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Heya!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter and sorry it took so long but I have been very busy with life and GCSE's so haven't had much time or motivation to write

Tw: mentions of abuse, descriptions of needles and breastfeeding (as some of ya'll are weird about that even though it's very normal)


(Lizzie's POV)

Lucy has been with us for a few days now, and adopting her was defiantly one of the best decisions of my life. It feels like a part of me that has always been missing has slotted into place and I couldn't be happier to have such an adorable little girl to call my own.

Today me and Robbie have decided to take Luce to the doctor, as she was clearly very malnourished and when she came she was covered in bruises from her biological parents, who the police were yet to find as they had apparently fled the country into Mexico.

It's also highly doubtful that she has had all the vaccinations she needs in order to not catch any nasty virus's, so they would need to get done over a period of time too.

"Wizzie we go park?" Lucy asks me, toddling into the kitchen wearing just her diaper for some reason.

"Maybe not today sweetheart, and where are your jimmy jams?!" I question, looking around for any sign of her pyjamas that she was defiantly wearing 10 minutes ago.

"Dey go bye-bye." Lu shrugs, shyly walking over to me with a baby doll in her hands and stuffing it under my shirt. "Wizzie have baba now!"

"But I already have a baba!" I exclaim, picking up the small blonde and kissing her bare belly, causing Lucy to squeal with laughter. "This is my baba!"

"I Wizzie's baba!" She giggles, grabbing at the fabric of my t shirt which lay over my breast.

"Yes you are my darling." I smile, kissing her little forehead. "We are taking you to the doctors today so they can make sure you're nice and healthy! Does that sound okay?"

Lucy thinks for a moment before hesitantly nodding. "Wizzie and Obbie come?"

"Me and Robbie are gonna stay with you the wholeeee time, Lu-Lu." I confirm, finally spying her discard pyjamas in the corner of the living room.

"Robbie!" I call to my husband who had just walked in from his run. "Could you pick up Lucy's pyjamas and throw them into the wash while I get her ready?"

"Sure, darling." He immediately nods, walking over and picking up the Disney princess pyjamas to throw them into the washing machine.

As Robbie is doing that, I take Lucy up to her room and lay her on the changing table, handing her Lee-Lee to play with, so I could easily change her diaper and put some clothes on her, ready to go to the doctors.

"There we goooo!" I smile, lifting Lucy down and placing her on the floor, now dressed in some little jeans and a pink t shirt.

She turns and reaches a hand up to me, making an opening and closing action with her fingers, meaning she wanted her pacifier, so I hand it to her.

"Doctor owies?" Luce asks, looking up at me slightly nervously while hugging her elephant close to her chest.

"No baby, they're gonna help us make sure you're all better!" I assure her, wanting this to be a positive first experience rather than a negative one.

"Otay, I be good." She nods, making me smile.

"I know you will, Lucy Lu."


We are currently on our way to the doctors and it's safe to say I'm a little nervous for Lucy's sake as she was going to be checked over, weighed, health checked and have two vaccines, which I don't think she will appreciate very much, but it's for the best that she has them.

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