out we go

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Sup. Yes I disappeared for months, what u gonna do huh? I was busy okay, college is hard and there is alcohol that needs to be consumed. Here's a long awaited chapter tho as I feel a tad bad. Sorry it's boring and a little bit shit


Lizzie's POV:

Taking Lucy out into the public eye has been something that both Robbie and I have been putting off slightly, especially since the paps have been a lot more active recently around our area.

I hadn't yet announced Lu publicly and if I had the choice then I wouldn't do it at all, however I would rather that option than being stalked by men with camera's and having her face leaked all over the internet.

I don't have social media anymore, and although Robbie does have his account and the Hattie account, it felt weird to post personal stuff about Lucy on there and it makes me uncomfortable that people would be able to leave their opinions on the matter in the comments.

So for now we are just trying to lay low until I start doing press for Love and Death and then hopefully I can just try to casually announce it on a talk show and not cause too much of a stir. I hope.

"We go sops?"

I blink out of my thoughts when I hear my adorable toddler's voice trying to get my attention. Although Robbie and I had bought Lucy some things when we first found her, she was in desperate need of more clothes, shoes, toys and god knows what else, so a shopping trip was defiantly needed and we both wanted her to feel included, which meant her going out with us in public.

"Yes baby, we are going shopping in a little bit. You just need to have a little snacky first." I softly tell her, standing up and walking into the kitchen to fetch her a yoghurt pouch from the fridge, which she absolutely loves.

"Gogurt..." Lu grins once she sees me pull the colourful pouch from the fridge door, and makes little grabby hands for it.

I hold the yoghurt pouch slightly out of her reach. "Can you say please for mama?" I ask her gently, wanting her to start learning good manners from an early age.

"Peaseeee!" She whines cutely, her little lisp prominent.

I chuckle and immediately hand her the snack, which I had already opened. "Good girl, there you go. Mama is just going to go and get dada, and then we are gonna go to the shops, alright baby?"

We have found that it's really important to explain clearly and carefully to Lu what we are doing before it happens, as due to her horrible start to the world she gets very nervous when doing new things, especially if they are unannounced and she has no time to prepare for them.

"Otay mama." She gives me a cute smile before scurrying away while suckling on her snack as I chuckle at her adorableness.


"Lucy no wan go in the stroller!"

I sigh, failing once again to try and get my toddler into the stroller so we can go out into the store without the fear of her running into oncoming traffic in the parking lot.

She had also recently started referring to herself in the third person, which according to my book on 'Being a Toddler Mom' is a phase that a lot of young kids go through when they start to discover different tenses.

"Yes, Lucy does need to go in the stroller because you only have little legs and they'll get tired, sweetheart." I try to gently coax her into the seat as Robbie gets a nearby cart and basket for us to use.

"Wan go in cart!" She points to the cart that Robbie had just walked over with.

I sigh quietly. "Normally you could Lu-Lu, but today we need lots of stuff for you so the cart is going to get to full and we don't want you getting all squashed do we?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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