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Heyyyy, hope you all enjoy this update! Sorry it took so long but I've just had no motivation so deal with it and take this semi-long chapter as your one and only apology

Tw: small mentions of abuse, breastfeeding (although I'm gonna stop putting this as from now on it will be in a lot of chapters, don't like, don't read)


(Lizzie's POV)

It's been a few days now since we took Lucy to the doctors, and she has definitely started to settle in more. All her bruises were healing really well as me and Robbie had been putting ointment on them morning and night, and she was becoming a lot less shy.

Lucy had also started calling us 'mama' and 'dada' after the whole fiasco at the doctors, which melted mine and Robbie's hearts every time she said it. The adoption papers are still being finalised, but as far as we are concerned, Lu is our daughter.

My parents have been begging to meet her, so we have invited them to come over for dinner later so then can meet their new grandchild.

I still hadn't talked to Luce about breastfeeding since the trip to the doctors, but I had been taking the pills and yesterday Robbie had pointed out to me that I was leaking, so today I was going to see if Lucy was ready to nurse.

"Mama!" I hear a small voice call, running into the living room where I was working on my laptop. "Milkies?"

Now seems like the perfect chance. "Sure baby, can you come here a second?" I close the lid of my laptop and open my arms for Lucy, lifting her small frame up onto my lap. She was still so tiny... "I thought we could maybe try having your milkies differently today."

She tilts her head adorably at me. "Different?"

I smile gently at her. "How would you like to have milkies from here?" I point to my covered breast.

Lucy looks at it and then looks back up and me and nods slightly hesitantly but with a wide grin on her adorable little face.

I can't help but smile back at her expression, god she's so precious...

Before Lu gets too impatient, I lift up my top enough so she could reach, and I unclip my bra and take it off, as I hadn't yet brought any nursing bra's as I wasn't sure if Lucy would like my milk or not.

I slowly cradle Lucy in my arms and let her figure it out for herself, as I didn't want to interfere too much.

Without much struggle or hesitation Lucy latches on to my breast and I hear small suckles from her as she drinks my milk.

It was definitely a weird feeling but not unpleasant. In fact it made me feel closer to my daughter. I guess I understand why most mothers enjoy breastfeeding their children.

As Lucy drinks, she looks up at me with her big green eyes, and I can't help but smile back at her adorable little face.

As it was my first time feeding, I didn't have much milk, so after 10 minutes I had to switch sides, and then after only another 10 I had none left, so Lucy pulled away.

"How was that, baby girl?" I ask, putting my bra back on and fixing my top.

"Yummy!" Lucy giggles.

I smile at her reaction, thankful that she liked my milk.

"I'm glad honey! Do you wanna do that more often instead of having your baba?" I tuck a stray bit of blonde hair behind Luce's ear.

"Yah!" She smiles widely and flops onto my chest. "What we do today, mama?"

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