Chapter 31

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The next three weeks made me realize several very important things. First, our new basketball team was going to win a lot of games. Second, I'd made the right choice in moving in with Skye, because living with her was like living in my personal utopia. Third, I had fallen for Skye, and fallen hard. Every day it seemed like I was on the verge of saying those three magic words that would either make her weep with joy or kick me out of her apartment. And fourth, I really sucked at Ceramics.

The two online classes were fine. Our tutor, a guy named Lawrence who turned out to be really nice, got us caught up quickly. A lot of it was review for us thankfully, because Ceramics was time consuming. It didn't matter how smart you were, you still had to make your item fire it, glaze it, and all that good stuff. But at first I just had no artistic flair at all. I made a goblet that collapsed into a bowl. A bowl that collapsed into an ashtray. And a basketball that was deflated. But hey, I was getting better! The last one was a basketball hoop, and that one finally came out as I intended, and the teacher finally gave me some good feedback.

But damn, it was painful working on that.

But beyond school, life was fucking amazing.

"So next week the games start. Are you excited?" Skye asked as we snuggled in our panties and tank tops on the couch. She made a perfect little spoon for me.

"I am, yeah." We'd been working our asses off, and I was chomping at the bit to get out there and play. I mean, we could only practice so much before we wanted to go put the practice to use. "Everything feels solid in practice and in scrimmages, but I want to play some real games."

"And I get to wear your jersey?" My palms were under her tank top, flat on her belly, and I could feel her tense as I lightly ran my fingers over her. I'd been issued my favorite jersey number, 11, and already had requested a couple of spares so I could give one to Skye. I couldn't wait till I had the extras!

"You know you're wearing it. I want the whole damned world to know who you're screaming for." I leaned down, nuzzling her soft neck. She tilted her head, giving me more access to her neck with a satisfied sigh.

"If they came here at night, they'd know damned well who I'm screaming for."

"Then I guess I better get your jersey too, because you always make me scream your name too!"

Skye rolled over, facing me, and letting me pull her into my body while I captured her lips with a tender kiss. She threw her leg over my hip, and started to grind herself onto my thigh, and I knew that within minutes I'd have her sweet juices coating either my fingers or my tongue. Every night, we just couldn't keep our hands off each other.

"Oh!" She pulled back just as my hands were pulling up her shirt. "I forgot to ask, do we need to redo our Thanksgiving plans?"

She had a point. Originally, we were going to go to my grandparents' house when I was still playing for NC State. But UNC had a game on Thanksgiving Day, so we had to switch things up. "I can invite them up if you think we can host. It might be easier to go out to dinner after the game though, because everyone will be at the game instead of cooking."

"Have you talked to them about switching schools yet?" Skye asked softly.

"No. I need to do that though. If any of them were on Instagram they'd already know about the drama, but thankfully they never got online." I replied. "They know I switched, but they don't know why. My mom would come up here and kick Tegan's ass."

"That might be entertaining," Skye snickered. "I'd help her!"

"I think her life is already a mess, so I'm fine with her reaping what she sowed." Evidently her boyfriend Gabe quickly broke up with her when the video Skye captured started playing on ESPN, and that set off a series of chain reactions. Tegan's father was trying to avoid several human resource claims of sexual impropriety at the company he was the CFO at, and Gabe's mother was the prime witness. She had remained quiet, because of Gabe and Tegan's relationship, but that blew up and now it seemed like there were daily scandals from that investigation up in New York. I didn't feel bad at all about that.

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