finding some answers

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Anddddd here's the next chapter! Thank you so much for all the views and comments on this story, I really do appreciate it a lot! Hope you enjoy this chapter and a little heads up, it is quite long lmao!!


(Lucy's POV)

I felt the safest I've ever felt in Lizzie's arms as she and Robbie walk back to their home where they said it would be warm and they could get me something to eat.

My mommy and daddy didn't feed me a lot as they said I should be able to make my own food, but the cupboards are too high and I don't know how to make food, so I just used to make do with little things I could grab every now and then.

I don't know why I felt so safe with Lizzie and Robbie. Maybe it's because they speak with a gentle tone to me, or maybe because when Lizzie picked me up it wasn't harsh and rough, but rather soft and gentle, which made me feel more safe.

Lizzie and Robbie both eventually turn and walk up a big driveway with a huge house at the end of it. The house is much much bigger and more pretty than mommy and daddy's!!

"Pwetty..." I mumble quietly, pointing at the house, not knowing if I was allowed to speak or not.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Lizzie smiles, as Robbie uses a key to unlock the front door and he also types some numbers into a little box next to the door.

"So this is our houseeee." Robbie tells me, as they walk in, kicking off their shoes.

I look around the house in awe. Everything was so nice and clean!

"Wuv it!" I exclaim, before quickly slapping my hand over my mouth, making Lizzie and Robbie look at me in confusion.

"What's wrong, honey?" Lizzie asks, bouncing me slightly in her arms.

"I sowwy I yell..." I whimper, hiding my face in Lizzie's shoulder. "I no do it gain, pwease no hit!!"

"Woah sweetheart, no ones gonna hit you for talking or raising your voice. Or anything for that matter. I promise, me and Robbie will never EVER hit or hurt you, alright?" Lizzie tells me gently, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"Weally?" I ask in shock. maybe not all mommy's and daddy's were mean...

"We promise, pumpkin." Robbie tells me, slowly placing a soft hand on the back of my head.

Lizzie and Robbie's touches weren't like mommy's and daddy's. Theirs were mean, and they hurt me, but Lizzie's and Robbie's were nice and soft.

"How about we go and get you cleaned up, Lucy?" Lizzie offers.

I nod, knowing most questions weren't really questions, and being clean sounded nice anyways.

"Do you want me to make a start on dinner?" Robbie asks, starting to walk into where I could see the kitchen was.

"Yeah, that would be great. Lucy, what do you like to eat baby?" She addresses Robbie, before turning to face me.

I shrug and hide my face in her shoulder. "I nu no..." I whisper, not knowing the names of any of the things I usually eat.

"How about I make some pasta?" Robbie asks, pulling out different things from the kitchen cupboards. "You alright with that, Lucy? You don't have any allergies do you?"

I nod, before shaking my head at the last bit. I don't really know what an allergy is...

"You make a start on that and I'll go and get this one all clean." Lizzie smiles at me, walking up some wooden stairs and carrying me into a bathroom where she sets me down on the floor, carefully.

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