Chapter 6

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"Reign! There are too many damned clubs! Which one do I pick?" Gee complained as she scrolled on her laptop.

I was doing my best to help her, looking through the list on my end too. "Well, you said you were a nerd before, do you want to do a math club or science club?" I cringed as I realized how much I was stereotyping her. "Or would you rather try something new that seems interesting?"

"New! I was always the nerd before, but no more. I have a cool roommate, and I'm going to make cool friends!"

I immediately got out of all the academic clubs, no more. "What about performing? Do you play any instruments? Drama? Improv? Singing?"

She looked over at me with wide eyes. Maybe she could sing? "I like improv! I went and saw a show a couple years ago and laughed my ass off! They have a club to do that?"

I looked over the description, and it sounded interesting. "Yeah. Looks like they teach you the basics, and a couple times a semester they put on little shows." Huh. Maybe I could do that, it could be fun! At the very least, it was only a couple hours a week, and that should be easy to fit into a schedule.

"Can we sign up?" Gee was almost bouncing in her bunk now.

"I'll send an email now, and we'll find out!" I clicked the link and filled out the form with both our names and numbers so we could get text alerts, and then sent it on its way. "Okay, email sent. Now we have to wait!"

"Fuck! That will be so fun! Have you ever seen it before?"

"I saw it on TV a few times, but never in person. Hopefully I don't make a fool of myself!"

"Nah! You're gonna be awesome! It'll be a bunch of fun!" Gee assured me.

And she was right. Over the next few weeks, we had a couple of meetings, which were really just learning the basics of improv and having fun playing silly games. It was nice. Class work had become a little more stressful, and I had the basketball team meeting coming up, so I was a bit anxious. Even Gee could tell that something was up, but I just played it off as being nervous about basketball.

The funny thing was, I wasn't nervous about playing the game at all. I know, it was a jump in competition, but I also knew I was damned good at the sport. I missed playing as a team, since I'd done nothing but shoot around since I'd been on campus, and I was excited more than nervous.

But Tegan was another matter. She could easily be dating someone now, or just not interested. That would hurt, but at least then I'd know and could go looking for someone new. It wasn't like we were in love, I knew it was just sex. But there was always a chance that it could turn into more, and we'd for sure be the tallest lesbian couple around!

School was going well too, and I was feeling a little proud. My grades were high, and while I did have a little help from Gee every once in a while, I hadn't needed to get any tutoring. The two girls on the other side of the bathroom, Rhona and Lacy, were both nice, though Rhona seemed to think her boyfriend should visit for sex a lot. Damn I wish they were quieter. Well, he was quieter. She sounded pretty hot, he just sounded like a wounded hog.

My mom and uncle Ray were doing well, and I was keeping up with my calls to them. My grandparents were excited to come up and see me play when they could, no doubt embarrassing me in the process. Things were going great! When the basketball meeting finally rolled around, I was in as good a shape as possible.

The meeting was on a Wednesday afternoon at 5pm, which worked for me as it was right after my last class. I'd picked all early classes just so I'd be able to go to practice afterwards, and I was glad I did. After practice, I'd be wiped out, and would still need to do homework. It was going to be a hectic season!

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