Chapter 9

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An hour later, I was driving back to the dorm while being as frustrated as possible. The upstairs of Tegan's place contained two bedrooms, one of which was closed as it was her roommates, and I didn't need a tour of that one. The other was hers and was gorgeous. Sleek black furniture, cream colored linens on a king sized bed, and another big TV mounted on the wall. There was another bathroom up there, though I never had a chance to check that out.

               No, we got upstairs, and her clothes went flying. Of course, it wasn't quite that simple, because her damned jeans were form fitting and I had to peel them off, but the rest was easy. Not to mention, getting the jeans off revealed a delightfully skimpy pair of black panties that I left on for the moment while I lay atop her in the bed, capturing her lips in a much more heated kiss than the gentle one downstairs.

               I started kissing my way down her torso as she gasped for breath. "Go slow, this is kind of freaking me out."

               I looked up at her, my mouth wide open and poised above her nipple. "Are you okay? Do you not want to do this? There isn't a rush, right?"

               "No, no! I just mean when we were back in Fort Lauderdale, it was like an escape. I knew we could do whatever we wanted because I couldn't be caught. Now that you're here, it is so much more real. I want to, but we have to be careful, okay?" she explained with worry in her eyes.

               I moved back up and just held her close. "Tegan, this doesn't have to happen. You know that, right? The last thing I want is for you to do something you're uncomfortable with."

               "I know, and I do want it, I really do! It's just a case of nerves I guess."

               "Want me to come back another time instead?" I asked, not sure if this was all too much and too soon.

               She reached up, grabbing my hair and looked me in the eyes. "No! No, you're gonna go put that tongue to use again!" She gave me a little tug, and I let her guide me down her body until I reached her now dampened panties. Yeah, I missed the boobs, but I knew I'd get back up to those. We had time!

When her moans started once I started kissing her through the panties, I knew she was getting more and more accepting of the situation. After a few minutes of my teasing, she gripped my hair and pulled me into her, my nose pushing into her opening through her panties. I'm not an expert on nonverbal communication, but I was pretty sure that was her telling me to get the damned panties off and get to work.

               So, I did.

               "Are you sure you want this Tegan?" I asked, while my fingers tangled themselves in the waistband of her panties.

               She nodded quickly, her face red with the exertion of her breathing. "Yes! Stop stalling!"

               I tugged on her underwear, and she lifted her hips to help. Once they were off her feet, I tossed them onto the floor, and then dove into her shaven core. "Damn, you look good Tegan!"

               "Shut up and fuck me with that tongue!" she grunted out as she gripped my hair once more.

               I hadn't been with anyone since Tegan back at Spring break, so this was like breaking a fast of sorts, and I was more than happy to dig into her soaking wet treat. My tongue moved swiftly, slipping within her, and lapping up her juices before I started sucking on her lips. I could hear her moaning and whimpering softly while her hips lifted, and her hands pulled me back down. It was almost like she was trying to do a reverse birth and pull me into her uterus or something. And when I latched onto her clit and started sucking, she started to howl.

               I chuckled in my throat while she started to thrash on the bed, her hips vibrating under me and her thighs bouncing on my shoulders. Maybe it had been a while for her too, because in minutes she was coming undone under my tongue and wailing at the ceiling fan whirling overhead.

               Damn, she must have really needed that! I took my time, kissing her thighs and listening to her trying to catch her breath before I started making my way up her body. I wanted those nipples! But it was not to be. I was just past her belly button, when her phone started buzzing, and she looked at it in alarm.

               "Fuck! My roommate is coming home! She isn't supposed to be here this early!" she yelped. "Get dressed!" she jumped out of bed and started throwing her clothes on while lighting some candles. Yeah, the room did smell a little bit of sex, but not much. Another couple of hours and it might have though!

               "Should I go?" I could stay and maybe say I was just a teammate visiting, right?

               "Yeah! Go! But come back on Tuesday, same time!" she directed while she tried to get her jeans back up.

               "Okay, I'll lock up when I leave," I replied, heading for the stairs. She didn't even look my way. She was just panicking while she struggled to keep getting dressed. I guess she really was terrified about anyone finding out. I could only hope that it didn't keep bothering her too much. Living a fake life is no fun.

               I slipped out the front door, getting the key from under the frog and locking up before returning it again. Getting back into my car, I made the drive back to the dorm while sitting in wet panties and with a throbbing core. The worst thing was that I wasn't going to take care of things in my room, because even when I was getting myself off, I tended to make a lot of noise, and poor Gee would be traumatized.

               I was stopped at a traffic light when I saw salvation for my heated pussy. A church. I know what you're thinking, Reign that's crazy! A church? But it was a Thursday night, and the church had a lot of trees and an empty parking lot. Just what I needed! As soon as the light turned green, I crossed the intersection, and calmly pulled into the lot, driving around back before parking with the back of the CRV facing the church in case they had cameras. The last thing I needed was some church security watching me playing with myself in their parking lot. Worst case I could say I spilled some take out and needed to clean up.

               That was my story, and I was sticking to it.

               Instead, as soon as I was parked, I shimmied my jeaned down over my hips, shifted my panties to the side, and plunged two fingers into myself. I sighed happily as I curled my fingers deep within myself while using my other hand to slip under my bra and tug on my nipples. One good thing about being so tall, my hands were big enough to palm a basketball. Yeah, I have long fingers and that always comes in handy at times like this.

               I could still taste Tegan on my lips, and it was easy to remember her calling out my name as she came. Hell, my head was still sore from the grip she had on me too, and with all that motivation it was easy for me to get lost in the moment. When I started pressing the palm of my hand down on my clit as I kept pumping myself, I knew I'd be quick. The windows of my car started to fog as I moaned aloud, and when I came, I was screaming, though even in a church it wasn't to God. Pretty sure it was gibberish, which was all my brain could handle at the time.

               When I was calm again, I readjusted my bra and panties, then pulled up my jeans. Feeling somewhat presentable, and with a much bigger smile, I left the parking lot and got back on the road. Damn, a good orgasm always made me feel so much better, and I needed that. Yeah, it would have been better with Tegan's fingers, but it sounded like I'd be back for another visit in a few days!

               I did hope it would be more than just sex though. Maybe some dinners and movies on her couch? I still knew next to nothing about her! Her roommate's schedule could be an issue though. Was the interruption going to be a constant thing? Ugh, there was no way to know, and I'd have to just wait and see. But she didn't say no. At a minimum it was a friends with benefits situation, and if she ever was able to come out then maybe a lot more. I could live with that.

               But at some point, we really did need more than sex.

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