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I WROTE THIS WHOLE THING AND THEN ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT, so im rewriting this chapter at 1am cus why the hell not? Hope everyone is enjoying this book so farrrr!! Lots of love to anyone bothering to give it a read, I really do appreciate it! Also lemme know if you like the switches of povs of not, because personally I find it interesting to see things from different peoples perspectives, bit if its so confusing plz do tell me!!


(Lizzie's POV)

I wake up quite early, and the first thing I feel is a little body curled up to me. I look down and see Lucy sleeping peacefully with her thumb in her mouth, and her beloved blanket that I had washed, clutched tightly in one fist, while she lightly gripped Robbie's finger with the other.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. This was defiantly something I could get used too.

I wanted to leave Lucy sleeping for as long as possible after our little incident last night, so I decided to go downstairs and make a start on breakfast and hopefully contact my lawyer about any news on Lucy.

Not wanting to accidentally wake Lucy or my husband, I crawl carefully out of the bed and slip on my slippers, before padding down the stairs quietly and making my way into the kitchen to start cooking.

I had always found cooking to be a form or relaxation for me when I was stressed or worried, and right now I'm neither of which, but I still had an urge to make breakfast.

After seeing how little Lucy had eaten last night, I decided to just make her some oatmeal, as cooked breakfast may be a little too much for her obviously delicate stomach, probably due to the lack of food she was given by her parents.

We obviously needed to take Lucy to the police station to find out more about her and her parents, but I didn't want to do that just yet... Mine and Robbie's plan was too get her some essentials and then take her to the police station, as if for some reason she can't come back home with us, she will at least be warm and comfortable and have some toys to play with.

I was halfway through making breakfast when I hear Robbie's footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up from the pots and pans on the stove and see my husband carrying in a sleepy looking Lucy who was rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Good morning, Lu-Lu!" I greet, walking over and gently moving her tiny hands away from her eyes. "Don't do that baby, you'll make your eyes all itchy."

The toddler nods, instead putting her thumb in her mouth, which I allow as at least I knew her hands were clean.

"Sowwy about last nigh, Wizzie..." She mumbles quietly, looking at me shyly.

"Don't be sorry, honey." I immediately tell her. "Accidents happen and they are not your fault, okay?"

Lucy nods again, reaching out her arms towards me.

I quickly take her from Robbie's arms and give my husband a peck on the lips before heading back into the kitchen to finish our food.

"You hungry, sweetheart?" I ask, pouring the oatmeal with one hand into a small bowl.

Lucy just shrugs, not looking particularly interested in the food.

With Robbie's help, I manage to dish up all of the food with a toddler in one arm and then I sit down at the table, this time giving Lucy to Robbie for him to feed her.

She manages about half of her bowl before telling us she's done, so Robbie's lets her go watch some more cartoons while we finish eating.

"So, we are going shopping first right?" Robbie asks, finishing off the last of his waffle.

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