first night

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Sup peeps, it's time for another chapter and tbh I'm on a bit of a roll which probs won't last long but hey ho!! Enjoyyy!!

Tw: mentions of abuse


(Lizzie's POV)

After we'd eaten our food and Lucy had eaten about half of her already smaller portion, I offer to clear up after dinner while Robbie looks after Lucy for a bit.

Me and Robbie talked while Lucy was in the living room, and I told him about what she had told me in the bath and the bruises I had found on her body. Me and Robbie both agreed that in the morning we will take her shopping and then take her to the police station, because right now we've technically kidnapped her.

We also both decided that if possible, we would love to foster or adopt Lucy as we both already feel such a strong connection to her, and I don't think I could deal with letting her go halfway across the country to another random family.

I don't know much about the legalities of adoption, but I've contacted my lawyer and she said she will try and get it sorted as quickly as possible so Lucy doesn't have to be put into the system.

After tidying up, I walk into the living room to see Lucy jumping off the coach, and Robbie catching her, making the toddler giggle madly.

"Anddddd.. Jump!!" Robbie tells Lucy playfully, and she jumps from the couch safely into my husbands arms.

I watch silently from the doorway and smile. This is what I wanted my family to look like. Me and Robbie had been talking about either having or adopting a kid recently so Lucy came to us at the perfect time, and she already feels like a missing piece come into place.

"Wizzie! Obbie catch me!" Lucy cheers, looking the happiest I've seen her all evening. She's defiantly already starting to come out of her shell.

"I saw!" I reply, matching her excitement, and tightening the tie that was keeping my shorts up on her at the back as she toddles over to me.

I pick her up slowly to let her know what I'm doing and as soon as I do she rests her head on my shoulder tiredly.

"You getting sleepy, sweetheart?" I ask, softly rubbing my hand up and down her tiny back.

I feel Lucy nod into my shoulder, curling up to me as close as possible.

"Babe, can you grab some ointment for her bruises?" I ask my husband, grabbing my phone from where I was charging it.

"On it." He calls behind him as he jogs into the kitchen where the first aid kit was. I get bruises all the time from doing stunts and just filming in general, so we always have bruise ointment in the house.

I carry Lucy upstairs and go back into the bathroom, putting the sleepy toddler back onto the toilet. This time she goes go, so I praise her and then carry her into the guest room, which was just opposite mine and Robbie's room.

"Okay hun, me and Robbie are just across the hall. If you need us in the night for any reason, please come and wake one of us." I tell Lucy gently, as I tuck her into the big double bed, putting pillows around her so she didn't roll off in the night and hurt herself.

Lucy nods tiredly, closing her eyes and almost immediately falling asleep. It's been a long day for her...

Before she goes to sleep I quickly lather some bruise ointment over all of her bruised areas, which she didn't stir at.

I quietly stand up off the bed and make sure she's comfortable before leaving the room and leaving the door a bit open so she could come and find us if she needed too.


(Lucy's POV)

I wake up with a gasp in a dark room, feeling a bit confused before I remember that I'm in Lizzie and Robbie's house.

I try to control my tears, as I had woken up from a nightmare about my parents and it really scared me. I also felt dampness where I was sitting, so push the covers back and see a wet patch underneath me.

Oh no! Lizzie and Robbie are gonna be really mad at me!

My tears start to flow down my cheeks as I move away from the damp patch on the bed and sit next to it, thinking about how to clean it up without Lizzie and Robbie finding out.

I must have been crying louder than I thought, because before I can try to clean up my mess, I hear someone rush into my room.

"Lucy sweetheart, what's wrong?!" Lizzie asks hurriedly, rushing over to where I was now fully sobbing on the bed.

She moves to give me a hug, but I quickly scramble away from her, nearly falling off the edge of the bed. "I'm sowwy! I'm sowwy! I'm weally sowwy!!" I repeat over and over again, curling up into a ball to prepare for the beating that was no doubt about to come.

"What are you sorry for, bubs?" Lizzie asks in confusion, keeping her distance from me. She may not look mad yet, but I know that good moods defiantly don't last with adults.

"I messed up da bed! I sorry!!" I sob, my body shaking madly.

I hear the comforter move and Lizzie let out a small sigh. Oh no she's mad!!

"Lucy honey can you look at me?" She asks.

Her voice was still it's normal gentle tone, but that didn't mean she wasn't angry at me... I slowly raise my head to meet her soft green eyes that looked a lot like mine, and saw nothing but love and understanding in them.

"Baby, I'm not mad at you. It's okay, everyone has accidents. It's my fault for not going to get you a diaper so I'm the one in the wrong here." Lizzie tells me, slowly reaching forward and pushing a bit of hair behind my ear.

I know she doesn't seem mad, but I'm still scared that she's just hiding her anger from me...

Lizzie slowly opens her arms. "Come here, Lu-Lu..."

Not wanting to disobey her, I crawl across the bed and go into her arms cautiously.

Lizzie doesn't hesitate to wrap her gentle arms around me and hold me close. "It's okay hun.. It's okay... I'm not mad I promise."

I feel safe in Lizzie's arms as she holds me. I feel safe from my Mommy and Daddy, and safe from everyone else.

We stay cuddling on the bed for a bit, before I feel Lizzie carefully pick me up and take me back into the bathroom.

"I just need to run you a little bath to get you cleaned up, baby." She explains calmly, running a shallow bit of water in the tub that would probably only go up to my waist. She takes off my dirty  shorts and top, putting me in the water and telling me to stay here for two seconds.

She goes out with the dirty clothes and I hear her ask Robbie to strip the bed, and then she comes back a few seconds later with a clean top and my shorts which I was wearing when Lizzie and Robbie found me, but they were now all clean.

Lizzie carefully washes me and then puts me in my shorts and another top that I'm assuming is hers.

"All cwean..." I mumble as Lizzie carries me into hers and Robbie's room this time.

"That's right sweetheart, all cleannn." Lizzie smiles, laying down onto the big bed and laying me next to her.

I snuggle into Lizzie as she gently rubs my back and pulls the warm comforter over us.

A few minutes later, Robbie comes back in and gets into bed next to me so I was in the middle of them both.

I reach out my hand sleepily and grip onto his finger tightly, as his hand was too big for me to hold.

"Night night Lu-Lu, sleep well." Lizzie whispers as I close my eyes, sighing happily.

"Goodnight, pumpkin." Robbie mutters, and I feel him kiss my hand gently just before I drift off back to sleep, feeling safe.

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