Chapter 5

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Gee was right, it was a big house rented by a bunch of students, mostly upperclassmen, and it looked like at least a few more on either side were also rented out. This wasn't a high end rich kid neighborhood or anything, it was just a lot of converted old houses specifically kept for renting out to students. And evidently party in.

               The party had spilled into multiple backyards, and drunk guys were running all over the place. It was a good party if you were looking for a drunk college boy, as they seemed to be everywhere, and outnumbered the women by quite a bit. I hated it. At least there could have been a few cute girls for me to check out, even if I wasn't going to go hooking up. But all the girls I saw already had a bunch of guys all over them, and it felt like they were the food at a buffet or something.

               "This party doesn't look good Gee," I murmured. "Who the hell invited you to this?" Unlike the parties at the sororities and frat houses the last few weeks where there were a lot of younger classmates looking to maybe pledge, these were much older kids, and in several cases guys that had to have graduated by now judging by their look.

               "John from my Econ class told me it was going to be awesome!" Gee replied without a care in the world. "I'm sure he's here somewhere."

               "We need to find better people to hang out with! I don't even know if these people go to our school!" I yelled to her over the music as we went to find the drinks. The kitchen had all of that, and she quickly grabbed one of the many red Solo cups prefilled with punch, while I grabbed a Coke from a trash can filled with ice water. I assumed they kept the coke for a mixer, as I saw many bottles of Jack Daniels and rum.

               "These people are great!" Gee crowed as she downed her punch before grabbing another. "Come on! Let's go party!"

               On the good side, as much as I didn't want to be with, Gee was fun to dance with, and we both bounced around having some fun for a bit. But before long I noticed that we were the only ones that were dancing, and that we had a circle of guys around us, watching us with hungry eyes. Yeah, that wasn't good. Gee was oblivious, having sucked down the spiked punch too fast for her tiny frame, and having glazed eyes while laughing along with me.

               I was glad I hadn't been drinking, and it made me wonder where all the other women were that I'd seen earlier. I tugged Gee's arm a little, trying to dance our way towards the front door. We made it closer, but soon we were right next to the ring of men that didn't seem like they were in the mood to move.

               I kept an eye on the front door. There were maybe six guys between me and it, and while I wasn't 100% sure what was happening, I didn't want to risk it at all. But my only goal right now was to get me and Gee out of there safely, and then call the cops. I just didn't think I could do all of that easily, since I planned on having to carry Gee based on her current state. That meant I needed that front door open, so I didn't have to stop and fuck around with a doorknob.

               I just didn't know if that would happen before the guys lost their patience. Fuck, I really hoped I was wrong about that they wanted! Luckily, I saw a guy grab his phone, and then open the door to go outside to hear his conversation over the pounding music. I didn't hesitate, bending down to pick Gee up over my left shoulder and power walking through the ring of guys. Gee yelped when I grabbed her, then broke into giggles, so I just hoped she didn't wiggle too much.

I moved so quickly that the men didn't even realize what I was doing until I was heading out the door and shouldering aside the guy with the phone who was standing on the front steps. "Hey!" called out a random guy from behind me. "You have to pay for the booze!"

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