summer loving had me a blast

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heya, long time to see bitches. to catch you up on my life I have been very busy with college and that's left with limited hours in the day to write so I apologise for no new chapters. But anyways I hope you all enjoy this lil update even tho it's crappy and sappy and I don't like it


(Lizzie's POV)

For the past week and a half Lucy has been settling into her new home with myself and Robbie, and I honestly couldn't be happier.

She's started to become a lot more open with us and her bruises and cuts have started to heal really well, just leaving some small scarring which I hope for her sake will disappear with time and attention.

As I'm lost in my thoughts while lying in bed next to my still sleeping husband, I hear my name being softly called over the baby monitor which was sat on my bedside table.

"I'm coming, sweetheart." I quickly tell her through monitor, before swiftly getting out of bed and making my way to Lucy's room which was just across from mine and Robbie's. As soon as I push Lu's half opened door open, I see her lying on her little bed with her feet in her hands.

I smile at her adorableness, and walk over to the little angel who was still half asleep. "Good morning, Lucy Lu." I greet softly as her attention turns to me and her face morphs into a smile.

"Mama..." She drops her feet and reaches her arms up to be carried.

Without hesitation I comply with her requests and pick my sweet toddler out from her bed and hold her close to me. "How did you sleep, sweetheart?" I ask as I lay Luce down on the changing table, handing her Lee-Lee to keep her occupied, as well as her baby blanket which she kept whining for.

"Good, I had dweam wif mama and dada!" She smiles, starting to suckle on her blanket, so I quickly switch it out with a clean pacifier.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasp in an over-exaggerated way as I quickly take off her dirty diaper and replace it with a clean one. "And what was your dream about, bubba?"

Lucy then proceeds to go on a long ramble about her dream in 'baby language', so I just occasionally nodded my head as I focussed on getting her dressed into her new swimming costume while she was occupying herself, as I planned for us to go into the pool due to the extreme LA heatwave that we are currently in. "All done then, bubs." I smile, picking her up and holding her on my hip.

"What we do today, mama?" My toddler asks as I make my way downstairs after wrestling with both baby gates.

"Well, it's a pretty hot day so I thought we should go for a little swim in the pool, does that sound fun?" I ask her, walking into the kitchen so we could have some breakfast while Robbie was out for his morning run.

"Yah! Go swimmin!" She cheers, wriggling around excitedly as I attempt to sit her down into her high chair.

"Not until we've gotten something in your belly though, missy!" I tease, gently poking her stomach as I finally clip her into her chair and then go and pour her a bowl of lucky charms without the milk, as that was a disaster waiting to happen.

"Dada go swim wif us?" Lucy questions while using her hands to shove the dry cereal into her mouth, looking over at me as I make myself a yoghurt bowl.

I nod, chopping up some strawberries. "I'm sure he would love to when he comes back from his run, sweetheart."

As if he heard his name being mentioned the front door open and my husband walks in, kicking off his trainers.

"Good run?" I question as he walks into the kitchen and kisses me softly on the cheek.

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