Chapter 23

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Wednesday was incredibly stressful. All I could do was wait at the bar with Skye, and hope that Tegan showed up. I was sitting in my customary seat at the end of the bar up against the wall, trying my best not to fidget while Skye did her best to reassure me. It was close to 5pm when Leah and Gee came walking quickly into the bar, and I waved them down. I stood up, pulling them both into a group hug as they raced over to me.

"Hey! Did Tegan take the bait?" I asked as soon as I could. I needed to know because my nerves were fried.

"Oh yeah she was freaking out!" Leah crowed with a laugh. "That bitch would have skipped the scrimmage and come here right away if she could have. I took the quickest shower in history to beat her here."

"Thank God! I need this settled!"

"Where is your hot lady?" Gee asked, looking around the nearly empty bar, with only Ben and Christian playing their customary game of pool.

"She's in the kitchen making up some food for you. I told her you'd be hungry after the scrimmage."

"Just what I need!" Leah said happily. "I'm ready to eat Gee!"

"Hey, I'm dessert!" Gee said while blushing and slapping Leah on the shoulder.

"Damn right you are!" Leah growled, pulling Gee into a hug. "And I love me some dessert!"

Gee just froze, staring at Leah with her mouth open. "You.... You love?"

Leah leaned in, kissing Gee and twirling her around. "Yes. I. Love. You." She said, leaning down and kissing her after each word.

Gee just started crying, jumping to kiss her back before trying to climb her like a tree to get up to her face. "I love you too!"

"They really are whipped for each other, huh?" said Skye, who had snuck out of the kitchen while the girls were into their smooching. I couldn't help but notice that she had two plates piled high with wings, and her loaded potato skins.

It didn't take long for Leah's nose to notice the smell of the chicken and she looked over with a smile. "Those look great!" she reached out her hand to shake Skye's as did Gee. "Great to meet you!" Skye quickly put the food down to shake their hands.

"Go eat. We can talk after we're done," Skye promised. "Go sit at one of the booths so we can keep this area free for the bitch."

"Okay! We'll wait!" Gee agreed, picking up the wings. "But nice to meet you!"

They retreated over to the booth, sitting so that they could keep an eye on the door. Skye brought the pair a pitcher of Coke to help wash down the food, then came back behind the bar. "Are you nervous?"

I nodded quickly. "Terrified. I want this all to be over," I whispered quietly. My palms were sweating worse than they ever had before a big game or a big date. I don't think I'd ever been this nervous before. I was about to tell her that I wanted a hug when Tegan walked in, followed by Tia and Jen. They took a look around, and then all whispered for a moment before Tegan walked over to me, sitting at the bar stool next to mine while Tia and Jen sat in the booth right next to Gee and Leah.

It made me think this was some sort of a mafia sit down to avert a war. It was way too tense!

"Tegan," I said as a greeting. It was better than punching her, right?

"I want the shoes, Reign," she stated plainly.

"Can I get you a drink?" Skye interjected to prevent me from saying something that wouldn't have helped, because I was ready to be snarky.

"Vodka rocks." Tegan said, not even looking at her.

"Can I see your ID?" Skye kept going.

Tegan gave her some side eye before fishing out an ID and passing it over. Skye tried to pick it up, then slid it to the edge of the bar and dropped it. "Oops!" She bent down, and then a second later slid it back onto the counter. "Coming right up." Skye walked back into the kitchen, though I had no idea why.

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