14. Night well spent

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"I noticed that you have a small appetite," gumam Seoul di tengah-tengah agenda makan malam terlalu cepat bersama London.

London yang sibuk mengunyah kimchi segar buatan Seoul hanya menunjukkan senyum kecil atas komentar perempuan di hadapannya.

"Di London pun lo setiap makan cuma sedikit, kan? Even less than today."

London mengangguk setuju atas komentar Seoul. "You're right."

"People said I'm a picky eater, but I'd rather say I have an exclusive preference."

Seoul terkekeh mendengar jawaban London yang terdengar serius dan tanpa nada menyombong sama sekali.

"But you eat well right now, still a small portion tapi seingat gue jauh lebih baik dibanding saat di London."

"I said I have an exclusive preference for food," gumam London. "Yours taste good, definitely feels like coming back home."

"Call me sok tahu or what, tapi gue merasa lo rindu rumah."

Seoul tersenyum. "I called Appa for the recipe, jadi mungkin lo benar, gue lumayan rindu rumah."

"Why don't you just go back to your home?"

Alis Seoul mengerut mendengar pertanyaan London. "I'm Korean-Indonesian, Sir. Here is also my home."

"Gue menghabiskan waktu selama 28 tahun di Korea Selatan dan sekarang saatnya gue menghabiskan waktu di Indonesia. I wanna love both equally."

"You can't love something equally," gumam London.

"You might love more than one thing at the same time, but not equally. Manusia pasti punya porsi berbeda untuk rasa cintanya, sadar atau nggak," lanjut London panjang lebar.

"But parents can," gumam Seoul.

"Who taught you so?"

"I... don't know," jawab Seoul yang tiba-tiba merasa ragu atas ucapannya.

"Parents might love all their children, but definitely not equally," ujar London santai.

"They might try to love each of their children equally, just like how you try to love Korea and Indonesia. Tapi realitanya kadang gak seperti itu."

"Well, since I'm just an only child, gue gak bisa ngasih perspektif lain sih," ucap Seoul.

"Me too. Gue mungkin punya 10 saudara tiri, tapi kami gak pernah tinggal bersama. It's just my opinion."

"Then let's pretend that you're an only child too," ucap Seoul sambil menyengir.

London tersenyum kecil. "Kenapa?"

I Left My Soul in LondonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang