finally ours

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Heyyyy! Hope you all enjoy this update! And I don't know how adoption process's work. Yes they take longer than this but who cares about the law? Not me. Enjoy!!


(Lizzie's POV)

While Lucy is having her nap, Robbie and I both make ourselves a salad for lunch, and he pre makes a cheese sandwich for Lu when she wakes up.

"Do you think they will let us keep her?" I ask my husband nervously, slowly picking at the last of my salad leaves.

"I hope so..." Robbie sighs, putting a comforting hand on my own. "You have a good lawyer Liz, I'm sure Hayley can sort it all out."

I nod, pulling my hand away and getting up to go and wash out my bowl.

Me and Robbie talk about the adoption for a bit, before our conversation is interrupted by a small voice coming from up the stairs.

"Wizzie... Obbie..."

"Coming sweetheart!" I quickly call, walking over to the bottom of the stairs where I can see a still sleepy looking Lucy standing at the top, clutching her blanket and her elephant tightly to her chest as she attempts to place a foot down onto the next step. "No no let's not do that, bubs!" I quickly tell the toddler, jogging up the wooden steps and picking her up before she injured herself. We would definitely need to get a baby gate installed.

"Wizzie..." She mumbles quietly, pressing her head into my shoulder, accidentally dropping Lee-Lee as she does so, making the small girl whimper.

"Uh ohhhh." I exclaim, quickly bending down and picking up the dropped stuffed toy, handing it back to Lucy before she had a meltdown.

Lucy sniffles a bit and hugs the elephant tightly. "Tank ou..."

"Of course, darling." I smile, kissing her messy bed hair and then carrying her towards the kitchen. "You want some lunch Luce?"

Lucy nods shyly, so I go over to the counter where her cheese sandwich was waiting, already cut up with the crusts off.

She was clearly still sleepy from her nap as she was quieter than usual and kept trying to rub her eyes.

"No rubbing eyes, sweetheart." I remind her again as I sit Lucy down in the new high chair we had gotten her.

"Tall!" Lucy cheers, giggling as she whacks her palms on the white tray.

"Yeah baby you're so tall!" I smile, putting the cheese sandwich on her tray and removing her pacifier from her mouth which earned me a whimper. "You can have it back after you've eaten your yummy sandwich, bubba." I promise the toddler, placing her paci onto the clean counter.

As Lucy tucks into her cheese sandwich, Robbie walks into the kitchen, his phone in hand. "That was Hayley. She thinks she's got it sorted but we need to head down to the station ASAP."

I nod, biting my lip anxiously as I glance over at Lucy. "I hope this all works out the way we want it too..."

"It will babe. I promise." Robbie assures me, kissing me gently.

"Ucky!!" Lucy shrieks, making me and Robbie both pull away from one another with a chuckle.

"What's yucky pumpkinnn?" Robbie questions teasingly, walking over and picking Lucy up out of the high chair as she had finished most of her sandwich.

"Kissy!" Lucy giggles, putting her hands on Robbie's bearded cheeks.

"Oh you don't like kissy?" I question with a smile, walking over to Robbie and Lucy, the later who was grinning cheekily.

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