Chapter 48

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Unfortunately, as expected, my nose was indeed broken. I'd hoped it wasn't, but I knew it was as soon as I hit the stanchion, so it wasn't exactly a shock. Luckily it wasn't too bad, and the team doctor was able to get it straight, and then I got a little brace for it. He said it would be about a three week healing process, but I could still play. I'd just have to be careful. On the good side though, I'd passed the concussion protocol, so I felt better about that. I really didn't want another one so soon!

That seemed easy, as long as we weren't playing Tegan.

Kate and Becca met Skye and I at a local sports bar so we could watch the last game, which Louisville ended up winning, so we knew who we had to play in the final game the following afternoon. I'd still be sore, but there was no way I wasn't playing in that game!

"You played great out there today," Kate said while we relaxed around the table. The meal was over, but we were trying to decide on a dessert to share. I knew that Skye and I would end up with a chocolate lava cake, but I didn't know what her moms would like. "I can see why you're one of the best in the country."

I wasn't sure about that, but it was nice to hear. "We have a team with amazing chemistry, so that helps. Imani has been a star for a couple years, and Leah was a top recruit with me. Bryn and Dayana are both solid too. Having so many good players makes each of us better. If there was only one star, people could try collapsing the defense on them, but they can't do that against us. "Honestly, if not for Skye, I wouldn't even be playing this year, and not for UNC either. She's changed my life so much for the better."

"And you've done the same for me, babe." Skye said, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on the cheek. "I've never been happier."

"You remind me of us when we were younger," Becca said, leaning into Kate. "I'm glad you two found each other at such a good age. Young enough to enjoy many years together, old enough to have learned some valuable life lessons."

"I don't feel old enough to have learned much," I replied with a snort. "But I learned what love is, and I'm happy that Skye was the one that taught me that."

"My daughter told us what you went through with that teammate that hurt you again today. You may not have realized how much you learned from that experience, but I have little doubt that those lessons will serve you well for years," Kate told me with a smile.

I thought about that for a moment, remembering the way things had gone with Tegan, and how I had been blinded by who she was more than what I wanted. Even the team I'd picked to play for, going for the immediate success rather than the chemistry I'd felt with the coach. Yeah, those were just two small examples, but now that I've been exposed to the love from Skye, I could so plainly see what I'd been missing all these years. "I guess maybe I learned a few things," I finally acknowledged.

"And we have even more to learn," Skye added. "I know we got engaged quickly, and still have more to learn about one another, but we're going to take the time to do that."

"I know I love you, and I want to marry you," I agreed. "And the rest I'll be more than happy to learn."

"Aww!" Kate and Becca cooed in unison.

The rest of the night was spent relaxing together at home, learning more about each other. Kate was a project manager for a consulting company, while Becca owned a small café. It was nice, because Kate usually worked from home now that COVID had altered things, and she usually ended up doing that in the café, so she could spend time with her wife. It made me wonder if Skye and I would be that cute when we were older and married and talking to our kids.

But who would carry the kids? Would we adopt? Get a donor? Yeah, that probably fell into the category of things that we still needed to learn about each other, but at the same time I knew that we'd find the perfect solution. Hell, we always found the perfect solution. So far, we'd worked well together to overcome any issues, and I hoped that kept up. I knew it wasn't all going to be perfect, we'd have disagreements sooner or later, but I was sure that we'd work through them together before fucking each other silly during the makeup sex.

In the meantime, I'd enjoy learning more about my fiancé and being in the honeymoon phase as long as possible. Wait, was it really a honeymoon phase if I kept getting hurt? Is this the hospital phase?

"How's your nose, babe?" Skye asked me as we cuddled up in bed. "Do you need the night off, or can I see how far inside you my tongue can reach?"

I pulled her over, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. The truth was, I couldn't breathe through my nose, and despite all the Advil I'd been taking I was in a lot of pain. But I really loved her tongue, and when she used it on me it was a one way ticket to nirvana. But I just couldn't. As much as I wanted that, and as much as I'd want to return the favor, my face wasn't going to let me. I just hurt too much, so I just wouldn't enjoy it. "I really wish I could take you up on your offer, but I don't think I'd be able to. Can I just hold you all night? I need that more than anything else."

"Reign, that was going to happen anyway. You never even have to ask," she promised me.

I pulled my girl in closer, burying my face gently in her neck as I sighed happily. "Skye, I know I tell you that I love you, but every time I think that I can't imagine that it's possible for me to love you any more than I do, I somehow find another level to love you on."

"Then I guess you're marrying the right person." I could feel her fingers lightly stroking my scalp and smiled into her hair.

"Yeah, but you're spoiling me. I'm going to want to renew our vows all the time so I can keep marrying you."

She chuckled, her body vibrating against mine. "I wouldn't mind that. We could travel all over, renewing them in different states or countries whenever we wanted to."

I wasn't sure if she was joking or serious, but as soon as she said it I fell in love with the idea. "Can we really do that? Please?" I asked hopefully.

"You'd really want to?" She pulled back to look me in the eye with a tentative smile.

"Yes! I love that idea! We could take a yearly trip to wherever we wanted and get married again and again! I really want to do that!" The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. We didn't need to make a big production about it, just the two of us on a beach, or a mountain, or in a forest telling each other how much we loved the other. I could do that every day! Oh, and then we get to consummate the marriage every time of course, potentially in different countries!

"But what if we have kids?"

"What if?" I questioned. "We will definitely have kids. I think we both want them. But that doesn't mean we couldn't bring them. What better way to show our kids how much we love each other than to bring them with us and let them participate in the ceremony?"

I could see tears gathering in her eyes at the thought of that, and I reached up to gently wipe them away. She nodded quickly as she sniffled a little. "I really love the idea of that. I can't tell you how happy I am right now!"

"Then we're doing it?" I needed to hear her say it, but she seemed as excited about the prospect as I was.

"Hell, yes we are!" she confirmed. "That is going to be wonderful! We could even change the vows every year to include anything new that we want to say. I can already tell that there will be new things every year that will make me fall in love with you even more!"

"I want to get married on a beach. I want to get married on a bridge. I want to get married in a redwood forest, and in a jungle. Maybe near a volcano in Hawaii and in a desert. I want to get married on an island and in a castle, and so many other places!" I couldn't wait to start!

"We better start making a list!" she said with a giggle. "How about we get married somewhere near here first, and then we'll start adding to it."

"If we keep talking like this, I won't want to wait."

"Well, we don't have to wait. We could get married this summer after your mom and Ray."

The thought gave me a jolt of excitement. "Yes! Let's do it!"

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