Chapter 39

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"Skye?" I asked dumbly, hardly daring to breathe. "Is that what I think it is?" She was holding a black velvet ring box in her hand, open to reveal the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. It was a white gold band with a black diamond set in the middle of it, surrounded by a halo of white diamonds and with channels of black and white diamonds on either side. Holy shit! This was it!

               She looked up at me, a broad smile on her face. "Reign, the moment you walked into my bar, I was struck by your beauty and strength. Every day since I've met you, you've shown me just how amazing you are, and we have proven how well we live, work, and overcome things together. We're a great team, and one that I want to make permanent. I love you so much, but I'm not asking for a quick marriage, I'm happy to wait until you're ready, but I want you to be mine. I want to be your wife and wake up to you every day for the rest of my life. So, Reign Rivers, is that what you want? Would you like to be my wife and let me love you as long as I live?"

               Considering how I'd felt when the present she gave me wasn't a ring, there was only one answer. I could give. I was only shocked I had the patience to wait for her to finish asking, because as soon as she started talking, I just wanted to scream yes and jump on her. But I restrained myself, barely, and knelt down in front of her, pulling her into a kiss that showed just how much I wanted this too. I knew I was crying, and I felt tears from her too by the time we pulled away.

               "Of course, I want that, Skye. I love you, and I would be thrilled to marry you!"

               "Thank God! I was terrified!" she told me before holding the ring out to me. I held my hand out, fingers spread, and she slipped it right onto my ring finger. It was a perfect fit! I could hear my mom sniffling behind me, and knew I was in for more hugs shortly, but I needed more fiancé time.

               "How did you get that right?" I said in wonder.

               "I asked your mom and Ray for their blessing over Thanksgiving when they visited. She called and gave me your ring size once she got back."

               I looked over my shoulder at my mom who was wiping her eyes. "I remembered measuring your finger when we were looking at the high school class rings last year. We may not have bought one, but I wrote it down just in case you ever found the right girl. I just never knew it would be happening so fast. But Skye is wonderful, and I didn't even need to think about it once I saw the two of you together. I knew she was the one that could keep you happy."

               "This is by far the best Christmas ever!" I said, collapsing onto the floor next to Skye.

               She rolled over, draping herself over me and looking down into my eyes. "You said yes!" she reminded me excitedly. "You're my fiancé!"

               It hit me all at once when she said that, and a feeling of joy spread through me like a wildfire. It happened! It really happened, and there were going to be more good things happening from here on out. "I can't believe you asked! You have no idea how excited I am!" I don't think my heart was ever going to stop pounding at this rate, I was much too happy for it to calm down. "I was going to ask you, but I wanted you to ask me, and then you gave me the watch, and I was disappointed because it wasn't a ring. But now, now you really asked me!"

               "And I got it on video too, so I can watch it over and over. Your face was priceless! I thought I was busted when I told you the watch was from the NIL, because I hadn't given you your present yet!"

               I covered my face in embarrassment but couldn't help but smile. "I can't believe you did that!"

               "So, you don't want to watch it, huh?" she asked, poking me in the ribs and making me squirm with the tickles.

               "Okay, okay! I want to watch." I'd probably watch it over and over, just to hear her ask me again. I loved hearing her express how much she loved me. It gave me some major warm and fuzzy feelings.

               "I'll keep it forever," she promised. "The beginning of our marriage."

               "We're getting married!" Holy fuck! That was what fiancés did! They got married, and kissed, and went on honeymoons and had kids and lived together! That was us! "Holy shit!"

               "Babe, take your time. We have years to worry about it!" She obviously misread my excitement for nerves.  

               "No! Skye, this is what I want! I want the whole enchilada with you! The house, kids, daycare, growing old and gumming your nipples when my teeth fall out!" I heard my mom clear her throat at that and then everyone was snickering. "Sorry!"

               "Don't be, dear. You're supposed to want all that! Though, our family has always had good teeth, so you probably won't need to gum anything," my mom said with a chuckle.

               "Skye, you know all those wonderful things you said about me, all those things are true about you too. You've been nothing less than my hero from the day I met you. You're incredibly smart, gorgeous, kind, giving, and sexy. If I ever was asked to make my perfect woman in a lab, you'd be it. No changes at all."

               "Not even bigger boobs?" she asked with a smirk.

               "No way, they're perfect too!"

               Honestly, the rest of Christmas day was a little bit of a blur. I know we watched sone NBA basketball, that wasn't a shock since Skye and I both played and there are always big games on Christmas day. After that we put Christmas movies on while we snuggled, and snuck in some smooching. But truly, it seemed like every time I relaxed for even a moment, my eyes were drawn to my ring finger and the new accessory that adorned it. And, of course, every time that happened Skye would take my hand, lift it to her lips and kiss it, reminding me that she really asked me, and I really said yes.

               I was a happy woman.

When dinner time came, it had begun to sink in a bit, and I was a little more aware of things. We already had made plans for the Christmas meal, and each of us had cooked something. Skye was more than a burger and wings cook, so she was making garlic mashed potatoes, while I handled the green beans. My mom took care of a big standing rib roast that she loved making, while Ray surprised us all by making a yummy smelling bread pudding that cooked while we enjoyed the feast, and I got to hold my girlfriend's hand while we ate around the dining room table.

"When do you think you'll set a date?" Ray asked. I was shocked it hadn't been asked before, but we hadn't discussed it at all so I couldn't give a good answer.

"I have to study and pass the bar exam, and I know Reign has the rest of her season and the NCAA tournament to deal with. I can't imagine we'd even discuss it until all that was over." Skye's answer took all the pressure off me, and I was immediately grateful.

"That sounds good." My mom was nodding along with Skye's statement. "You may not be married, but you know you're together, that is what makes the difference.

"Just like you two?" I asked.

"Yes, but we're going to get married this summer. I know you have classes, but we'll try to do it around a long weekend so you can be there for it. We're going to get married near Granny and Pops so they don't have to travel, that will make things easier for everyone," My mom explained.

               "It will be a little family event, we don't need anything fancy," Ray agreed.

               Maybe so, but I knew I was using my new NIL money to send them on a honeymoon. They never took any vacations, and they deserved it! I had a feeling that Skye and I could come up with some good ideas on where to send them. They lived in South Florida, and were getting married in the summer, so I didn't have to send them to the tropics. Maybe I'd just send them somewhere they could eat to their hearts' content and never have to lift a finger. A European foodie tour maybe?

               "I'm just glad you're getting married, you look so happy together," I told them.

               "Just like you!"

               "Yeah, just like us."

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