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Hiya people! I hope everyone enjoys this story as I'm having a lot of fun writing it. As usual updates will be slow and irregular, but I do always try to finish a story so I aim to do the same for this one. My oc Lucy is three years old in this story, and it sets place around the time when Lizzie and Robbie are promoting their book Hattie Harmony. Hope you enjoy the first chapter!!

Tw: mentions of abuse and alcoholism


(Lucy's POV)

"Stupid girl!" Mommy yells, throwing a plate at me, which I just manage to dodge. "You should be able to clean up yourself without making a huge fucking mess of it!!"

"I sorry..." I whimper, flinching as she throws an empty can of some sort of bad smelling drink at me.

"Learn how to fucking speak properly!" She slurs, stumbling around the kitchen and crashing things around as she goes.

I don't know what is in those bottles and cans, but I do know that it always made mommy and daddy more angry than usual, and made them walk all funny.

I have never been to school, and no one has ever taught me how to say things properly, so I only know from watching bits of tv and hearing my parents speak around the house as they rarely took me out anywhere, so I struggled a lot with words, which makes mommy and daddy annoyed.

"Clean it up!" She yells, after knocking a load of things onto the floor. I quickly stumble over to the pile and start trying to pick all the things up and tidy them away, but I found it hard due to my hands being too small. "And after that go find a diaper so I can change you, you useless shitbag. You stink."

I nod my head, trying to clean up the mess as quickly as possible while holding back tears at the tone of mommy's voice. I always ask why I can't go to the toilet where mommy and daddy go to the toilet, but she says I'm too much of a 'stupid baby' to do that, and so I don't like to question it.


"I'm so done with this kid!!" Daddy yells from his place on the couch, as I sit quietly on the floor, minding my own business. "She's nothing but a waste of space, and money!!"

I stare silently at the ground, trying to stop myself from crying. Why don't they just love me like other mommy's and daddy's?

"Well, where do you want me to put her John?!" Mommy yells, making me jump at the sudden change of pitch. "I don't want her either, but what do you want me to do with her??"

"Fucking leave her on the side of the road!! I don't care!" Daddy yells, standing up from the couch and storming past me into the kitchen.

"In the car, brat." Mommy hisses, standing up and stumbling over to grab the car keys.

I quickly obey, not wanting to anger them further, so I grab my little pink blanket which I have had for as long as I can remember, and go out to the car. I try to open the car door with one hand, but I'm too short to reach, as it was really high up.

"Out of the way, Lucy!" My mommy snaps, pushing me aside harshly, opening the door, and practically throwing me into the back seat, making me hurt my arm on the door.

I know better than to complain, so I keep quiet as mommy roughly puts the weird strap over me, which cut into my neck uncomfortably and went across my face.

Mommy then started driving away from my house, and I clutch my blanket tightly to my chest in fear. "Where we goin?" I stutter, putting my thumb into my mouth for comfort.

"To get you out of our sights." She answers, keeping her eyes fixed on the road.

We drive for ages until finally, mommy stops the car on the side of a quiet street.

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