to her fingers!

I had no idea what she was doing in Fort Lauderdale during spring break, other than having me in her hotel room of course. I'd seen her the previous week guiding her North Carolina State Wolfpack team to the ACC Tournament championship, and a number one seed in the upcoming NCAA tournament. So why on earth did her coach allow her to be here on vacation, instead of heading up to Connecticut where I knew her opening round game was?

I guess it didn't really matter, did it?

"Fuck, Rey, that was amazing!" she murmured once she'd caught her breath.

I couldn't deny that. We'd been going at it all night and into the early morning after she'd taken me home from my uncle's restaurant.

I wasn't supposed to have been working that night. On a normal night I would have been home studying, since I was a High School senior. But it was spring break, and the restaurant was packed, and one of the other waitresses, Melina, had called in sick. The place was called Ray's Bar and Grill and my mom cooked the food in the back for the grill, my uncle covered the drinks at the bar. They had an odd relationship, since my mom had been married to my uncle's brother, my dad. But now they were both single and running the place together.

A few years ago, my dad was killed in a carjacking gone wrong. He'd worked in a gym downtown as a boxing instructor, and I guess he thought he could fight back, but the bullet was faster than his fist. The scary thing was, I was supposed to have been with him, because it was my boxing training day. But I'd missed that day because I had a sprained ankle from basketball, otherwise I might have been in the car and killed too. I tried to keep up with boxing after that, but it just wasn't the same, so other than just hitting the speed bag and heavy bag at home, I hadn't really kept up with it.

As for my uncle, he'd been married to a gorgeous Hispanic woman who made the most delicious Cuban sandwiches ever. But I guess she was sick of Florida and took off with a wealthy businessman from New York almost ten years ago.

Will my uncle and my mom end up together? I have no idea. Honestly, they were both great people, and if it made them happy, I'd be okay with it. They both supported me when I came out as a lesbian, and both wanted me to concentrate on school and basketball instead of working. Well, except in emergencies. My uncle was doing his best to be a father figure, regardless of their relationship, or lack thereof, and he was a great guy.

Now, Fort Lauderdale is one of the most popular spring break destinations in the country, and the restaurant was packed that night. All I was doing was running food back and forth to the patrons and then bussing tables as needed. Picking out a single person in that place would have normally never been possible.

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