new experiences

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Another chapter up!! Tysm for all the love on this story! It means so much to me! Also it's my bday tomorrow and I'm gonna be 16. So crazy to think I've been writing for nearly 4 years now!


(Lizzie's POV)

I got a notification on my phone that all of Lucy's stuff for her room was arriving at 9am today, so I needed to get her out of the house so Robbie could set everything up. As well as stuff for her room we also ordered things like kid cutlery, as she struggles to lift the heavy ivory knife's and forks, a highchair, a stroller and lots of other things that you need when you have a three year old.

I naturally wake up early most days, so today I woke up a bit past 6, and so decided to head out and do some gardening while Robbie and Lucy were still fast asleep.

I must have been looking after my plants for longer than I thought as after what feels like only 10 minutes, I hear the patio door slide open and turn to see Robbie coming outside, carrying Lucy who had clearly just woken up.

"Hello my darlings." I greet, standing up from where I was kneeling and going over to greet my husband and daughter. It's still crazy to me that I now have a daughter. "Sorry, I must have lost track of time."

Robbie chuckles. "Were you having another gardening frenzy?" He jokes, softly rubbing Lucy's back as she lays her head on his shoulder, trying to wake up.

"Stop calling it that!" I protest, putting my gardening tools down as Lucy finally lifts her head of Robbie's shoulder to take in her new surroundings.

"Pwetty flower!" She gasps, wriggling to be put down as she spots some pink flowers that I planted last year in a nearby border.

As soon as Robbie puts her down she waddles over and crouches like she was going to sit down, but her bum doesn't touch the floor.

"Yeah baby! Those are called tulips." I tell her, keeping an eye out so she doesn't suddenly try to grab them out from the ground.

"Toolip." Lucy repeats adorably, gently reaching out her hand to stroke the petals. "Pink wike dis!" She points excitedly to her pink pyjama top.

"That's right princess!" Robbie praises her, making the toddler squeal happily and clap her hands.

"You ready to go and get some breakfast before we go to the park, Lucy Lu?" I ask, walking over and picking the small girl up from the pathway before she hurt her feet, as she was currently barefoot.

"Milky?" She asks, playing with the necklace I have on.

"You want a bottle before breakfast, sweetheart?"

Lucy nods, smiling around her pacifier. "Milkyyyyy!"

"We can do that, bubba." I chuckle, scrunching my nose up and kissing her forehead as I follow Robbie inside.

"I'm making a smoothie bowl for my breakfast Robbie, do you want one?" I ask my husband as he closes the patio door so Lucy didn't decide to go wondering.

"Sure babe, I'll fix up a bottle for Luce." He follows me towards the kitchen area and starts pouring some milk into a bottle to warm up. "I also ordered some milk formula by the way, it should be arriving later with the other stuff."

"Perfect." I smile, holding Lucy on my hip with one hand while I start cutting up some fruit with the other, swapping her pacifier for a bit of strawberry which she happily starts chewing on.

As I'm cutting fruit and Lucy has finished her strawberry I noticed her snuggling right into my breast and placing her hand on it protectively as I tip all of my fruit into the blender.

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