family of three

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Another new chapter! Hope you are all enjoying this book and if anyone has any suggestions for this story please dm me or leave a comment. I would love to hear them!


"I think we should take her to the doctors soon Robbie and check if she has any allergies or health issues. I also doubt that she's up to date on her vaccinations." I tell my husband as we clean up the kitchen while Lucy plays with her new toys in the living room, a kids cartoon playing in the background.

"I agree, we don't wanna accidentally give her something and then her have a major allergic reaction." Robbie nods, handing me a saucepan to put away. "She's also quite small and malnourished for her age."

Before I can reply I'm cut off by a small voice calling from next door.

"Wizzie! Obbie!"

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I quickly ask back, making my way into the living room with Robbie close behind me.

Once Lucy sees us she gets up and toddles over, pulling down on the end of my shirt and babbling something I couldn't understand.

"What was that, bubba?" I ask, kneeling down to her level.

"Wizzie come..." She mumbles, taking my finger in her tiny fists and pulling me towards the kitchen.

"I'm coming, darling." I tell her, letting the toddler pull me to the kitchen, wanting to find out what it was she wanted to tell me.

Lucy pulls me towards the fridge and points to it. "Thirty."

"You're thirsty sweetheart?" I ask, and Lucy nods. "Okay hunny, hold on." I quickly go into the cupboard and get out one of her new sippy cups, filling it up with water and holding it out for Lucy to take. "There you go hun."

"Nuh uh..." She shakes her head, not making a move to take the sippy cup.

I frown in confusion, looking towards Robbie for help, who just shrugs, looking as equally confused. "I thought you were thirty, honey?"

Lucy whines in frustration, clearly struggling how to verbalise to me what she wants. "No water!"

"You don't want water?" I clarify, and she nods. "Well do you want some juice?"

"No jooce!" She shakes her head again. "Milky!"

"Oh, you want some milk honey?"

Lucy nods, cutely sucking on her pacifier. "Milkyyy!"

Beofre I can even get another cup out, Robbie is already in the fridge, getting out a carton of milk. "We don't have any formula, so this will have to do."

"We can get some tomorrow, do we have a bottle?" I ask, picking up Lucy who was now watching Robbie intently.

"Yeah I grabbed one when we went shopping." Robbie tells me, taking a bottle out from the cupboard and filling it up with milk.

"Milkyyyy!" Lucy smiles, making grabby hands at the bottle.

"Robbie just needs to warm it up first, sweetheart." I tell her, bouncing her gently as Robbie quickly fills a bowl with warm water and puts the bottle into it so the milk can heat up.

"Warm now?" She asks, staring at the bottle of milk.

"Give it a second, pumpkin." Robbie comes over and kisses Lucy's head as we both entertain her while her bottle warms up.

After about 5 minutes of this, Robbie go and picks up the bottle, testing the temperature on his wrist. "This feels okay to me!" He shakes the bottle before popping off the cap and holding the bottle in front of Lucy. "Do you want Lizzie to feed you pumpkin? Or do you wanna do it yourself?"

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