Chapter 29

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"Do that again!" I gasped out as Skye hummed between my thighs. After her third orgasm, she forced me to switch because she was too tender, and I was happy to let her have her way with me. Currently, I was straddling her face, while she had her mouth working over my clit as her fingers pumped deep within me. I could feel her teeth grazing over my bud at the same time her tongue did magical things to it, and it made me shudder every time.

Her free hand roamed my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps wherever she touched me. She'd already brought me to one mind bending climax earlier as she sucked my nipples while her fingers delved within me, and I knew I'd be having my second shortly the way her mouth was moving. If I'd complained about Tegan's lack of oral skills, then I had to compliment Skye's ability, because that tongue had serious moves!

"Come for me babe!" she growled from down between my legs. "Let me taste those juices!"

It was like she flipped a switch within me, and my body convulsed in pleasure while my insides clenched. My eyes were screwed shut as I screamed in pleasure, and I could hear frantic slurping as Skye's mouth worked in overdrive to lap me up. "Oh, Fuck Skye! Fuck yes! Damnit Skye, that was fucking amazing!" I looked down at her, seeing her face coated with my juices while she happily hummed like one of the seven dwarves on their way to work. Maybe she was the eighth one, Licky. Or would it be Horny? I don't know, but damn was she wonderful!

I ended up sinking to the bed next to Skye before rolling her over and onto my chest. She happily rested there, her face still shiny and using my breasts as a pillow. I didn't want to read too much into amazing sex, but damn, that was the best I'd ever had by miles and miles. "I guess we've determined that we're physically compatible," I murmured, causing her to break out into giggles.

"Seriously? Physically compatible?" She couldn't stop laughing for a minute. "I guess that was one way to put it. Or you could just call it soul altering, stupendous, really fucking good, or anything else you like."

"I'd ask if you wanted another round, but I don't know that my body could take any more just yet." I was sore in all the right places at the moment, and it felt glorious.

"I like this." She threw her leg over me and held onto me tightly. "Cuddles are underrated, and you feel great against me. I'm going to ask for a lot of snuggles in the future, so I hope you like them."

"I've never had many, honestly." Most of my previous relationships didn't involve spending time together after sex, it was more of a sneaking kind of thing. Maybe a few times in high school I'd been able to spend a night with a girl, but it was rare. But Skye felt perfect in my arms, and I could see her spending many hours in them in the future. "But I like the idea of you right here like this. It sounds pretty perfect to me."

"I might not want you to go," she admitted.

"Do I need to? Do you have a roommate that is going to get upset at the noise we'll be making?"

"No roommate. The other bedroom is empty. Ben was staying there when my dad needed to see us together, but he lives with Christian now," she assured me.

"I still think it's funny that you had to marry him. Well, funny now, but if I had been dating you back then I would have been freaking out." Had her dad tried to take her away from me, I'd kick his ass!

"Well, it was his own fault. I guess he thought once we got married, we'd fall in love and stay together, because he thought we were together for so long. But the contract was cut and dried. Marry Ben and I get the bar, with no strings attached, I made sure of that. He shouldn't have tried that with a law student."

"You still want to sell it though?"

"Oh yeah. It takes up too much of my time. I'd love to sell it if I could. I don't even feel guilty, I wasn't going to let him dictate my life like he did my mom. Right now, he has no hold on me, so I can say that you're my girlfriend if I ever see him again."

"How often do you see him?"

She shrugged, her shoulder rubbing against my ribs. "Maybe once or twice a year, if that. Sometimes he'll come up for my birthday, but last year I just got phone calls on the holidays."

"I don't even know when your birthday is. I will have to make sure you have a good one if I'm going to keep my official girlfriend status." I kissed the top of her head, hearing her sigh happily, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my belly.

"February 13th. Hard to forget," she replied.

"I promise to never try to combine your birthday and Valentine's Day then." That would be like a Christmas birthday! No thanks!

"When is yours?" She turned her head to look up at me, and her lips grazed my collarbone. Damn, I might need another round, no matter how tired I am!

"Mine is March 1st. Nothing exciting there."

"But I'll still remember it!"

I thought about the future, and the thoughts of Skye in my arms every day seemed like it would be a wonderful part of it. "Skye, can I ask a stupid question?"

"You can ask me anything you like babe."

"How much would you charge for me to live in your second bedroom, so I don't have to live in a dorm? I'm not sure how long I can live on Leah's couch."

Her eyes widened as she broke into a smile, then rolled over until she was straddling me. "You would want to move in? Really?"

"It's a great place. You're only ten minutes from the UNC campus, and I love spending time with you, so yeah. But is it too soon? If I had my own room, would it make things seem less U-haul-ee?"

She thought about that while running her hands up and down my body. "I think if you lived here, you would be sleeping in here with me. That is just me being honest. But if you had your own room, then if we needed space, we could use it. I really love the idea of you being here with me though."

I felt a surge of excitement run through me as I thought about this being a part of my normal life now. "Is there furniture in there?"

She nodded quickly. "Yep. Just a twin bed and a bureau, but it should be enough since I'm never letting you leave my bed." She leaned down, tenderly capturing my lips with her. "I'm kidding. We can take it slow, and you can stay in there whenever you like. We can do dates and pretend we're not wanting to fuck each other every second."

I just snorted in laughter. "Right. I'm sure that will be easy to do! I do like the idea of living here though, I can't get enough of you. But I really do want to pay rent. I want to contribute."

"That's fine. It would make things easier until I can sell the bar. I don't want this to get weird, but this will work. I can tell. We're already too good together. I don't just mean in bed either."

"It will be different once I'm back in school and having practice. I'm going to miss being at the bar every night." I'd grown used to it, but I also really missed playing basketball. It was good that Skye and I had our own lives, so we could reconnect at home instead of being together all the time. So while we would be roommates, and most likely constant bedmates, we wouldn't be spending as much time as we were now. But we'd both love it.

"I'll probably still see you at practice every once in a while. I still visit the team to see Coach, so I'll see you when I swing by. You're going to love the team, they're a great group. And if I do sell the bar, then you wouldn't be there anyway."

"I still can't believe everything that has happened recently. I know you're sick of me saying thank you, but I really don't know if I can ever thank you enough."

She lay flat atop me, squishing our breasts between us with a soft sigh and then leaning in to kiss me. "You've changed mine for the better too, you know. This isn't all one way. Having you around makes me feel like I have a lot more to look forward to than endless studying and passing the bar. You give me a big jolt of excitement every time we're together. Everything seems brighter. I know, the whole lesbian move fast thing is something we're feeding into right now, but we've found a good baseline here. If we just live together, date, and spend time together we'll see how things go."

"And have a lot of sex," I added.

"Damn right!"

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